Be a "ride or die chick"

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
"Dixie" (Union Version) - Union Civil War Song
Video: "Dixie" (Union Version) - Union Civil War Song


A "ride or die chick" is a term popularized by hip-hop culture, although it can have several meanings. It usually means a girl or woman who stays with her partner through thick and thin, even if it poses a danger to herself. A "ride or die chick" is loyal to her partner at all costs.

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Method 1 of 3: Adopt the attitude of a "ride or die chick"

  1. Show extreme loyalty to your partner. A "ride or die chick" is eternally committed to her partner and his life choices, whatever they may be. The term is derived from rap music of the 1990s, and is often used to refer to African American women and gangster culture, although it appears to have come from the world of the biker in the 1960s.
    • The term essentially means that the woman is willing to give her life in the struggle for her partner, and to participate in all aspects of his life. That means she will lie for him, help him, and stay with him even when he engages in dangerous and illegal behavior.
    • Sometimes "ride or die chicks" are romanticized by the media, even though they are linked to crime. For example, in the robbery duo Bonnie and Clyde, Bonnie is considered a "ride or die chick". Indeed, some define the "ride or die chick" as a "hip hop version" of the Bonnie and Clyde mythology.
    • On the even more negative side, such women sometimes become complicit in their partner's amoral activities. Some people consider Adolf Hitler's wife, Eva Braun, a "ride or die chick" because she committed suicide along with the man who killed millions. Remember, Bonnie and Clyde died in a hail of bullets.
  2. Show your commitment to a community or cause, not just an individual. Some people also interpret the term "ride or die chick" as loyalty to more than just another person or loved one. The term can also mean loyalty to a higher cause.
    • A "ride or die chick" in this context, embraces a political movement or some other social cause. For example, she is willing to risk everything for the case, even if that entails arrest or other problems. The goal comes first.
    • She stays with her community no matter what, she always defends it and is always her champion when the community is attacked, real or imagined.
    • An example of such a person could be Jane Fonda, who took her opposition to the Vietnam War to an extreme and controversial level, despite the personal repercussions on her own career.
  3. Hold on in bad times. A "ride or die chick" is not alone behind her husband or partner when things are going well. She continues to support him no matter what, even if he is locked up or goes bankrupt.
    • The term can also apply to men. If so, it's just called "ride or die". The main point: These are women (or men) who stay with their partner no matter what he or she does, even if they are abused along the way.
    • Someone might say, "That's my ride or die man for life."
    • The "ride or die chick" is the opposite of someone who just wants a partner because of money or social position, and is gone once those things are gone.
  4. Participate in his activities. The "ride or die chick" is up for whatever her partner wants her to do. Not only is she a passive observer of his lifestyle, she is ready to participate.
    • The "ride or die chick" has few personal boundaries when it comes to her partner, and she lets him set the rules of the game. However, being abused never feels right.
    • The "ride or die chick" has no power in the relationship.Her partner generally sets the couple's boundaries and conditions. At the same time, some people regard the "ride or die chick" as a liberated woman because she and her husband reject social rules.
    • The role of the "ride or die chick" in the relationship is that of the accomplice. The partner's activities take precedence over all and he may reward her for her difficulty with money, jewelry, or other gifts.

Method 2 of 3: Understand the risks

  1. Think about the negative consequences. While a "ride or die chick" has positive connotations in some communities and customs, it comes with negative consequences that you may not want to think about.
    • For example, if your partner is involved in illegal activities that endanger others, himself, you, or your family, you could be of better service to him (or her) by helping him to take a better path.
    • There is a reason that the "ride or die chick" is not always a man's wife - such a woman is part of the "bad girl / good girl" relationship that some people think is unfair to women.
    • While Hollywood and rap music have romanticized young death (both in music and in film), it really isn't romantic at all to see someone you love lying in a coffin. In real life, not in the movies, this comes with decades of pain, endless prison visits, financial hardship and fatherless children.
    • Being a "ride or die chick" can jeopardize your own safety and cause you trouble with the law, depending on your partner's activities. Consider if that's worth it. Is there no other way?
  2. Make the ride or die concept something positive. While it is often used to glorify women helping men engaged in gangster life or crime, there are positive ways to embrace its liberating allure and unwavering loyalty without compromising.
    • For example, the term has also been used to refer to a woman who is assisting her husband in his very difficult battle with terminal cancer. She doesn't walk away when things are painful.
    • In more general terms, the phrase means that you don't run away when times are tough, either because of finances or something else. If the struggle is something your partner has no control over - he or she has been fired, has health issues - it's different from staying with a man who is actively abusing you. Never stay with a man who puts your life in danger or submits you to physical or emotional abuse, especially if there are children in the house.
    • In its most loving definition, the "ride or die chick" is just a version of the concept of endless love found in many wedding vows, according to the words "Until death do us part". The "ride or die chick" sometimes comes from an impoverished and violent environment or background.
  3. Study feminist interpretations of the concept. While some people view the "ride or die chick" as a liberating and even reinforcing rejection of the rules, other people do not consider this concept as loving.
    • Some theorists have argued that the "ride or die chick" is an exercise in masculinity and patriarchy, because the needs of men are placed above those of women. However, others have argued that the term could evolve and even constitute an act of political rebellion against a culture that has stigmatized African American love by devaluing the value of black women.
    • Some people believe that the "ride or die chick" is gearing up for a life of depression and pain because she allows herself to be abused and swept up in a life of danger.
    • Some scholars consider the "ride or die chick" to be one of the historical stereotypes of black women. They have argued that the concept objectifies and does not empower women, and that it has contributed to a rising number of women in prisons.

Method 3 of 3: The "ride or die chick" in popular culture

  1. Analyze famous "ride or die chicks". People have designated many famous celebrities as "ride or die chicks". Study them to get the hang of the concept. To some extent, these are often the "bad" girls, not the good girls.
    • For example, Shante Broadus, wife of rapper snoop dogg, continued to support him despite drug use, infidelity and divorce papers. Eudoxie stayed with rapper Ludacris when it turned out that he was cheating on her. Gabrielle Union stayed with Dwayne Wade even when he got another woman pregnant.
    • Actress Nia Long has been called "ride or die chick" only because of her roles in films. In the movie Boyz in the Hood, she played a loyal friend who helped her boyfriend, who was trying to make a living on the streets of LA. In Soul Food, she played Bird, who ran the house while trying to help her criminal boyfriend find a job.
    • You can also find such women in politics. Hillary Clinton became famous for helping her husband Bill Clinton after the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Sometimes the "ride or die chick" assists her husband to the bitter end, because she can get something out of the relationship: Status, money, fame. But the phenomenon is not limited to the rich and famous.
  2. Learn about "ride or die chicks" in popular culture. The concept of the "ride or die chick" was popularized by hip-hop music and has manifested itself in other forms of pop culture as well.
    • For example: In Season 1 of Empire, Andre's wife is a "ride or die chick" when she accidentally killed a man who was about to tell the police that her husband had killed someone. "I'm ride or die," she told her husband as she helped him bury the body.
    • "Ride or Die, Chick" is a song on The Lox's second album: We are the Streets. A less neat version contains an expletive term instead of the word "chick". The concept appears in many other songs, including artists Jay-Z, Ice Cube, DMX, Ja Rule, Method Man, The Game and 2Pac. Sometimes the term is accompanied by the "B" word or replaced by the term, "down ass bitch".
    • The characters Carmela Soprano and Adriana La Cerva are "ride or die" because they are complicit in their partner's mafia life. But this ultimately costs Adriana her life.
    • Author J.M. Benjamin has written a series of novels with "ride or die chicks". A book, Ride or Die Chick Three, is about a criminal couple in Virginia.
  3. Be positive if you want to capture the personality of a real "ride or that chick". Obviously, if you want to be this to someone, you will often be around him or her. Nobody likes someone who is boring or who complains all the time. Stay positive.
    • Have confidence in yourself and without fear of anyone. To some extent, as romanticized by popular culture, such women are fearless and courageous.
    • Learn how to fight if you don't know how. Such women are tough. They will not just watch passively.
    • Assert yourself. The "ride or die" will defend her partner if attacked by anyone and anything. She is a force to always be reckoned with.


  • Be loyal to your friends in the difficult times you will go through together.
  • Be true to yourself instead of trying to be what you think your peers expect.


  • If you endanger yourself or others, get help and think about the consequences. It is not worth it!
  • Criminal activities are wrong and you should not get involved. You will eventually suffer the negative consequences and possibly end up in jail.