Adjust the screen brightness in Windows 10

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Adjust Screen Brightness In Windows 10
Video: How To Adjust Screen Brightness In Windows 10


This wikiHow shows you how to adjust the screen brightness on your computer in Windows 10. You can adjust the screen brightness in the Settings menu. You can also adjust the screen brightness in the battery settings tab in the taskbar.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Using the Action Center

  1. Open the action center. Click the message icon to the right of the clock to open the action center.
  2. Drag the brightness slider to adjust the screen brightness. This is at the bottom of the screen and has a sun next to it. You can drag it left to decrease screen brightness and right to increase screen brightness.

Method 2 of 2: Using Settings

  1. Click on the start menu click on click on System. This is the first item in the Windows settings menu. It's next to an icon that resembles a computer.
  2. click on Display. This is the first option in the sidebar on the left. This shows the display settings.
  3. Drag the brightness slider to adjust the screen brightness. The slider with the text "Change brightness" is at the top of the display settings. Drag the slider to the left to decrease the screen brightness and to the right to increase the screen brightness.
    • Use a lower screen brightness to save power or battery life.


  • Some computers also have a button on the keyboard that allows you to adjust the brightness of the screen.
  • You can also turn on automatic screen brightness on some computers. To do this, go to the brightness section in settings, then check the box "Automatically change brightness when lighting changes".
  • If the slider does not change the screen brightness, it may be because the correct display drivers are not installed on your computer. You can visit the manufacturer's website to download the display drivers for your computer.


  • This will not work on computers with a standalone monitor. To change its brightness, you have to use the buttons on the monitor itself.