Healthy the skin around your nails

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What to do for peeling cuticles around nails? - Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle
Video: What to do for peeling cuticles around nails? - Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle


Many people suffer from dry, cracked skin around their nails from things like cold and dry weather, and nail biting. Sometimes people even bite the skin around their nails right away with their nails. This can lead to painful cuts and tears, which can become infected. Fortunately, dry, cracked and cracked skin around the nail can be repaired by following a few easy steps to keep your hands cared for and hydrated.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Repairing your cuticles

  1. Soak your hands. Take a medium sized bowl and fill it to about 10cm with warm water. Dip your hands in the water, making sure your nails and cuticles are submerged. Soak your hands for about 5 minutes.
    • Warm water helps to soften the skin around the nail for easy, pain-free care.
  2. Wear moisture-entrapping gloves. Put on cotton gloves and wear them at night. The gloves seal in the moisturizer and help heal your nails and cuticles. Take off the gloves in the morning.
    • Repeat this procedure every night for better results that last longer.

Part 2 of 2: Preventing dry cuticles

  1. Hydrate often. Hydrate every day, several times a day, for smoother, well-hydrated skin around your nails. You need to keep your cuticles and nails well hydrated at all times, as hangnails, cracks and breaks occur when your nails and cuticles are dry.
    • Keeping your hands hydrated is especially important in the dry winter months.
  2. Avoid drying agents. Dry hands are prone to cracking and flaking, so protect your hands from unnecessary exposure to activities that can dry out your skin. Avoid things like:
    • Doing the dishes in hot water without gloves. The hot water and soap will pull the moisture from your hands.
    • Stay away from nail polish remover with acetone. Acetone extracts important natural oils from your skin and nails.
    • Do not wear gloves in the winter months. The cold, dry air in winter dries out your skin, so protect your hands by wearing gloves.
  3. Don't pick your skin. Rather than picking at loose skin around your nails, soak and moisturize your hands. Picking can lead to open cuts, where bacteria can breed.
    • Some people pluck the skin around their nails as a twitch. Develop better ways to deal with nervousness and train your self-control to break this bad habit.
  4. Keep your hands out of your mouth. Try not to bite your nails or nibble on pieces of loose skin around your nail. Bacteria in the mouth can cause infection if you tear the skin around your nail or bite your nail off too short.
    • Try a special foul-tasting ointment to keep your fingers from getting into your mouth.
  5. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of liquid a day. Keeping yourself hydrated will keep your skin, including your cuticles, soft and moist. Water is your best option and you can flavor your water with orange, lemon, lime, or cucumber slices. You can also increase your hydration with other liquids, such as tea or juice. Eating water-based foods, such as soup and watery fruits, also help boost hydration.
    • If you sweat a lot, increase your water consumption.
  6. Eat healthy. When your body is deficient in nutrients, your skin, hair and nails suffer. Eat a lot of lean proteins, vegetables and fruits. Eat healthy fats to make sure your body absorbs nutrients properly.
    • You can also take a vitamin supplement to support healthy nails. Consult with a doctor before taking any supplements.
  7. File your nails. Keep your nails at a length that prevents them from getting caught. Make sure the corners of your nails are smooth so that the edges don't break the skin around your nail.
    • When you file your nails, pull the file in one, constant direction. This helps to keep nails from splitting and cracking, some saw (pulling the file back and forth).


  • Never completely remove the cuticles around your nail. Any loose, dead (white) skin can be cut away, but the cuticle should never be completely removed.