Lighten the skin on your hands and feet

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The skin on your hands and feet can darken for a variety of reasons, including dirt, medicines, environmental factors, chemicals, infections, inflammation, and exposure to harmful sun rays. Several companies specializing in beauty care and cosmetics make skin lightening agents. You can often buy these remedies at the drugstore and pharmacy. However, there are also many foods you can apply to your skin to help lighten it. So you just have to look in your kitchen to find the ingredients for a skin lightening agent. However, it is important to remember that the best way to keep your skin healthy and glowing is to have a healthy and balanced diet, exercise regularly, live a healthy lifestyle, and take good care of your skin.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Lightening your skin

  1. Apply foods that contain lactic acid. Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid and belongs to a group of acids naturally found in certain foods. These acids remove the top layer of dead skin and are often used in skin care products to treat dry, flaky and darkened skin. Only use products with lactic acid at night as they can make your skin more susceptible to UV damage.
    • Before going to sleep, apply a thin layer of plain yogurt to your hands and feet. Leave the yogurt on for five to ten minutes, then rinse your skin with warm water. Do this several times a week.
    • Remember to still use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 15 or higher during your day to avoid sun damage to your skin.
  2. Provide a healthy and balanced diet. The best way to get rid of dark skin is to avoid darkening the skin. A healthy diet is one of the best ways to do this. Eating the right foods will keep your whole body healthy, and a healthy body means healthy skin.
    • Eat fruits and vegetables in all colors of the rainbow. To get as many vitamins and minerals as possible, eat fresh fruits and vegetables in all colors of the rainbow. Eat foods that are high in vitamin C to keep your skin more elastic and even in color.
    • Drink enough water. Water is important for keeping your body and skin healthy, but it can also be dangerous to drink too much water. When drinking water, the best rule of thumb to listen to your body is to drink water when you are thirsty.
    • Don't be afraid of healthy fats like avocado. Your body needs fat to survive and your skin also needs fat to become healthy and radiant.
    • Opt for fresh home-cooked meals over processed foods and take-out options.
  3. Protect your skin from the sun. One of the main causes of darkening skin is exposure to UVA and UVB rays. The skin then produces more melanin to protect itself and a larger amount of melanin produces a darker skin. The best way to protect yourself from the sun is to avoid it. However, if that's not an option, try doing the following:
    • Wear clothing that protects you from the sun, such as gloves when driving.
    • Use sunscreen or oil, especially on your hands and feet.
    • Opt for makeup and lip balm with a sun protection factor.
  4. Take good care of your hands and feet. Darkened skin can also be caused by things like dirt, exposure to the elements and infections. To keep your skin healthy, it is therefore important to keep your hands and feet clean and protected. This will prevent your skin from getting darker and damaged.
    • Avoid coming into contact with harsh chemicals, if possible. Such substances can damage your skin.
    • Be careful with manicures and pedicures and choose a professional as tools that are not properly disinfected can cause fungal infections.