Using collagen powder

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Benefits of Using Collagen Daily
Video: 7 Benefits of Using Collagen Daily


Collagen is a complex protein that promotes skin health and is claimed to aid in weight loss. Collagen can often be found in skin care products to support skin health and reduce wrinkles. However, collagen is also available as a dietary supplement that you can add to drinks, meals and desserts. If you want to add collagen to your diet, you should take one to two tablespoons of it daily. Mix the powder with the ingredients and enjoy the benefits for your health without any effort!

To step

Method 1 of 4: Using collagen

  1. Add collagen powder to your food if you want to increase protein intake. Collagen powder is quite popular with paleo and ketogenic diets due to its high protein content. An easy way to add this essential nutrient to your daily meals is to use collagen.
    • This is an excellent idea if you are going to work out or play sports, as the protein in collagen helps to develop and repair the muscles.
  2. Give collagen a try if you have want to reduce your appetite and want to lose weight. It is said that collagen powder mainly reduces the appetite for sweets. Proteins help regulate blood sugar and cravings for sweets are often caused by fluctuations in blood sugar. By using collagen, you may be able to balance your craving for sweets and make it go away.
    • This can help you lose weight over time if you combine it with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
  3. Use collagen as a supplement if you want to reduce joint inflammation. Overall, collagen powder can help reduce joint inflammation throughout the body. The added nutrients promote bone health. Consider using collagen powder if you have widespread joint pain or osteoarthritis.
    • This can help athletes with sore bones, for example.
  4. Use collagen to improve your overall skin health to improve. While using collagen-based skincare products will help you take care of specific areas, adding collagen powder to your diet will generally moisturize your skin. By using collagen powder, your skin can naturally produce collagen itself, which in itself reduces wrinkles.
    • It can take up to 8 weeks to show results.
  5. Choose between using collagen proteins and collagen peptides. There are two different types of collagen powder, although they are both very rewarding. Collagen peptides are great for skin, bone and digestive health. Collagen powder is most effective for gut health and improving sleep quality. Collagen peptides as a whole are the easiest to digest and retain nutrients the best.
    • If you want a gelatin substitute, use collagen protein. The gel-like density of the collagen protein works great in the preparation of breakfast and desserts.
    • Choose collagen peptides when mixing it with cold liquids. Collagen peptides work well in preparing things like smoothies and soups.

Method 2 of 4: Prepare drinks with collagen powder

  1. Mix collagen powder with you coffee for a protein boost. If you want a nutrient-rich boost in the morning, add 8 to 15 g of collagen powder to your coffee, along with coffee cream and / or sugar, if you prefer. This is an easy way to get protein early in the morning and thus stimulate your metabolism.
    • If you put more than 15 g in your coffee, it can take on a rather strange density.
    • If possible, try adding an additional 15 g of collagen powder to another meal during the day.
  2. Use collagen powder in it smoothies as a protein-rich additive. You can simply add 15-30g of collagen powder to your favorite smoothie ingredients. Add this before mixing everything and then use the "smoothie" setting on your mixer to mix everything thoroughly.
    • For example, you can combine: 240 ml almond milk, 120 g ice cream, 1 ripe banana, 15 ml honey, ½ avocado and 15 g collagen powder. Mix all ingredients for 30 to 60 seconds until smooth. Then serve it in a cup or glass.
  3. For a healthy drink, make strawberry lemonade with collagen powder. Place three sliced ​​strawberries, ½ sliced ​​cucumber and a sliced ​​lemon in two jars or glasses. Then mix everything together so that the fruit and cucumber merge. Add about half a liter of water and honey to your taste. Mix in about 8 to 15 g of collagen powder and try to take in a little more during the day if you can.
    • Depending on the desired density, you can use more or less collagen powder. It can thicken if you use a fair amount of it.

Method 3 of 4: Cooking with collagen powder

  1. Use collagen to make a healthy breakfast in baking tins. In a bowl, put 12 or 13 eggs, 120g unflavored collagen peptides, 120g grated cheddar (optional). Beat the eggs in the mixture and get a muffin tray. Fill each individual muffin tin about half way with the mixture. If you wish, you can add other ingredients such as bacon and sweet potatoes. Bake this for 15 to 20 minutes at 175 ° C in the oven.
    • You can also garnish them with asparagus and tomato.
    • This is a great idea for a delicious and healthy breakfast.
  2. For a muscle-building meal, mix in collagen powder pancakes. Essentially, you can add 8-15g of collagen powder to any pancake mix as an easy and nutritious addition. Mix it in the dry pancake mix before adding the liquid ingredients.
    • If you want a protein-rich and detoxifying variety, put 3 or 4 eggs, 15g psylliumhusk, 75g berries and 15g flour in a mixer. Then fry the pancakes on a low heat for 2 to 4 minutes on both sides.
  3. Add it to soup for a protein boost. Stir collagen powder into the already prepared soup to add protein without altering its flavor. Use 15 to 30 g of collagen powder to brighten up your favorite soup recipe. This works very well with soup based on about 500 to 700 ml stock. For best results, use a soup with a creamy base as collagen powder thickens the soup.
    • For example, in a large saucepan on the stove, you could put the following: a chopped cauliflower, a chopped zucchini, a chopped yellow onion, 6 chopped garlic cloves, 500 ml stock and 500 ml unsweetened almond milk. Let this boil for 10 minutes. Then transfer the mixture to a blender and add a handful of basil, 15 to 30 g of collagen powder and, if desired, a little more almond milk. Mix everything until the mixture is smooth and serve it hot or cold.

Method 4 of 4: Prepare healthy desserts

  1. For a healthy treat, prepare homemade fruit snacks with collagen powder. As a healthy alternative, you can easily make your own fruit snacks with natural ingredients. Heat 500 ml of fruit juice or kombucha over low heat and add 240 g of pureed fruit. Sprinkle it with 120 g of collagen powder. Beat the mixture continuously while doing this.
    • Once all the ingredients are mixed together, put the mixture in ramekins or on a lined baking dish. Then place it in the fridge or freezer until the mixture has hardened.
    • Most fruit snacks you can buy are full of sugar and artificial colors.
  2. Try healthy brownies made with collagen peptides. If you're not concerned with your diet, add 30 to 45 g to the brownie batter. However, you can also make soft brownies with healthy ingredients without feeling guilty. Combine 175 g of almond flour, 150 ml of maple syrup, a pinch of sea salt and cardamom, 30 to 45 g of collagen powder, 2 eggs, 60 ml of avocado oil and 10 ml of vanilla extract.
    • Bake the mixture at 160 ° C for 30 to 40 minutes.
    • Let the brownies cool for 10 minutes before eating them.
  3. For a guilt-free treat, whip up homemade jelly pudding with collagen powder. You can easily make a tasty treat with just two ingredients. Pour 120 ml of juice into a saucepan over low heat. Then add 30 g of collagen powder and mix well until completely dissolved. Add another 350 ml of juice and turn off the heat. Pour the mixture into a glass bowl and let it chill in the refrigerator or freezer for at least three hours.
    • For example, use orange, red blueberry or grape juice to flavor the jelly pudding.
  4. Use collagen powder to make a healthy caramel for a diet-friendly dessert. Use a food processor to make a puree from the following ingredients: 60g ghee or shortening, 60ml coconut oil, 60g collagen powder, 30g maple sugar or stevia, 8g maca powder and 8g coconut flour. Then mix in 120 g grated unsweetened coconut. Put the mixture into individual candy molds to complete your treat.
    • Leave the caramel in the freezer until it is completely set.
    • Sprinkle with sea salt for garnish, if you like.
    • This suits paleo and keto diets.


  • Lemonade
  • Coffee
  • smoothie
  • Egg cup
  • pancakes
  • soup
  • Fruit snacks
  • Brownies
  • Jelly pudding
  • caramel
  • Stove
  • Pan
  • Spoon


  • Store the collagen powder in an airtight container.
  • Collagen powder, like gelatin, is made from animal by-products. This makes it not vegan. If you are on a vegan diet, look for vegan collagen powder.


  • Before starting any collagen supplement, consult your doctor. Collagen supplements may not be right for you, especially if you have health conditions such as osteoarthritis or IBS.
  • Taking too much collagen powder can have negative side effects, including bone pain, constipation and fatigue. If you have these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.