To plant flowers

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Plant Flowers | Lawn & Garden Care
Video: How to Plant Flowers | Lawn & Garden Care


Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "The earth smiles in flowers." Make your home or garden a joyful and radiant place to enjoy by planting flowers - nature's way of showing how happy she is. Follow the steps below to make your favorite spots by planting flowers even more delightful.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Planning your own flower garden

  1. Buy the best soil. Flowers, like all plants, need good soil to grow strong and healthy. Regardless of whether you plant the flowers in a pot or in the garden, good soil is a must. Avoid heavy clay soil, sand or pebbles and a pH around 7. Flowers need at least 9 cm of loose soil to grow in, so start loosening the top layer to this depth.
  2. Select a correct location. Although flowers are usually easy to grow in your garden, they cannot be done anywhere. A place with too much direct sunlight or too much shade will not be ideal for some flowers. Look for a nice average location with sunlight and shade during the day.
    • If you have a specific plant in mind that you want to plant, check what the plant needs in terms of light and choose a suitable spot based on that. You may end up choosing a place that receives more or less sunlight than the original place you had in mind.
    • If you plan to plant different types of flowers, select them based on the same amount of light / shade requirements so that they grow equally well and in the same location.
  3. Plant the flowers at the right time. Even if the soil is perfect, the location is ideal and the flowers are healthy, if you don't plant the flower at the right time it will ruin your garden. Flowers don't do well when the weather is too hot or cold, so choose a period in between: spring. Although planting in the spring may be obvious, it is an art to choose the right time. Wait at least two weeks after the most recent frost to plant the flowers, and avoid planting until nighttime temperatures regularly rise above zero.
    • Use a farmer's almanac to find the best time to plant flowers in your area. Due to the differences in weather conditions in the different locations, flowers can be planted at any time between February - July.
    • Better to err on the side of caution. It is better to start planting a few weeks later (than a few weeks too early) to prevent your plants from dying from the frost. You may have a shorter flowering time, but your flowers will be less likely to die. If you bought the plants too early, plant them indoors in pots or containers. Use a heat lamp and water the plants daily to keep them healthy until they can go outside for transplanting.

Part 2 of 3: Planting the flowers

  1. Dig a hole. If you are going to sow flowers, you will need to make a hole no more than 5-7 cm deep and wide. Flowers that you are going to transplant need a hole the size of the root ball. Flowers do not need to be completely covered with soil, so there is no need to bury them deeply.
  2. Feed your flowers. A little bit of slow release nutrition to the plants (equivalent to blade) will help the new plants to grow quickly. Put a few tablespoons in the bottom of each hole and gently press it into the soil with your fingers.
  3. Support your flowers. If your flowers grow tall, over time they will become too heavy to stand on their own. Use bamboo sticks or forked branches and set them upright next to the plants for support so the flowers can lean against or wrap around them. This is particularly useful and necessary for creeper-like flowers that grow by twisting around something.
  4. Consider repotting the plants. Eventually, the plants can grow too big for the place you originally chose. Then consider moving them to a more spacious spot and planting other flowers in the area that has become available. As a result, your garden will continue to grow and become large, healthy and beautiful!


  • Even though the soil looks good (black, worm-covered, consistent and not too sandy or clayey), it never hurts to add a little compost to the garden to store water and feed the plants .
  • If you have pets, fence the area where you plant the flowers to prevent them from trampling on the newly planted flowers.
  • When buying plants, bring a white piece of paper and hold it under the leaves. Shake the plant gently and if many pests fall out or rot, do not buy the plant or the other plants in your garden could become infected.
  • Do not use fertilizer for grass on flowers and shrubs as this will overcrowd the foliage and hinder flower growth. Grass fertilizer has the same percentage of nitrogen as phosphorus, so avoid 10-10-5 or 14-14-5 on flowers.


  • Follow the instructions on the small plastic signs. Above all, make sure that the flower is placed in the sun or shade, depending on what it needs.
  • Some flowers are poisonous to humans and pets, so unless you are absolutely sure, keep children and animals away from the plant.