
Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Måneskin - Beggin’ (Lyrics) "I’m beggin’, beggin’ you"
Video: Måneskin - Beggin’ (Lyrics) "I’m beggin’, beggin’ you"


"A beggar should be proud that he is not a thief," goes an old Japanese saying. A beggar is someone who depends on strangers' financial gifts without returning goods or services, but it is almost harder work than a paid job. Maybe you are short of money and you need a few euros quickly, or you are in financial trouble for a long time. There are some simple techniques that will make strangers respond better to you when you approach them and ask for money.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Choosing the location

  1. Choose a place where many pedestrians pass. If you want to make the most of your money, you need to go to a place where you meet a lot of different people that you can approach. Popular places are tram and bus stops, metro or train stations, university grounds, office areas and so on.
    • By standing right at the door of a metro or train station, you have a good chance of being able to address a lot of people. Some people come in or out every few minutes.
    • It is better to stand in these kinds of central places in the center, because at shops you are often quickly turned away by the staff.
  2. Stand in a place with a lot of car traffic. If you have a sign with your story on it, or the materials to make one, you can hold it up at a busy intersection. You will then be seen by many motorists, without having to move or speak.
    • This requires little effort on your part, but it's also easier for people in a car to ignore you. It works best in the spring or summer, when people have their windows open.
  3. Avoid rich neighborhoods and expensive restaurants. While it may seem right to beg where people have a lot of money, statistically wealthy people give the least to beggars. People in these neighborhoods are more likely to call the police, even if you behave politely.
    • Preferably stay in the center and neighborhoods with a lot of middle class.
  4. Keep moving. By standing at the same café every day, you can have problems with the staff, and the local residents are also tired of you.
    • Don't go to the same place more than once a month.
    • If you are not tied to one place, you can make a route throughout the country, past all the major cities. Keep a record of where you have been, where people are very friendly, where you slept, and so on.
  5. Choose a city that is nice to beggars. When certain neighborhoods, where it used to be a good place to be as a beggar, are renovated, sometimes beggars are no longer welcome there.
    • Medium to large cities are often kinder to beggars than small towns or villages. Student cities are often a good choice. Many young, idealistic students live there, who have quite a bit to spend and who want to help you if you have a good story.
    • Choose a place where you can sit dry even when it rains.

Part 2 of 3: Asking for money

  1. Be polite. If you're rude while asking for money from strangers, chances are you won't succeed. You can even get in trouble if you do. Smile, be nice, and thank people whether they give you something or not.
    • If you thank people, you lay the foundation for a good reputation in the neighborhood. If you develop a good relationship with the people around where you are begging, they will be more likely to give you something next time. It's not worth scolding anyone, even though you may feel frustrated.
  2. Be credible. Whatever your begging tactics - whether you're telling the truth or making up a great story - you have to sound like you mean it. If you ask for money for a train ticket because you really need a train ticket, it doesn't matter if the person you ask thinks you are going to buy booze from it.
    • Adapt your story to your location. If you ask for a train ticket, it is useful to do so in front of the station and have a bag with you. Say where you want to go, preferably something far away and strange, such as "Kropswolde".
    • Make sure your appearance matches your story as closely as possible. Playing the lost traveler doesn't do your story any good if you look like you've been sleeping on the street for the past few months.
  3. Be specific. Some beggars believe that the secret to their success lies in asking for a very specific amount for a very specific purpose. "I need 40 cents for a train ticket" seems to work better than "I need money for a train ticket".
    • Asking for a specific amount increases credibility. If you ask for 1 Euro you might get some change, but if you ask for 40 cents you might get a Euro.
  4. Be clear and concise. To prevent people from feeling intimidated or making them angry and giving them nothing, it is better to ask immediately what you want: "Excuse me sir, sorry to bother you, but I need some change so that I can can buy something to eat ".
    • Ask for one thing and give a reason: "I need ____ to buy ___".
    • It is often easiest to beg with a plate. You just take a piece of old cardboard and write something on it. Make the letters nice and thick so that they are legible.
    • Depending on your verbal talents and your experience, you can also be as annoying as possible so that people give you something to get rid of. This mainly works with people who are not from the city, or with students: "Sorry sir, how are you? Sorry to interrupt, but my mobile is not working and my girlfriend was in a traffic jam with our daughter in front of the Coentunnel. , and now they've had a minor collision because they were suddenly out of gas (do you have a cigarette for me, by the way?) and my mom was supposed to pick them up, but she's in hospital now, and my spaceship is leaving tomorrow I am already under treatment (if you know what I mean), so I was actually wondering if you could spare a few euros so I can eat something? "
  5. Be sympathetic. Some people give more when they see that you are in a difficult situation and really need help. Whether it's a lie or not, try to appeal to their sense of compassion and morality. If they think it is their obligation to help you, they are more likely to do so.
    • For example, if you say that you became incapacitated by an accident in the workplace and now that your family can no longer support in the crisis, someone is more likely to want to help you. If you can find an old wheelchair, use it.
    • Be careful with elaborate lies to arouse sympathy. If someone realizes that you are lying, it can become problematic.
  6. Be funny. Sometimes it is better to wrap someone with humor than to induce pity. A sign that says "Why would I lie? I just want a beer!" might make someone snigger and give you something when they otherwise never do.
    • Humor can work well, especially in a student city. Keep up to date with current affairs and what's hot at the moment. By singing "I will stop singing when you give me a dollar" to the tune of Lady Gaga's song, you can walk in quite a bit. Or you are arrested by the police.
  7. Recognize the regular customers. Take a good look at their faces so you don't ask the same person three times a day.
    • If you see the same people on their way to work every day, try to learn their names and greet them. When they know you're there asking for money, you don't even have to ask anymore. They also prefer to give something to someone with a friendly face who is not a burden to them.
  8. Remember: it is a game of chance. Don't get annoyed if people don't want to give you anything. Thank them and let them go. Someone else will come by in no time. Getting back to your routine quickly is much better than dwelling on your failed opportunities. Hold on, then you will really get some money.

Part 3 of 3: Stay safe

  1. Try to find out what the policy is in the municipality where you will be begging. It is becoming a lot more difficult for beggars throughout the Netherlands. Many cities are taking measures such as a ban on begging to prevent nuisance. Some municipalities or districts are stricter than others.
  2. Be a good local. Relationships with nearby people and businesses, or with other beggars, can make or break your efforts. Be polite and cooperative with companies and their customers. Show your appreciation for their tolerance by babysitting the shop if you can, and leave cleanly, without fussing when they ask.
    • Always be nice to other beggars and avoid territorial quarrels. This way you avoid dangerous situations and you might get good tips to raise more money. Or who knows, you might make some friends.
    • If someone tells you to go, go. Especially if you are alone and vulnerable, it is better to avoid confrontation. It's good to keep moving anyway, so if someone is bothered by your presence, it's time to get out again.
  3. Put your money away regularly. Beggars are often robbed. If you've worked all day, you may have picked up quite a bit of change. Don't keep walking around with it all the time, you'll draw the attention of shady types.
    • Find a place to keep your money, or at least bring a lockable box that you can hide well.
    • At least make sure your money is spread all over your body. Put some in your shoes, some in your pockets, etc.
  4. Only see begging as a last resort to support yourself. There are shelters, churches, food banks, and other social services that are there to help you get back on your feet. Begging is not a very regular source of income, and it is very difficult and dangerous to do. Make sure you have looked at all other options in the area.


  • Sitting down at a store and asking for change may seem like a good idea, but many retailers don't allow it. Don't get in trouble.
  • Internet begging is on the rise, and incredible success stories have already been reported, but don't expect great results. Even though there are some websites where you can post your story and ask for money, it is still better to build your own website to be successful.
  • There is disagreement as to whether or not to bring pets to increase the yield. If you have a well-fed dog with you, people will think you will have something to eat yourself. However, bringing a pet may help people identify with you better. However, never take an emaciated or sick animal with you. People will then accuse you of animal cruelty.


  • If you are alone as a woman, be careful. There are a lot of weird people. You don't have to be afraid of everyone, but be on your guard.
  • Don't ask for money while smoking a cigarette or while drinking alcohol. People will then think that all your money is spent on alcohol or cigarettes.
  • In many places it is not allowed to beg. Familiarize yourself with the rules and remain polite if the police pick you up.
  • It can be dangerous to beg at a busy traffic point. Do not walk between the cars. Don't block the road either. Do not go to a window if the traffic light has already changed to green.