Apply BB cream

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Apply BB Cream in 3 ways | Beginner Tips & Tricks | Anubha Makeup & Beauty
Video: How to Apply BB Cream in 3 ways | Beginner Tips & Tricks | Anubha Makeup & Beauty


BB Cream is a popular all-in-one cosmetic product that can be used as a moisturizer, primer and light foundation. If you've never used it before, you can easily overdo it. If you need help applying it properly, read on.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Choosing the right BB Cream

  1. Find out what the BB Cream has to offer. Although each BB Cream combines multiple properties and provides multiple effects, they are all a bit different. Make sure you know exactly what the cream has to offer before you buy it.
    • Possible properties include:
      • Moisturize the skin
      • Whitening the skin
      • Block UV rays
      • Apply a primer to the skin
      • Tinting the skin
      • Reflect light to make skin appear more radiant
      • Provide the skin with anti-aging ingredients
      • Enriching the skin with vitamins
    • You should also research the manufacturer of the BB Cream. Only buy cream from reliable brands.
  2. Read reviews about the BB Cream. No matter how reliable a brand is, or whatever the BB Cream claims to do, each strain works out differently for different people. Read reviews so you know if the product is of good quality and whether it will work well for you.
    • Pay special attention to reviews about skin tone, skin type, and skin conditions, so you can gauge whether the experience applies to your own circumstances.
  3. Choose the best BB Cream for your skin type. Different skin types have different cosmetic needs. For the most effective experience, choose a product that is tailored for oily, normal or dry skin, depending on your skin type.
    • If you have oily skin, choose a BB Cream that gives a matte look. Preferably choose one with natural plant extracts. This is usually a sensitive skin type, and a BB Cream with natural ingredients is often a bit milder.
    • If you have normal skin, choose a moisturizing BB Cream that will make your skin look smoother. You can also take one with bleaching ingredients if you want slightly lighter skin.
    • If you have dry skin, use a BB Cream with a thinner consistency instead of a thick cream, as a thick cream can dry out your skin even further. Also look for a moisturizing formula.
  4. Choose a color that is closest to your own skin tone. BB Creams don't usually come in many different shades, but most do have a little variation in color. The color that is closest to your own skin color suits you best.
    • When comparing shades, keep the BB Cream close to your face and neck. Don't compare it with your hands, because they often have a different shade than your face.
  5. Request a sample if you can. Ask for a sample and try it out for a day. See if it looks good in both natural and artificial light.
    • Light can make a big difference in how the cream looks. The light at drug stores usually doesn't give a good idea of ​​what the cream will look like when you walk outside. That is why it is better to test the cream in different conditions before buying anything.

Part 2 of 4: Apply BB Cream with your fingers

  1. Know when and why to use your fingers. Most people prefer to apply BB Cream with their fingers because it is easiest.
    • Thick BB Cream should be applied by hands as the heat from your skin makes it thinner making it easier to distribute.
    • However, if you apply BB Cream with your fingers, the result will be less smooth than if you do it with a sponge or brush.
  2. Put a little bit of cream on the back of your hand. Squeeze a round of cream about 2 cm in diameter onto the back of your hand.
    • This is not necessary. But it makes it easier to apply the cream in equal portions.
  3. Apply five dots to your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. Dip your fingertip in the circle of BB Cream on the back of your hand. Now apply it in dots: one on the center of your forehead, one on the tip of your nose, one on your left cheek, one on your right cheek, and one on your chin.
    • The dots should all be about the same size.
    • Do not make streaks or large spots of the cream. Use the cream sparingly so that you get a thin layer, otherwise you will look too heavily made up.
  4. Beat the cream into your skin. Use your index and middle fingers to pat in the cream. You rub the BB Cream into your skin with circular movements, but instead of letting your fingers constantly touch your skin, you pat your fingers up and down.
    • This gentle, light pressure spreads the cream evenly without irritating the skin.
    • Start on your forehead and work from the center towards your temples. After that, continue with your nose and chin and finish at the cheeks.
  5. Fade it outward. If you don't like to pat the cream in, you can also apply gentle pressure with your index and middle fingers. Blend the dots of cream by rubbing outwards.
    • As above, start at your forehead before doing your nose and chin. Finish with the cheeks.
  6. Beat the cream gently around your eyes. Whether patting or rubbing, apply even less pressure to your eyes.
    • By tapping gently around your eyes, you prevent wrinkles from pulling too hard on your skin, because the skin near the eyes is very sensitive.
  7. Apply some extra cream to hide blemishes. Wait a few minutes for the BB Cream to dry. After drying you can see if there are any spots that need to be covered a bit more, you can apply a little bit of cream there.
    • Make sure you never get completely flawless skin with BB Cream, as it is more to achieve an even look than to hide impurities.

Part 3 of 4: Apply BB Cream with a sponge

  1. Know when and why to use a sponge. People with oily skin should use a sponge when applying BB Cream.
    • If you have oily skin, you can make your skin even more oily if you apply BB Cream with your fingers.
    • A brush is less powerful, so if you have oily skin it can be difficult to spread the cream with a brush.
  2. First, put some facial spray on the sponge. Spray the sponge lightly with some facial spray before applying the BB Cream.
    • With a sponge you can extract moisture from your facial skin, but if you put a facial spray on the sponge you can prevent that.
    • You can also spread the cream more easily if the sponge is wet with facial spray, and the cream also stays better on your face without being absorbed by the sponge again.
  3. Put a little bit of cream on the back of your hand. Squeeze a round of cream about 2 cm in diameter onto the back of your hand.
    • This is not necessarily necessary. But it makes it easier to apply the cream in equal portions.
  4. Apply five dots to your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. Dip your fingertip in the circle of BB Cream on the back of your hand. Now apply it in dots: one on the center of your forehead, one on the tip of your nose, one on your left cheek, one on your right cheek, and one on your chin.
    • Even if you are going to spread the BB Cream with a sponge, it is still important to apply it to your face with your finger so that you can better control the amount.
    • The dots should all be about the same size.
    • Do not make streaks or large spots of the cream. Use the cream sparingly so that you get a thin layer, otherwise you will look too heavily made up.
  5. Spread the BB Cream into your skin with the sponge. Rub the cream in with firm, even strokes to the sides.
    • Apply enough pressure so that your skin "wobbles" or moves slightly with the pressure of the sponge.
    • Start on your forehead and work from the center to the outer edges. Then focus on your nose and chin and finish by rubbing the cream firmly into your cheeks, towards the outside of your face.
  6. Put less pressure around your eyes. The area around your eyes is more sensitive, so putting too much pressure there can damage the skin. Blend the cream there by tapping gently with the sponge.
    • You can also use your fingers for this. If you find that you have less control over the force you apply with the sponge, continue with your fingers.
    • By tapping gently around your eyes, you prevent wrinkles from pulling too hard on your skin, because the skin near the eyes is very sensitive.

Part 4 of 4: Apply BB Cream with a brush

  1. Know when and why to use a makeup brush. This method is best if you have dry skin, and it works especially well with a liquid BB Cream.
    • This is generally not recommended with thick creams.
    • If you have dry skin, it can become irritated when you apply the cream with your fingers, which can cause it to dry out even further.
    • In addition, a sponge can be too powerful and rob your skin of even more moisture.
  2. Put a little bit of cream on the palm of your hand. Squeeze a round of cream about 2 cm in diameter onto the inside of your hand.
    • This is not necessarily necessary. But it makes it easier to apply the cream in equal portions.
    • In this method, you use the palm of your hand instead of the back. The palm of your hand is warmer, so that the cream heats up better and becomes even more liquid. The cream is then easy to spread, especially if the consistency is slightly thicker.
  3. Apply five dots to your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. Dip your fingertip in the circle of BB Cream on the back of your hand. Now apply it in dots: one on the center of your forehead, one on the tip of your nose, one on your left cheek, one on your right cheek, and one on your chin.
    • Even if you are going to spread the BB Cream with a brush, it is still important to apply it to your face with your finger so that you can better control the amount.
    • The dots should all be about the same size.
    • Do not make streaks or large spots of the cream. Use the cream sparingly so that you get a thin layer, otherwise you will look too heavily made up.
  4. Spread the BB Cream into your skin with the brush. Use even, firm brush strokes towards the outside of your face to spread and work the cream over your skin.
    • A brush stroke is naturally a bit softer than rubbing with your fingers or a sponge. That is why you can exert a little more pressure.
    • Start on your forehead. Start on the center of your forehead and spread the cream to the sides. Then spread the cream from your nose up and down, and the cream from your chin to the sides. Blend the cream on your cheeks in all directions until well spread.
  5. Put less pressure around your eyes. The area around your eyes is more sensitive, so putting too much pressure there can damage the skin. Blend the cream there by tapping gently.
    • You can use your fingers or your brush for this. It's hard to tap too hard with a brush, so it's actually ideal for the area around your eyes.
    • By tapping gently around your eyes, you prevent wrinkles from pulling too hard on your skin, because the skin near the eyes is very sensitive.


  • If you want to use BB Cream as a base for your foundation, just put a very thin layer of foundation over it. Otherwise you will end up with a thick pancake, which is unnatural.


  • BB Cream
  • Mirror
  • Make-up sponge
  • Facial spray
  • Make-up brush