Always be in a good mood

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Two Tricks To A Good Mood Everyday - How to Fix a Grumpy Mood
Video: Two Tricks To A Good Mood Everyday - How to Fix a Grumpy Mood


We all have to deal with frustration and disappointment from time to time, but this fact doesn't have to ruin your mood. With some minor adjustments to your habits, you can give your outlook on life a positive spin. Focusing on being good or doing good things will help you feel better. You are in control of having a good mood.

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Method 1 of 3: Pursue a healthy lifestyle

  1. Improve your mood with the help of physical movement. Physical movement then stimulates the production of endorphins and norepinephrine. Endorphins dampen pain and norepinephrine can help regulate your mood. Besides the fact that you can create desired chemicals with the help of physical movement, getting enough exercise will make you feel good about yourself.
    • Get plenty of physical activity, at least half an hour a day, five days a week to maintain the improvement in your mood with the help of exercise.
    • You don't necessarily have to go to the gym or hire a personal trainer. A brisk walk is usually all you need to create the chemicals you want.
  2. Eat healthy, well-balanced foods. Healthy food contributes to general feelings of well-being, but some vitamins and minerals can give your mood an extra boost. Vitamin B may help improve your mood, so eat plenty of vegetables, such as asparagus. Omega 3 fatty acids, which can be found in fish and eggs, among other things, may protect against the effects of stress.
    • To satisfy your sweet tooth as well, you can eat 55 grams of dark chocolate per day. Chocolate with at least 70% cocoa has been shown to lower the level of cortisol (stress hormone) in your body.
  3. Get plenty of sleep. Not getting enough sleep can contribute to irritability and a bad mood. A good night's sleep gives you more energy and helps you deal with stress. The optimal amount of sleep varies from person to person, but for most adults, the optimal amount is between seven and nine hours.
    • Sleeping longer than the hours listed above does not normally affect your mood and may even leave you feeling depressed or fatigued.
  4. Learn to redirect negative thoughts. When your words or thoughts become pessimistic, insulting, discouraged, or negative in nature, try to turn them into positive thoughts. This corrects the unwanted way of thinking and increases the chance of happiness and success.
    • For example, if the following thought comes to your mind: “This project is way too big. It's impossible to complete everything before the deadline, ”you can try to turn the thought around to pave the way to success. Instead of the negative, say something like, "This project is quite a challenge, but if I break it down into smaller parts and plan well, I will be able to complete everything on time."
    • If a friend has angrily lashed out at you and you immediately think, “She hates me,” you need to redirect this thought. Transform the thought by saying, “I know she's going through a stressful time and probably not aware of her attitude and behavior. This response was not intended personally. ”
    • Changing thoughts requires a conscious effort on your part, making it can help you change the tone of the way you talk about yourself and your thoughts. Changing thoughts will make you more positive, supportive, and kind.

Method 2 of 3: Make happiness a habit

  1. Smile, even when there is no reason to. Facial expressions seem to have a reasonable effect on mood, although scientists don't fully understand why. Laughter can evoke feelings of cheerfulness, so laugh regularly.
    • The more you smile, the more others will smile at you. This will improve your mood and make social interactions more enjoyable.
  2. Listen to cheerful and inspiring music. Happy music can have an immediate positive effect on your mood and increase your awareness of the positive qualities of others in your environment. Try to start each day by listening to happy and uplifting music while getting dressed.
    • Have your headphones or earbuds on hand at all times so that you can put on some music at any time during the day to boost your mood.
  3. Look for a hobby that suits you. Spend some time every day on your hobby. This gives you something to look forward to and allows you to escape the stress for a while.
    • Add an extra benefit by finding a hobby that takes place outdoors. Spending time in the fresh air will help improve your mood.
  4. Meditate regularly. Meditation helps to deal with stress and improve your mood. Try to meditate for 20 minutes every day to reap the benefits of meditation and take extra breaks to meditate when you feel more stressed.
    • Meditation takes practice, so be patient.
    • Find a quiet place to meditate.
    • Close your eyes or focus on a central object, such as a candle flame, to reduce visual distraction.
    • Focus your attention on your breathing. If you are struggling with distraction, you can determine the duration of the inhale and exhale by counting.
    • Consider attending a guided meditation class to improve your own technique. Such classes may be offered by gyms near you.
  5. Keep a journal in which you express your gratitude. Take a moment each day to express your gratitude for the things you are grateful for. This will help you maintain your positive attitude and good mood.
    • Share the moments for which you are grateful, ie the notes in your diary, with the people who ensured that the moment was included in your diary with their actions.

Method 3 of 3: Get involved

  1. Try to expand your social network. Connecting yourself to others increases your self-esteem and creates a sense of belonging, which contributes to your overall well-being. Maintain and strengthen relationships with friends and family by being in regular contact with these individuals. Set aside time each week to call or visit them.
    • Go for walks with friends to combine outdoor physical activity with social interactions.
  2. Mean something to others. Volunteering helps you increase your self-esteem and gain perspective. When you realize that you can mean something to others, you will focus more on your strengths and what you have to offer, this will boost your mood.
    • Contact a community center in your area or check out volunteer options on the internet.
  3. Join a club or team. Combine a new hobby or sport and interact with others by joining a club or association. This can improve your mood through the sense of belonging and of course the added benefit is that you are doing something you love.
    • Search the internet for clubs and associations in your area and see which activities they have on the agenda.
  4. Mean something to others by making random gestures of kindness. Random gestures like these are a great way to boost your mood quickly, without getting stuck with anything for an extended period of time. These gestures don't have to be particularly big. Make a small gesture by, for example, ordering a coffee for the person standing behind you in the queue in a coffee house or giving a homeless person you lunch.
    • Try to make a specific number of these random gestures of kindness every day or week.
    • Write down each gesture you made and describe the feeling it gave you to further elevate your mood.


  • A healthy lifestyle can improve your mood by reducing the effects of stress.
  • Enlist the help of your friends and family members to remind you to stay positive.


  • Do not engage in negative conversations. Such conversations can negatively affect your mood.
  • Avoid the use of drugs and alcohol, as the consumption of such substances can contribute to depression.