Getting rid of a rash under the breasts

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DermTV - How to Treat Under Breast Rashes & Infections [ Epi 190]
Video: DermTV - How to Treat Under Breast Rashes & Infections [ Epi 190]


With a rash under the breasts, the skin under the breasts is usually red and irritated. This rash can be caused by wearing a bra that doesn't fit properly or by excessive sweating under the breasts. A rash under the breasts may include scaly skin, blisters, itching, and red patches. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to soothe the itchiness and get rid of the rash.

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Method 1 of 3: Treating the rash at home

  1. Apply a cold compress. If you see a rash under your breasts, try a cold compress. This can help reduce inflammation and ease your symptoms.
    • You can just wrap some ice in a cotton towel or plastic bag. You can also buy ice packs at the local supermarket. Remember, you should never put store bought ice packs directly on your skin. Instead, wrap them in a towel before applying them to your skin.
    • Place the ice pack on your skin for 10 minutes at a time. Then take a break and repeat the process if symptoms persist.
    • You can also use a bag of frozen corn or peas as an ice pack.
  2. Take a warm bath or shower. A warm bath or shower can help with all types of rashes, including a rash under the breasts. You can also run a washcloth under warm water and hold it under your breasts for a few minutes.
  3. Use tea tree oil. In some people, tea tree oil can help soothe rashes. Tea tree oil has excellent antimicrobial properties. Remember, you should never apply tea tree oil directly to the skin as it can make the problem worse. Always dilute the tea tree oil with olive oil before using it.
    • Mix four tablespoons of olive oil with six drops of tea tree oil. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and gently dab it on the affected area.
    • Lightly massage the affected area for a few minutes to allow the oil to soak into your skin. For best results, do this after taking a bath or shower and again before going to sleep.
    • As with all home remedies, tea tree oil does not work for everyone. Some people can be very sensitive to tea tree oil. If you notice that your symptoms get worse after using tea tree oil, stop using it immediately.
  4. Try basil. Basil is an herb that can help soothe the skin in some people. Crush some fresh basil leaves until you get some sort of paste. Then gently spread the paste on your rash and let the paste work until it is dry. Rinse the paste off your skin with warm water and pat the area dry. Use this method once a day and see if the paste takes effect.
    • Even now, home remedies do not work for everyone. If you notice that this paste is making your rash worse, do not use this method again. Do not use basil leaves if you know you have an allergy to basil.
  5. Apply calamine lotion, aloe vera, or a fragrance-free moisturizer to the rash to soothe the irritation. Certain lotions and moisturizers may help reduce rashes. Try using a fragrance-free moisturizer, aloe vera, or calamine lotion.
    • Calamine lotion can prevent itching and skin irritation, especially if you think the rash is caused by a plant such as poison ivy or poison oak (these plants are almost not found in our country, however). Use the lotion twice a day and apply with a cotton ball.
    • Aloe vera gel is a gel that you can buy at most supermarkets and drug stores. In some people, this gel helps to soothe rashes and skin irritation. It has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that can help heal the rash. Apply aloe vera gel to the affected area. You don't have to wipe the gel off your skin, but leave it on for about 20 minutes before getting dressed. Repeat if necessary.
    • You can buy a fragrance-free moisturizer at your local drug store or supermarket. Make sure it is fragrance-free, as the oils and fragrances in scented lotions can make skin irritation worse. Apply to the rash as needed, following the directions on the package.

Method 2 of 3: Get medical attention

  1. Know when to see a doctor. Most types of rashes under the breasts are benign and are caused by common skin conditions that resolve on their own without medical treatment. Sometimes, however, a rash under the breasts can be a symptom of a larger medical problem, such as shingles. See a doctor if any of the following conditions exist.
    • If the rash doesn't go away after treating it at home for two weeks, see a doctor. Also see a doctor if the rash is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, severe pain and blisters that do not heal, or if existing symptoms get worse.
  2. See your doctor. Make an appointment with your doctor to have the rash examined. Let your doctor know if you have any other symptoms besides the rash.
    • Your doctor will likely want to look at the rash. If the rash has a benign cause and you have no other symptoms, your doctor can probably make a diagnosis without further examining you.
    • Your doctor may request a test in which cells are scraped from the skin and then examined for a fungal infection. The doctor can also use a special lamp (a Wood's lamp) to further examine the skin. In rare cases, it is necessary to take a biopsy.
  3. Try medications. If the rash is caused by an infection or does not go away on its own, your doctor may recommend medication. Several prescription medications are used to treat rashes.
    • Your doctor may recommend an antibiotic cream or an anti-fungal cream, which you apply to your skin according to his or her instructions.
    • Your doctor may also recommend a low-dose steroid cream and one that protects the skin. If your doctor thinks you have a bacterial infection, he or she may prescribe a topical antibiotic.

Method 3 of 3: Make lifestyle changes

  1. Keep the skin under your breasts dry. Moisture under the breasts can cause skin infections and rashes. Make sure to keep your breasts dry at the bottom to avoid a rash.
    • Wash and dry the skin under your breasts after you exercise.
    • On hot days when you sweat a lot, make sure to dry the areas under your breasts from time to time.
    • You could use a fan to dry the skin under your breasts.
  2. Be aware of substances that can irritate your skin. It is possible that a particular product you use is also responsible for the rash. If you have started using a new soap, shampoo, lotion, laundry detergent, or any other product that has come into contact with your skin, stop using it. Then see if the symptoms go away. If so, do not reuse the product.
  3. Wear a well-fitting bra. A bra that is too big or too small can irritate your skin and cause a rash under your breasts. Buy bras made of cotton that contain high-quality elastic materials. Do not buy bras made of synthetics as they can irritate the skin. If you are not sure what your bra size is, go to a department store or lingerie store near you and ask them to measure your size.
    • Do not wear bras with underwires, or make sure the underwires do not sting or irritate your skin.
  4. Wear cotton clothing. Cotton fabrics can make the skin under your breasts less moist. Cotton breathes better than other fabrics and absorbs moisture better. Choose clothing made from 100% cotton.


  • Rashes under the breasts are common in breastfeeding, obese, or diabetic women.
  • If the skin under the breasts is itchy, you may tend to scratch it. Do not do this, as you could get an infection.