Get rid of pain

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get Rid of Painful Stiff Neck with 1 Exercise
Video: Get Rid of Painful Stiff Neck with 1 Exercise


In general, there are two types of pain. Acute pain lasts from a few seconds to several weeks. It usually indicates that the body is suffering from an injury or infection. Chronic pain lasts longer and can continue even after the original injury has healed. There are many ways to relieve pain, including medication, natural remedies, and lifestyle changes. Be aware that pain may not be controllable despite following all of these recommendations. It's important to have reasonable expectations about pain management.

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Part 1 of 3: Natural remedies and alternative medicine

  1. Apply heat. This is especially helpful for areas of the body that feel stiff or tight.
    • Fill a pitcher with hot water and wrap it in a towel. Don't put it directly on your skin or you could get burned!
    • The heat will improve blood circulation (and supply to this area).
    • This is especially good for sore or tight muscles, a stiff back or menstrual cramps.
  2. Relieve the pain by putting a cold pack on it. This will numb the pain and also help reduce the swelling.
    • Use an ice pack or frozen peas. Wrap this in a towel so that the ice doesn't touch the skin directly.
    • Let the ice sit for 10 minutes and then let the skin warm up again, otherwise you risk injury from frostbite. You can reapply the ice later in the day.
    • This will help with hot, swollen or inflamed joints, bruises or other minor injuries.
  3. Try herbal remedies. Although these have not been thoroughly tested, some people report that they help. If you are pregnant, do not use herbs without consulting your doctor.
    • Ginger helps fight inflammation.
    • Feverfew helps with headaches, stomachaches and toothaches. Pregnant women should not take this.
    • Turmeric helps reduce inflammation, arthritis and reduce heartburn. Don't take this if you have gallbladder disease.
    • Devil's claw. This can help with arthritis or back pain. Do not take this if you have gallstones, stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers.Pregnant women should not use this.
  4. Get treated with acupuncture. Acupuncture is a procedure in which thin needles are placed at various points in the body. How it relieves pain is not fully understood, but it can stimulate your body to produce a natural pain-relieving chemical called endorphins.
    • Many pain clinics offer acupuncture. Make sure you choose a clinic that is well known. Ask your doctor for a recommendation.
    • The needles should be sterile, packaged, disposable, and very thin. You will feel a prick when they are applied. They stay there for a maximum of 20 minutes.
    • You may need more than one session to experience the maximum effects.
    • Acupuncture is effective in reducing headaches, menstrual cramps, lower back pain, osteoarthritis, facial pain and a number of digestive problems.
  5. Regain control of your pain with biofeedback. During a biofeedback session, the therapist connects you to sensors that tell you how your body responds physiologically. You can then use this information to focus on making physical changes in your body.
    • People can learn which muscles are tense and ease their pain by learning to relax those muscles.
    • Biofeedback can give you information about muscle tension, body temperature sensors, sweat responses and your heart rate.
    • Go to a reputable therapist who is licensed or in partnership with a physician. If you're buying a device for your home, be wary of devices that make unrealistic promises. You may be getting ripped off.
  6. Try functional electrical stimulation. In this method, a computer sends small electrical pulses into your body via electrodes, causing your muscles to contract. Benefits can include:
    • Greater range of motion
    • Less involuntary muscle contractions
    • More power
    • Less bone density loss
    • Better blood circulation

Part 2 of 3: Applying medication

  1. Consider using topical pain relievers. You can apply them directly to the painful area. There are different types with different active ingredients.
    • Capsaicin (Capzasin, Zostrix). This is the substance that makes chili peppers so tart. It prevents your nerves from sending pain signals effectively.
    • Salicylates (Asper Cream, Bengay). These creams contain aspirin, which can relieve inflammation and pain.
    • Counterirritants (Icy Hot, Biofreeze). These creams contain menthol or camphor that make you feel warm or cold.
    • These drugs are often used to reduce joint pain.
    • Always read and follow the package inserts. Consult a doctor before using on children or if you are pregnant.
    • Look for signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, difficulty breathing, and difficulty swallowing.
  2. Reduce inflammation with over-the-counter medications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prevent the body from producing the chemicals that cause inflammation. Some common drugs are:
    • Aspirin (Anacin, Ascriptin, Bayer, Bufferin, Excedrin). Do not give aspirin to children under the age of 19.
    • Ketoprofen (Orudis)
    • Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, Medipren)
    • Naproxen sodium (Aleve)
    • These medications can be effective for reducing pain from osteoarthritis, muscle pain, back pain, dental problems, gout, menstrual cramps and joint pain from fever or headache.
    • Always follow the instructions in the package insert. Do not take these medications if you are pregnant without first consulting a doctor. Watch for signs of an allergic reaction.
    • Consult a doctor if you are taking other medications that may interact.
  3. See the doctor if there is an infection or injury that you cannot treat at home. The doctor can prescribe treatment and medicines to reduce your pain.
    • See a doctor for physical injuries such as sprains, fractures, or deep cuts. The doctor can put a bandage on it, put a plaster on it, or stitch it so that it can heal properly. If you need strong painkillers, your doctor can prescribe them.
    • Get medical help if you have a serious infection. This includes serious respiratory infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis, ear and eye infections, sexually transmitted diseases and severe abdominal pain which could be an indication of an intestinal infection, etc. The doctor will prescribe strong antibiotics for you. You will start to feel better once the antibiotics start killing the infection.
  4. Talk to your doctor about which medicines you can take. If nothing else works and you still have severe pain, your doctor may prescribe more severe painkillers, such as morphine or codeine.
    • These drugs are addictive. Use them only as directed.
  5. Chronic pain can be controlled with cortisone injections. These injections are usually given directly into the painful joint. They usually contain a corticosteroid and a local anesthetic.
    • This can be effective for conditions such as: gout, arthritis, lupus, carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.
    • Since these injections can damage the cartilage in the joint, they should only be given 3-4 times a year, not more often.
  6. Consider taking antidepressants for the pain. Why it works is not fully understood, but these drugs may increase the chemicals in your spine that counteract pain transmission.
    • It may take a few weeks for these to provide relief.
    • They can help treat arthritis, nerve damage, pain from spinal injuries, pain from stroke, headache, back pain, and pelvic pain.
    • The most commonly prescribed antidepressants for pain are the tricyclics.

Part 3 of 3: Reduce pain by changing your lifestyle

  1. Peace. When you are calm, your body can use more energy for recovery. Give your body time to recover by getting enough sleep every night. Try to sleep continuously for at least 8 hours.
    • Refrain from strenuous exercise such as jogging while your body heals.
    • Avoid stressful emotional events. The physiological changes your body deals with when you are stressed can slow down the healing process.
  2. Take physical therapy. If your doctor feels this can help, he or she can recommend someone who specializes in treating your condition. Physical therapy can help you with exercises for:
    • Strengthening weak muscles
    • Increasing your freedom of movement
    • Recovering from an injury
    • This is often more effective in musculoskeletal disorders and neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary (and other) disorders.
  3. Control your emotions with relaxation techniques. Pain can cause anxiety, stress, depression and anger, all emotions that can bring about changes in the body such as muscle tension. Try relaxation techniques to calm yourself. Some of the methods are:
    • Progressive muscle relaxation. Go through your body per muscle group and slowly tighten them, after which you relax them again.
    • Visualization. Concentrate on imagining a restful place.
    • Deep breathing
    • Meditation
    • Yoga
    • Tai chi
    • Massage
    • Hypnosis
  4. Go to a psychotherapist. A psychotherapist can help you understand your emotions and teach you how to deal with them.
    • If you have physical complaints due to emotional stress such as muscle tensions that are painful, this can help you recognize and prevent it.
  5. Try cognitive behavioral therapy. This is a proven form of therapy that helps people deal with challenges or pain they cannot avoid. Studies have shown that CBT is helpful in conditions such as chronic back pain. The therapist can help you with the following:
    • Identify what caused you the pain
    • Make you aware of your beliefs about the situation.
    • Find out how your thoughts get in the way of themselves
    • Encourage you to learn different, proactive ways of thinking and thus make better choices in your life


  • Always read the package insert for over-the-counter medications you buy.
  • Consult your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medicines, herbs or supplements, especially during pregnancy. Also consult a doctor before giving this to children.
  • If you are already taking any medications, consult your doctor before adding any new medications, even if they are over-the-counter medications, herbs, or supplements. It may be that there is an interaction with your current medications.
  • Do not use alcohol in combination with medicines.
  • Ask your doctor if you can drive while taking medication.
  • Some medications have harmful side effects when used for a longer period of time. Do not use medication for longer than indicated on the package leaflet, without first discussing this with your doctor.