Get rid of ants in the house

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
A Natural Way to Get Rid of Ants in Your House
Video: A Natural Way to Get Rid of Ants in Your House


An ant infestation in the home can be an annoying and frustrating problem. Fortunately, most ant species are easy to control. As long as you keep your house clean and don't have food open and naked in your house, the ant problem will disappear as quickly as it started. However, if you find damaged and wet wood, it's a good idea to hire a company that specializes in pest control to help you get rid of your carpenter ant infestation.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Keeping your home clean

  1. Wipe up all crumbs immediately and pick up spills immediately. Soak up any puddles of water on your counter and sweep up crumbs. Sweep and vacuum your house daily. It is especially important that you do this in the kitchen and dining room. Ants will look for food, so make sure they can't find food in your house.
    • It is useful to completely clean your kitchen and pantry every week. Once a week, sweep and mop your floors and wipe down all surfaces in your kitchen, including your pantry.
  2. Dispose of all waste in your home every day. Make sure to put all your trash in garbage bags. It is also helpful to put all the waste in your waste container every day so that there are no food scraps for the ants to find.
    • It can also help to close your waste bin with a tight-fitting lid.
  3. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink as it will attract ants. The sink is a popular place for ants because of any food scraps that may still be on the dishes. Washing the dishes will help the ants to find less food in your home.
    • If you put your plates in the dishwasher, rinse them thoroughly.
  4. Store all food and use locking clips, bags and airtight storage boxes. Keep food that can spoil in the refrigerator and cover food that will be kept out of the refrigerator with a lid. By using closing clips, plastic bags and airtight storage boxes, you can store your food properly and the ants cannot reach it. Proper storage of your food will reduce the chance that the ants will find food in your house.
    • Instead of leaving a bag of chips on the counter, close the bag with a clip and place it in the pantry.

Part 2 of 3: Using natural repellants

  1. Spray a mixture of one part vinegar and three parts water on odor traces to remove them. With vinegar and water you can make a natural ant repellent. Ants will not walk in areas where you sprayed vinegar, so spray an even coat of the mixture on any scent marks the ants made and the areas where you saw ants. This upsets the ants.
    • This will not kill the ants, but will keep them from entering your home.
    • You can also use soapy water instead of vinegar.
  2. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon or coffee to repel ants. Grab some of these commonly used ingredients that you may already have at home and sprinkle them in areas where you often see ants. Use an uncoated tablespoon or more, depending on the size of the ant problem. Ants don't like the smell and taste of cinnamon and coffee.
    • You can also sprinkle these natural repellants on areas where ants can enter your home, such as near doors and windows.
    • You can also use chili powder, peppermint oil, and garlic if you want to use even more natural remedies.
  3. Make a mixture of borax, water and sugar to attract and kill ants. Borax is a natural mineral known for its cleaning power. Mix 350 ml of warm water with 120 grams of sugar and 30 grams of borax. Pour the mixture into a small bowl or cup, and place it in an area where you often see ants. The sugar attracts the ants and the borax will kill them.
    • When the ants eat the borax, it affects their digestive system.
    • This is one of the best working methods of getting rid of ants and can kill the entire ant colony with it.

Part 3 of 3: Try more drastic methods

  1. Close any cracks that allow ants to enter your home. Use water-resistant silicone caulk or a sealant to seal cracks and holes. Windows and doors are popular places for ants to enter your home. Closing cracks and openings will make it more difficult for the ants to find a place to enter your home.
    • Try to close as many openings and cracks as possible. You may not be able to seal all areas, but this will help prevent ants from entering your home.
  2. Place bait around the house to control the ant problem. The ants are attracted to the bait, get stuck or poisoned, and die. These agents are available as gel, granules and bait boxes. You can choose from a sugar-based or a protein and fat-based product.
    • You can use any type of bait, but it is recommended that you use one that contains both sugar and protein.
  3. Spray an insecticide near doors and windows to keep ants out of your home. Use an insecticide on the areas where the ants enter your home to deter them and keep them from returning. Hold the aerosol at a distance of about four inches from the surface you are treating. This way you prevent more ants from entering your house.
    • Spray enough on the surface to get it wet, but don't soak it.
    • Use an insecticide that contains bifenthrin, permethrin, or deltamethrin.
    • If you have a more serious ant problem, you can also spray an insecticide around your house.
  4. Call a pest controller to help you, especially if you think you might carpenter ants at home. A pest controller can help identify the problem and determine the extent of the damage. In the case of a severe carpenter ant infestation, a pest controller is your best bet to get rid of the infestation and prevent another infestation. A pest repeller can also use insecticides if needed.
    • Call a few pest control agents to compare prices and get the best deal possible.
    • You may have carpenter ants in your home if you see damaged and wet wood in your home.


  • You can use over-the-counter ant sprays, but these sprays often kill the ants on their own and will not solve the problem. If you don't do anything to get the ants out of your house, they will just walk around the injected areas to get to the food.