Getting rid of male breasts by exercising

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Man B**bs, Saggy Chest, or Gynecomastia.
Video: How to Get Rid of Man B**bs, Saggy Chest, or Gynecomastia.


Men can store fat on the chest muscles, creating the so-called male breasts. This can be due to weight gain or other factors. If you have too much fat on your chest, it's important to see your doctor first to rule out an underlying disease. If the extra tissue has developed in you from weight gain or mild gynecomastia, you can get rid of your male breasts by toning your chest muscles with strength training, cardio training and a healthy diet.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Shaping your chest muscles with strength training

  1. Build your chest muscles. Do strength exercises to strengthen your chest muscles. When you gain more muscle, your metabolism speeds up and you burn more fat, which also makes you lose fat tissue from your breast. You can choose weightlifting with dumbbells or exercises with your own body weight such as pushups to strengthen your muscles and burn fat.
    • Do a set of 8-12 reps to get started. Slowly build it up to three sets as you get stronger.
    • It is impossible to lose weight locally. So you can't lose weight in just one place. With muscle exercises you train your muscles, but you do not automatically lose the fat around the muscles. That is why it is important to combine strength training with cardio.
  2. Do pushups. One of the most effective ways to get your pecs in shape is to do pushups and variations on them. Pushups strengthen your chest muscles and the smaller muscles in that area. In addition, you build back and abdominal muscles with it, making your entire body appear slimmer.
    • Lie down in the plank position. Keep your arms straight and place your hands on the floor a little wider than shoulder width apart. Bend your elbows and lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. Remember to keep your abs and leg muscles contracted.
    • Try pushups from a half plank, or from your knees, if regular pushups don't work yet. Try to bring your crotch, chest, and chin to the floor roughly at the same time.
    • Consider doing variations of pushups after 3-4 weeks, such as pushups with one hand on your back, pushups with a slap, or pushups with your feet against the wall.
  3. Go bench press. By pressing a certain weight from your chest, you can also strengthen your chest muscles. Doing several of these types of exercises can help you get rid of excess breast tissue.
    • Lie on your back on a bench with a bar with weights or dumbells in your hands. Keeping the weights near the bottom of your ribs, bend your elbows and push the weights away from you until your arms are straight. Hold them at the top for a moment and then slowly lower your arms back to the original position. Start with 2.5 kg and build it up slowly as you get stronger and can safely complete an entire set.
    • Try to do different bench presses every 3-4 weeks to keep challenging your muscles. You can choose from a variety of options, such as downward or incline bench press, with dumbbells, or with your hands close together.
  4. Do flys. Pulling your arms together, called a fly, is another great way to tone your chest muscles, lose weight, and burn fat. There are all kinds of fly's, with dumbbells or cables, and they are all good for strengthening your chest muscles and losing fat.
    • Lie on your back or stand while leaning forward slightly. Take a 2.5 kg weight in both hands with your palms facing each other. Now slowly spread your arms wide to stretch them. Then slowly bring your arms back together. # * You can also do fly's with a resistance band. Stand up and place the band at about hip height (you may be able to attach it to a post or door handle), holding one end with each hand. Start with your hands open and then bring them in front of your chest, then open again.
    • Change your routine every 3-4 weeks to keep challenging your chest muscles. Try angled or downward flys, flys with cables, or even variations one arm at a time.

Part 2 of 3: Doing cardio training

  1. Get off the couch. While strength training can help you get rid of excess fat from your breast, you will also need to lose weight all over your body. You will need to get more active throughout the day and do some cardio training. Simple changes such as walking instead of taking the car and taking the stairs instead of the elevator can already burn calories and fat. Consider bringing a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps every day and you'll lose weight faster.
  2. Do cardio workouts almost every day. By combining strength training with cardio training and healthy eating, you can get rid of excess fat, including your chest. A sensible weight loss is 0.5 to 1 kilo per week. Doing some form of exercise 5-6 times a week will help you get rid of your breast fat faster.
    • Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise every week. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day to reduce breast fat. Divide your workouts into more manageable pieces if you are just starting out. For example, you can start with workouts of 2-15 minutes.
    • Choose activities that challenge your body and that you enjoy doing. You may have to try a few things first to find something you like. Consider activities such as walking, jogging, running, rowing, swimming, or cycling. You can also use equipment, such as the cross trainer, the steps, or the rowing machine. Remember that playing soccer with your kids or activities such as skipping rope or jumping on the trampoline also count.
  3. Take classes. Boot camp, body shape, Pilates and yoga are also great ways to build muscle and reduce body fat. It can be more motivating than having to do everything on your own. Sign up for classes that you can take 3-4 times a week, with a day of rest in between. An additional advantage of these types of lessons is that you learn how to perform the exercises properly, so that you can do them later at home or in the fitness room itself.

Part 3 of 3: Healthy living

  1. See your doctor to be checked for gynecomastia. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any exercise or diet program. This is especially important if you have male breasts. Your doctor will check that you do not have gynecomastia, which can cause male breasts as a result of a hormonal imbalance. Gynecomastia can also indicate more serious illnesses, such as male breast cancer.
    • Let your doctor know why you made an appointment. Give him / her information about when you first noticed the excess breast tissue, whether it hurts, and whether you have gained weight further. Depending on the exam, your doctor can determine if you have gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia, which means that you store fat without a hormonal imbalance.
    • Listen to your doctor's advice on how to treat any conditions. In most cases, men with mild gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia can reduce the amount of fat on their chest by exercising and following a diet. Your doctor may ask you to come back after 3-6 months to see how you're doing.
  2. Get plenty of rest. Just like exercise, it is also important to rest if you want to get rid of fat from your chest. You can even gain weight by not getting enough rest. Resting one or two days a week and sleeping at least seven hours a night will help you lose weight and get rid of unwanted breast fat.
    • In any case, do not exercise for a whole day a week. Then your muscles can recover and become stronger.
    • Try to sleep 8-9 hours a night, and no less than 7 hours. Take a 30-minute nap during the day if you are tired.
  3. Eat regular, nutritious meals. Calories play a big part in how much you lose weight, so it's important to eat three balanced and healthy meals a day. By choosing healthy, nutritious ingredients, you will lose weight better and gradually get rid of the fat on your chest.
    • Eat 500-1000 calories less than you do now. This is a good guideline if you want to lose weight sensibly. Never eat less than 1,200 calories a day, as this will make you feel miserable and less likely to lose weight.
  4. Choose different, healthy foods from the five food groups. Make sure to eat foods from all food groups of the five slice, including fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. Eat a varied diet so that you get as many nutrients as possible. Healthy food contains a lot of fiber, which makes you less hungry.
    • Eat fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, apples, black currants, spinach, and sweet potato. Eat whole grains such as whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and oats. Eat lean meats such as chicken, fish, lean beef, as well as legumes, peanut butter and eggs to get protein. Eat cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt, and drink milk to get your dairy.
  5. Avoid fast food. Most people like to eat fast food, but if you want to lose weight and get rid of fat tissue on your chest, it is your worst enemy. Fast food and other unhealthy foods are high in fat and calories, so you will not lose weight.
    • Avoid starchy foods made up of processed carbohydrates, such as white bread, white pasta, white rice, and pastries. Avoiding these foods altogether or replacing them with whole-grain alternatives will help you lose weight faster.
    • Watch for hidden sugars in your diet by reading the labels. Sugar also causes weight gain. If you see the terms corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose or maltose on a product, don't eat or drink it.
  6. Change your diet gradually. Eating healthy for weight loss and weight maintenance is something you should do for the rest of your life. If you want to lose weight, you may start very enthusiastically by changing your entire diet. But this can make you fall back into your bad eating habits. Gradual changes in your eating habits will keep you going for life, so hopefully you never get fat on your chest again.
    • Start by swapping unhealthy choices for healthy foods. For example, eat brown rice instead of white. Put more vegetables on your plate than meat or potatoes. Try microwave popcorn instead of potato chips. If you want something to nibble, have carrots or other raw vegetables.
    • Allow yourself one day of sin each week so that you minimize the chance of overeating.
  7. Make an all-day meal plan. One way to keep track of your calories and make sure you're getting enough nutrients is to write a meal plan. This also prevents you from falling back into your bad eating habits.
    • Write a plan that includes three meals and two snacks per day. Eat something different every meal. For example, start with half a cup of low-fat yogurt with fresh blueberries, a whole wheat sandwich with sugar-free jam, and coffee without sugar for breakfast. At noon, make a salad with different vegetables, grilled chicken and homemade dressing. Eat strips of raw vegetables with hummus as a snack. For dinner, try grilled salmon with a small salad and a side dish of steamed vegetables. If you want dessert, slice an apple and sprinkle with cinnamon.
    • When dining out, make sure you look ahead. Check the menu on the web, or call the restaurant to see what healthy choices they offer. Choose a few healthy options and write them in your meal plan. Avoid culprits such as an unlimited buffet, bread baskets, dishes with a lot of sauce and fried snacks.
  8. Make sure you stay well hydrated. If you eat healthy and exercise, you should also drink plenty of water. This makes it easier to lose weight and keeps you healthier. Try to drink 3 liters of water every day, and even more if you exercise a lot.
    • Avoid drinks that contain a lot of calories, such as soda, juice, iced coffee, and alcohol. Instead, opt for drinks without calories, such as water, tea, black coffee and spring water.


  • Appointment with the doctor
  • Healthy diet
  • Water
  • Pedometer
  • Running or fitness shoes