Fix acne on the chest

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I Got Rid Of My Body Acne FOREVER!
Video: How I Got Rid Of My Body Acne FOREVER!


You want to wear a bathing suit or maybe a dress or shirt with a low neckline, but your chest shows all the marks of acne. Pimples, blackheads, blackheads, pus bumps, cysts and even damage can develop on your chest because of all the sebaceous glands that are in this part of your body. Fortunately, you can take several steps to get rid of acne on your chest by following the simple tips below. Treat chest acne the same way you would treat acne on your face or any other part of your body. If you still have some pimples after using the remedies below, you can cover up the acne on your chest with some quick tricks.

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Part 1 of 3: Treating chest acne

  1. Choose a soap that fights acne. In the shower, use a loofah sponge to wash with and a soap that contains cucumber, azulene, or salicylic acid.
    • A soap with these ingredients dries out your skin, helping to fight acne.
    • If you scrub too roughly, you will remove all natural oils from your skin and irritate your acne. So always scrub your chest gently to remove dead skin cells.
    • Take a shower every day. If you don't clean your skin, sebum and bacteria will build up on the surface, causing acne.
  2. Use an anti-blemish cream that you apply to the affected areas yourself. The cream should contain a concentration of salicylic acid of between 0.5 and 2%. Apply the cream directly to the acne to dry out the pimple and help it heal faster.
  3. Use benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide fights the bacteria that cause acne, dries out the acne and removes dead skin layers from the epidermis.
  4. Remember to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating removes the dead skin layers from the epidermis, or the outermost skin layer. Exfoliating can help reduce acne on your chest. Buy or make your own body scrub, apply it to the skin on your chest and watch the acne go away.
    • Chest acne is often the result of clogged hair follicles or pores, which can cause sebum to build up. This eventually causes acne. Men generally have a hair-covered chest, while women usually wear tight-fitting bras and shirts. Both can contribute to chest acne, making exfoliating very important.
  5. Spread a mask on your chest. Look for masks made of mud or charcoal, or try a mask that contains mandelic acid.
    • Mask with mud or charcoal. Rub this mask on your chest twice a week and then rinse it off. A mask will clean your chest and unclog the pores.
    • Mask with mandelic acid. You usually apply these masks 10 to 15 minutes before you take a shower. Then rinse the mask off your skin with a specially formulated acne cleanser.
    • You can also try a clay-based mask or a mask that tea tree oil contains. Many people think that tea tree oil is a good remedy for various skin conditions.
  6. Make an aspirin paste. Aspirin also contains salicylic acid, which both dries out the acne and reduces the inflamed skin caused by the acne. This makes aspirin the perfect candidate for an effective paste.
    • Crush two aspirin tablets and mix with a teaspoon of water and a teaspoon of honey. Apply this on your chest or other areas as needed and let the paste dry for 10 minutes. Wash the paste off your skin with cold water.

Part 2 of 3: Preventing chest acne

  1. Wear cotton or linen shirts. Cotton and linen are the fabrics that breathe the most. They let your sweat evaporate instead of forming a film on your chest that clogs your pores and promotes bacterial growth. EXPERT TIP

    Adjust your diet. Eat a handful of walnuts every day to reduce inflammation in your skin. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Add lean proteins, such as chicken breast or soy, to your diet, along with whole grains and omega 3 fatty acids.

    • People who eat more fruits and vegetables and less milk and sugar often suffer less from acne. So make sure you eat 5 to 9 servings of healthy vegetables every day, especially green leafy vegetables.
    • Healthy fats, such as omega 3 fatty acids, help fight inflammation and promote healthy skin cells. Omega 3 fatty acids are damaged by oxygen. That means if you eat foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, you should eat them raw. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids include:
      • Fish, especially salmon, sardines and herring.
      • Seeds and nuts, especially flax seeds.
      • Leafy green vegetables, especially spinach and arugula.
  2. Drink lots of water. Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Like other organs, your skin needs a lot of water to stay hydrated and function in a healthy way. Many doctors recommend drinking between 9 and 12 glasses of water per day (2.2-3 liters), depending on whether you are a girl or a boy.
    • Stop drinking sugary drinks, such as soda, juice, and smoothies. While the evidence for this has been controversial for decades, new studies seem to indicate dietary patterns indeed have a significant effect on acne, with sugar being the culprit. Sugar causes an elevated insulin level, which in turn stimulates the production of certain hormones that cause blemishes.
    • Unsweetened green tea can also help. Green tea contains antioxidants that help fight free radicals. Free radicals attack the cells that may be responsible for signs of skin aging. Make some tasty green tea as a healthy alternative to water.
  3. Do not eat or drink dairy products. Dairy products contain hormones that come from cows. These hormones stimulate your pores and your sebaceous glands. If you do have to drink milk, choose low-fat milk. The hormones are largely concentrated in the fat part of the milk. Drinking skim milk will reduce your exposure to these hormones.
  4. Use a non-comedogenic body lotion to prevent new acne. Look for products with the words "non-comedogenic" or "fat-free" on the label. Comedogenic ingredients tend to clog your pores.
    • Comedogenic ingredients include cocoa butter, pigments and dyes, coal tar and isopropyl myristate.
    • If you have oily skin, always look for non-comedogenic lotions and cleansers.
  5. Wash your hands after going to the bathroom. If you have bacteria on your hands and then touch your chest, you are transferring bacteria to the skin of your chest that can clog your pores. So wash your hands. You will not only prevent acne but also multiple diseases.
  6. Remove as much unhealthy stress from your life as possible. Doctors aren't quite sure what the reason is, but they do know that there is a relationship between stress and skin conditions, particularly stress and acne. The cells that produce sebum (which is the substance that eventually causes acne) somehow become unstable when a person experiences a lot of stress.
    • Get enough sleep. Doctors know that the less sleep you get, the more likely you are to experience stress during your day. The more stress you experience, the worse your acne will get.
  7. Exercise. Sport is almost a panacea for all ailments. In this case, sport promotes healthy circulation and helps reduce anxiety and stress. So find a reason to run - or walk - through your neighborhood, join a sports club or go cycling on your exercise bike.
    • Shower after exercise. This is very important. Your pores may be clogged with sweat after exercise. If you take a shower and cleanse your pores, chances are you will partially prevent acne on your chest that is simply caused by post-exercise negligence.

Part 3 of 3: Cover up acne on the chest

  1. Dab your pimple with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
    • You can also dab a pimple with a cotton swab moistened with eye drops (used to reduce red eyes). Eye drops can help reduce inflammation and red skin. For an extra lightening effect, place the moist cotton swab in the freezer half an hour to an hour before using it.
  2. Apply a concealer that contains salicylic acid. Choose a concealer that is 1 shade darker than your own skin color.
  3. Apply a layer of foundation that matches your actual skin tone.
  4. Apply powder to your chest. You should now be ready to go out.
  5. Apply calamine lotion if you don't want to use makeup. The pink color hides the acne and the lotion also relieves your skin irritation.


  • If you spray perfume on your chest, stop now. It can irritate or clog or close your pores.
  • If you have long hair, consider tying it up or putting it up while you sleep. The fats from your hair can clog the pores in your body.
  • Change your bedding including pillowcase at least once a week. If you don't do this, dead skin cells and bacteria will accumulate where you sleep. This promotes acne on your body.
  • Eat less fried foods and stop drinking soda if possible. This way, less sugar and fat is produced in your body.
  • For every treatment you try, it can take up to 6 weeks for it to actually work. So don't give up too quickly on a substance that could ultimately work effectively for you.
  • If you want to apply a lotion, try an eczema lotion. This will not clog your pores and it also moisturizes your skin.
  • Acne can be made worse by stress. Take steps to reduce stress to reduce the chances of getting acne again.
  • When wearing a low-necked shirt, try wearing a matching camisole to cover up all those little impurities. Wear a cotton camisole as this is gentler on your skin. However, do not use fabric softener. This can clog the pores on your chest and cause irritation.
  • If nothing helps, seek advice from a dermatologist. You can use creams or oral medications that are prescription and will give good results.


  • Do not pick, scratch or squeeze your pimples. This can cause more irritation, as well as bleeding and possible scarring.
  • Talk to your doctor before taking any oral medications to treat acne. Do this especially when you are pregnant.