Be attractive to a Cancer woman

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: HOW TO ATTRACT A CANCER WOMAN | Hannah’s Elsewhere


Cancer women, like the animal itself, are naturally cautious and feel most comfortable at home. They are also very loving and loyal to the people closest to them which makes them great romantic partners once you break through their tough exterior. By being sensitive to a Cancer woman's shyness, you can get to know her in a way that feels comfortable to her. By appealing to her love for the family and helping with the household, you can show her that you know that home is where her heart is.

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Method 1 of 3: Overcome her shyness

  1. Take the first step. Take the initiative and introduce yourself to a Cancer woman. Avoid aggressive, intimate decoration texts and keep some distance. Cancer women are naturally shy and more open to a relaxed approach. Watch what she's doing and use that information to make contact.
    • For example, if you see her picking a candy bar from the supermarket, you could say, "Is it good? I planned to try one. By the way, I'm Mark. "
    • If she's not doing anything special, just start simple. Say, "Hi". When she greets you back, ask her how her day is going.
  2. Choose active outings. Invite the Cancer of your heart to a movie, concert, or other activity where she's not the center of attention. Having something to focus on will make her feel most comfortable. If the conversation is a bit rough, comment on the activity.
    • Avoid intense dinner parties for two right from the start, which a shy Cancer can experience as an interrogation.
  3. Show your vulnerable side. When she asks you questions instead of giving short answers, share a bit about yourself. If there is a suitable opportunity to talk about something that has been challenging for you, go for it. Your Cancer woman will appreciate your ability to open up.
    • Suppose you are a teacher and she asks how you got into education, say more than just: "I like it". For example, you could say, "I really want to make a difference for children. My father was often not there in my youth, and I had a teacher who really was an example to me. "
  4. Be patient if it takes a while for her to open up. Don't be put off if a Cancer woman avoids your questions. Pause the topic for now, then return to it once you've gotten to know each other a little better. Cancers shield themselves and are naturally shy, especially when it comes to their family and close friends.
    • For example, if she is avoiding a personal question, say something like, "No problem. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. "
  5. Do what you say you are going to do. Prove that you are trustworthy by following up on your words. Cancer women long for a reliable, stable partner. Showing that you can be that person will make her feel more attracted to you.
    • For example, if you say you're going to pick her up from work, leave enough time in your calendar to make sure you can actually do this. If you offer to water her plants while on vacation, do a good job and follow all her directions.
  6. Don't date other women. Only focus your romantic attention on her if you want to build a relationship. Loyalty and reliability are very important to her. If you're dating multiple women, you have to be really clear about that to make sure you guys feel the same way.
    • For example, you could say, "I really want to deepen our relationship. I'm not going out with anyone else now because I respect what we are building. "She will likely respond.

Method 2 of 3: Address her love for friends and family

  1. Invite her family to activities. Plan a picnic or other casual activity to get to know her family. Let her know you want to invite them because you know how important they are to her.
    • For example, you could say, "I love how close you are to your mother. Do you think she would like to take us for a walk in the woods on Sunday? "
  2. Make an appointment with a bunch of her friends. Eat and go to the movies or play mini golf with a friend and her partner. If you don't know them well enough to handle this yourself, show your interest by suggesting something similar to your girlfriend.
    • For example, you could say something like, "There's a great new pizza place in my office. Would Suzy and John feel like going out for dinner with us on Saturday night? "
    • It is best to invite a couple in a committed relationship. That way, she won't feel uncomfortable meeting her friend's new partner.
  3. Show understanding when she prioritizes her friends and family. Tell her you know how much she loves her friends and family if she has to change plans to meet their needs. Show concern for the well-being of people who are important to her by asking how they are doing.
    • For example, if she cancels on an outing to take her brother to the doctor, you could say, "No problem. Pizza is also possible another time. Is he okay? Can I do something?'
  4. Ask about her family history. Browse the family photo albums with her and ask about her past. This is a great time to ask her questions about loved ones or just let her tell stories about her childhood.
    • You could say something like, "Is that a picture of you and your grandmother? Seems like a great woman. What is your favorite memory of her? "
  5. Introduce her to your friends and family. Show her that you are willing to bring her into your life by letting her spend time with your family and friends. Plan a fun activity that will make her shine.
    • For example, if your girlfriend is a great artist, you could go with your sister and your girlfriend to an exhibition opening at a local art studio.
  6. Criticize those who are important to her as little as possible. Avoid criticism or feedback about friends and family of hers that you don't know well. If you criticize someone who is important to her, do it just to show her that you are on her side and want to support her. Whenever possible, try to show empathy.
    • For example, if she and a friend get into an argument, say, "I know how much you care about each other." I am concerned that she has become so personal with her attacks on you. Are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help? "

Method 3 of 3: Show your homely side

  1. Cook for her. Based on a favorite family recipe, make an thoughtful meal for her at her home. Many Cancer women like a quiet evening at home where they feel most comfortable. Inviting her friends or family will show her how much you value the people who are important to her.
    • If you don't have a family recipe to share, choose a cookbook recipe that reflects some of her interests. It doesn't have to be a complex roast. If she likes Mexican food, she'll love the effort you put into making a fresh guacamole.
    • Don't forget to wash the dishes!
  2. Organize a movie night. Create a cozy atmosphere with dim lighting, lots of pillows and some fresh popcorn for a relaxing evening together. Tell her she's welcome to wear sweatpants or pajamas so she knows you care about her comfort.
    • Get some movies ready and let her choose the direction of the evening.
  3. Clean up everything. Take care of her home by tidying things up when you cook or come over. Also, keep your own space tidy so she can see that you treat your home with respect.
  4. Make things in and around the house. If you're handy, take care of her home by making it function better. Fix a leaking faucet or buzzing refrigerator without her even asking.
    • Taking good care of her home lets her know that you understand what a sanctuary her home is to her.
    • If you're not that handy, unload her dishwasher or do some other simple chore to help.
  5. Take care of her pet. Show your love for her furry friends with walks, pats and treats when needed. Showing that you appreciate her pet can help her begin to see you as a seamless part of her life.
    • If she's not an animal lover, offer to babysit her house or pick up her mail when she's not around. It will be much nicer for her to come home.