How to meet girls on Facebook

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Chat Up Women On Facebook (And Get A Date!)
Video: How To Chat Up Women On Facebook (And Get A Date!)


We can say that Facebook is like a new bar near your house, or a party at a friend's. You see a pretty girl across the room - on a friend's Facebook wall - you can't walk up to her or catch her eye, but there are a few things you can do to pick her up without leaving your computer. If you want to learn how to meet girls on Facebook, just follow these simple tips.


Method 1 of 2: Create Your Own Killing Profile

  1. 1 Make sure that on your page there are only those photos in which you look your best. Don't start texting a girl if you haven't uploaded new photos since you were in eighth grade. Before looking for a girl on Facebook, delete all the photos where you didn't turn out very well. Don't upload a bunch of pictures of different girls unless you want to look like a playboy. Also, don't upload pictures of you drunk or fooling around, unless you think a girl might like it. ...
    • Just go through every photo and ask, "Will the girl I'm going to pick up like this?" If the answer is "no" - delete it without hesitation.
    • Leave a few "safe" photos where you are in the company of some girls - to show that girls like to communicate with you; just not those on which you do something too provocative with some lady - or several.
  2. 2 Demonstrate to her that you have a social life. If you want to attract attention and meet a girl through Facebook, she needs to know that you are in demand. You should have a decent number of Facebook friends, eat various interesting things on your wall, show that you attend different parties, comment on the photos of others, so that they, in turn, comment on your photos and links. Show the girl that you are a fun guy and that people enjoy interacting with you.
    • If you only have 10 Facebook friends and your wall posts have not been updated in a year, she will be suspicious of you.
    • Don't fast too often. Add new posts just to show you are active - you don't want a girl to think that Facebook is your life?
    • Don't let her see you roll up to a lot of girls on Facebook, if that's the case. Be tricky and hide your playful messages from public view, limit the ability to comment or communicate only via private SMS.
  3. 3 Let your profile reveal what makes you different from others. Of course, you shouldn't pour your heart out on Facebook pages, but girls should be able to learn something cool about you from your profile. If you like a group, post a link to their songs on your wall; if you are a fan of surfing, post a few photos of you and your friends crossing the waves. Show that you have tons of cool interests outside of Facebook.

Method 2 of 2: Choose Your Girlfriend

  1. 1 Find the right girl. Search Facebook for a pretty girl who seems fun, doesn't have a boyfriend, and who lives in the same area as you. Ideally, you and her should have a couple of mutual acquaintances. Do not opt ​​for a completely unfamiliar girl. Make sure that she is not in a serious relationship - you should be alerted to her photos with a guy hugging her with the air of an owner.
  2. 2 Add her as a friend. If you are not friends yet, send her a request to add you as a friend. Remember that a girl who doesn't know you is likely to reject the request, or even block you. If you are at least superficially familiar, then your request will not surprise her. It will be more difficult to get into this girl's friends list if you just saw her on someone's profile and you live in different parts of the country.
    • If your acquaintance was very cursory, and you are not sure if she remembers you, it is better to send a short message with a request. Nothing serious, it will be simple enough "It was fun chatting with you at Mike's party last week."
    • When you see a pretty girl on the wall of one of your friends, try to join their conversation. Leave a comment she likes and try to get her talking.
    • Don't forget that Facebook has a very strict sexual harassment policy. If the girl did not accept your friend request - leave her alone. Do not bombard her with aggressive messages or she will complain to the site administrators and they may block your account.
  3. 3 Take a close look at her page. Once you become friends on Facebook, you will have access to her page, and you can learn something new about her - depending on how active she is on the site. The more you know about her before you try to pick her up, the easier it will be for you to get her talking and interested. Pay attention to the following points:
    • Mutual friends. See if you have mutual friends or check out her photos to see who she's hanging out with. If you recognize someone, it will be possible to mention it in a conversation by chance.
    • Find out about her hobbies. Check out the photos of the girl and the group she is in to see what she likes - going to the beach, playing tennis or hanging out at noisy parties.
    • Pay attention to her links. Does her page have a link to Justin Timberlake's latest album? Or an article about Obama? Try to learn more about her interests in this way.
    • Read her posts. What she writes in her chronicle will help you understand her attitude towards work or school, what is her favorite basketball team, and even what her plans for the holidays and weekends are.
  4. 4 Start communicating with her. Nice and without pressure. Don't text her that she's very hot right after she accepts your friend request. Spend some time building up your Facebook friendship. Like one of her statuses or photos. After that, you can start commenting on her photos and statuses. Make sure that she answers you, she likes your comments, and your communication does not turn into a monologue.
    • Choose the right moment to move from simple comments to longer communication. If she continues to answer, then she likes to communicate with you.
    • As you chat more, you can post something on her wall that you think she might like. Do this only once and wait until she responds in kind before writing again.
    • Do not admit that you know about her interests due to the increased attention to her page. Just mention something you both like and wait for her reaction. For example, you know that she is a fan of the Lakers - post something about them on your wall and wait for her to like this post.
  5. 5 Send a message. When you understand that mutual understanding has improved between you, you can move from comments and posts to the next level - messages. Just write her a few lines about what reminded you of her, or clicked on a link she might like. You can flirt a little, but don't go overboard.
    • Wait for an answer. If she asks you questions, it means that she wants to continue your correspondence.
    • Answer her. After you exchange messages several times, you can move on to the next level.
  6. 6 Start chatting with the girl on Facebook. After exchanging messages, you can go to chat to communicate more normally. But remember that not everyone likes Facebook chat, not everyone even uses it. A girl may visit the site from a phone or computer at work, and not even know that you are trying to chat with her. But if she enjoys chatting, this is a great way to strengthen your relationship.
    • Start flirting. It's time to take your communication to the next level. If she shows sympathy for you, you can write: "Hello, beauty!" or "You look great in this picture." Don't be too direct, but let her know that you like her
    • Talk about your common interests or what she likes. Remember what you learned from her profile? This is where this information comes in handy.
  7. 7 Take her phone number (preferably). Write that you really like to communicate with her, and you would like to talk on the phone. This can both scare her off if she decides that you are too assertive, or it can be an opportunity for her to get to know you better before agreeing to meet in person. Try to get a feel for the best way to proceed.
  8. 8 Invite her to meet. Unless you're flirting with girls on Facebook just for fun, sooner or later you will want to meet in reality. So, if you regularly exchange messages or chat, just say something like “I really enjoy talking to you on Facebook, and I have a feeling that we would love to communicate in person. Let's meet anyway? "
    • Keep it at ease. Don't invite a girl out for candlelit dinner at a restaurant. Call her for a coffee or cocktail. If you do not know each other outside the site and you have no mutual friends, she may not trust you - it is better to make an appointment in a public place.
    • You can give her your phone number and wait to see if she wants to give you her number in return.
    • Have a good time. If a girl agrees to a meeting, build a relationship further, already outside of Facebook. But even if she rejects you, don't be upset. The beauty of Facebook is that you can chat with many girls at the same time.


  • Be calm, cool and confident.
  • You are the boss, you decide who you want to meet.


  • Don't chase girls on Facebook. Yes, there is a difference between trying to get to know each other and being stalked.