Get attention

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Charlie Puth - Attention [Official Video]
Video: Charlie Puth - Attention [Official Video]


Do you feel like you have so much to offer, but seem like a shy chameleon to disappear into the background? Whether you're trying to acquire new customers and business associates or attracting friends and potential sweethearts, wikiHow can help you get the positive attention you want in a healthy and productive way. Just start with Step 1 below.

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Part 1 of 3: Looking good

  1. Dress the way you want to appear. Dress the way you want to appear: be it a serious teacher, future CEO or just because you like it! You have to look like you mean business (and more importantly, like you take others seriously!). Choose clothes that look good on you, that are clean, without stains and holes or tears. Iron your clothes if they are wrinkled. Do your best to choose a complete outfit. You may want to buy clothes especially for an appointment you have with someone.
    • If you have no idea what to do with it, get ideas from popular clothing stores, such as H&M or Zara.
    • As long as your relationship with someone is somewhat superficial, such as with a business partner or acquaintance, it is useful to dress in such a way that the other person does not feel uncomfortable, and not just rely on what you want. This means that even if you like tight shirts, it may be better not to put them on if it is disruptive to the other person.
  2. Keep your look up to date. Your hairstyle, clothes, and makeup (if you wear them) should all show that you are someone living in this decade. When people dress a little too much out of style, it sends the message that you are having a hard time living in the present and that you are clinging to the past. This rule also applies to companies trying to get attention. It does not mean that you always have to come up with something new, although that can't hurt, but it just means that you have to be recognizable as someone who fits into life as it is now and understands it.
  3. Choose striking color accents. Using bold colors in your clothes, accessories and makeup (or your advertising) will demonstrate a bold, youthful approach to life. This is usually a good thing. While it may be necessary to temper it in business situations (a bold silk scarf instead of a bold blouse, for example), some standout items will always be a positive sign of personality and initiative.
    • Many studies have shown that wearing red for attracting men is very effective. However, this should be used with caution. If you have a lot of red in your skin tone, wearing red can make your complexion stand out more.
    • People with very dark skin tones can look better in yellow, while medium skin tones can find turquoise more effective.
  4. Maintain good body hygiene. If we don't take good care of ourselves, it sends the message that we don't respect ourselves. Why would anyone else respect us and pay attention to us if we don't even think we're worth looking at? Wash your hair and body regularly, take precautions to keep your face clean, and don't forget to brush your teeth.
  5. Make sure you smell nice and fresh. A bad smell can scare people, even if you are the most fascinating person. Shower regularly, use deodorant, get fresh breath and wear pleasant smelling light perfume or cologne.
    • There is almost no consensus as to which scents appeal to which gender, but fresh scents and citrus scents in particular seem to appeal quite generally.
    • Try to match your scent to your personality. This will do the most to address the people you want to address.
  6. Don't neglect your nails and hands! Bitten nails show a nervous personality (even if it's not true) and dry, cracked hands are no fun to shake! You want your hands to be inviting because you can tell a lot about a person from what someone's hands look like. Keep your nails neat and attractive and use moisturizers (lanolin is great) to keep your hands soft and a pleasure to touch.
  7. Show your personality. That said, it is not supposed to look like a fashion doll. You shouldn't just bow to any trend. It is important to reflect your individuality and the person you are. Make choices in how you present yourself that reflect your personality, but temper them with what people expect to see. Being too flashy can put people off, but being a little unique is usually very charming.

Part 2 of 3: Dealing with others

  1. Be trustworthy and genuine. If you want people to pay attention to you, whether you're trying to sell a product or you want to find someone to ask out to, then you have to be trustworthy. Other people need to be able to identify with you and feel connected to you. They have to believe that you are the way you present yourself. That's just human nature. This means showing your flaws and not trying to come off as Superman. Don't imagine yourself as more than you are. You have to appear credible, real and tangible. You must appear truthful.
    • If you are not trustworthy, people feel like they are getting something wrong. They feel like they are being manipulated. Instead, show them a slightly better version of what they already know is true. Then they will not only be motivated, but they will feel that you are offering something they can really have and deserve.
    • This includes those who feel less than their peers. Show people that you face your mistakes, but that you are really working to improve yourself. They give you a chance because they hope someone would give them that chance too.
    • Don't say things you don't really mean or laugh at jokes you don't understand or don't find funny. People can see that.
    • You should also avoid rehearsed speeches. You don't want to sound like "advertising". It always seems more manipulative and fake. Instead, always speak from your heart.
  2. Be positive. Nobody likes to be around someone who appears depressed. They already know what is impossible. They know that sometimes life is difficult and sad. What they need is to know that things will work out in the end. Anyone who is struggling (and everyone does) is naturally looking for someone who will convince them that life is getting better.
    • Start by looking for the positives in difficult situations.
    • Don't complain and help others to refrain from it too.
  3. Radiate confidence. Everyone likes confident people. However, the funny thing about self-confidence is that very few people actually have it. Most of all, you are good at pretending. Don't talk negatively about yourself (unless it's a light banter). You also need to stand up for yourself and be willing to approach people and start a conversation.
    • It is sometimes difficult to find a balance between self-assurance and vanity or self-centeredness. Try not to let conversations be all about you. Focus more on feeling good about what you have to offer to others (and what you are actually offering!) Instead of what others should be offering you.
  4. Know what you are talking about. Whether you're trying to make friends, lead the classroom, or sell your product to investors, it's crucial to actually know what you're talking about. People can usually tell when you don't. This doesn't mean you should act like a know-it-all or show your expertise all the time. It just means you shouldn't claim expertise in an area you don't know just to be of interest to others.
  5. Be exciting and interesting. You have to be willing to get out of your regular routine every once in a while. Try to offer people something more than the boring things they are used to seeing. Usually this means just getting out there and doing something! Just sitting and holding on to what you've always done isn't very exciting. Just be a bit unexpected and willing to take some risks. This will attract everyone from customers to potential friends.
    • People often feel like they are living a boring life. When they see someone do something exciting, it gives them a chance to be connected to you, to feel that tension too.
  6. Be warm. You have to be friendly when talking to new people. You don't want to be cold or difficult to approach. This creates uncomfort and tension when you are trying to develop relationships with others. Of course you don't want to be too amicable. Just be willing to open up and work with inviting postures and language. For example, instead of crossing your arms while talking, use your hands and put a big smile on your face!
  7. Pay attention. To be really good at getting positive attention, you have to learn how to read people. Knowing when to press ahead and when to back off is crucial. Pay attention to how people use body language and what they say. You should also pay attention to what people feel and what they say about the events in their lives so that you can make an educated guess about what would interest them at the time.
    • If they seem like they are looking for a way out, then you should probably back off for a while and apologize.
  8. Develop a connection. If you want someone's attention, you need to make them feel connected to you. The other should feel that the two of you feel connected and care about each other. They should feel that you care about their happiness and well-being. Do this by creating and showing sympathy for them. When someone has had a rough day, show them that you have a genuine interest in their problems and try to make them smile (with no apparent benefit to you). People also want to feel like you support and encourage them. Judgment and criticism only create barriers. Be a cheerleader and when people make bad choices, just lead them to a better solution, instead of judging them.
  9. Stimulate their sense of adventure. People naturally want to see themselves as the hero in their own story, not a character in someone else's. If you can fulfill this desire, you can do well in getting a lot of attention. Appeal to people's curiosity by giving them a puzzle to solve that ends in a reward. Appeal to their love of storytelling by telling them a story that ends well and reflects their own experience. Tell your own story in a way that paints the other as the hero. Whatever you want from someone, this will really help get their attention.
  10. Make others feel important. Just as they should feel like the main character in their own story, people want to feel important. This helps build the idea that we are minor characters in their story by helping them feel like they are impacting the lives of others. Make them feel important by giving them simple ways to help you or by helping them see the deeply positive role they play in your life.
    • For example, if you're not that popular, but you want to make friends, find a more popular person who is usually nicer than the rest, and say something like, "I don't make friends easily and you seem to get along so well with other people. Can you help me get better at making friends? "
    • If you want to call on a potential business partner, say something like, "We here at Business Corps have admired for years how your business is run. You are an excellent example to the entire industry and to me personally. We would love to find a way to work together to bring some of your great spirit of innovation into Business Corps. "
  11. Give people a reason to spend time with you. You have to show people that you have something of value to offer them. In the case of relationships, friendships and partnerships, this means giving as much as you need. It means that you are your own fully developed person with valuable qualities. Being a business means showing your customers that you can offer them more than your competitor, even if it's just a better balance of emotional and physical benefits.
    • Be there for people when they are struggling. Help them with their problems and make sacrifices for them without thinking about what it will cost you. They will remember how hard you worked for them.
    • This also means emphasizing and making it clear why you are different. There will be many people with similar stories or generally similar sacrifices. You have to show them what you can do that no one else can. This could be something like a unique function or it could be something less tangible, like a more ethical approach to what you do.
  12. Be honest. Sometimes if you want other people's attention, you just have to say what you want. This is especially important when you're trying to get attention in relationships. This can be a dangerous step, but sometimes it is necessary to make yourself more recognizable to others. Sometimes they can't recognize themselves in you until you show them. If you are not lucky with other methods, you can try to appeal to their sense of humanity by showing yours.

Part 3 of 3: Appearing authoritative

  1. Take on challenges. Someone who is not afraid to face challenges that others will not face is someone who gets attention. But this doesn't mean you have to jump off a cliff onto a skateboard. You'd be better off picking the difficult topic for a report, choosing a career that really takes some work (like being a firefighter), or creating a product that's completely new. Do something that makes others look at your actions and say, `` Man, I didn't think anyone would have the courage to do that. '' This not only gives you their attention, but also their respect, and that's the kind of attention that you really want.
    • This advice also applies to finding relationships. A potential boyfriend or girlfriend would like to see that you are willing and able to handle the more challenging aspects of life.
    • However, you have to balance risk with reward when choosing challenges. For example, if it is a dangerous activity, it will eventually need a lot of benefits to be worth it.
  2. Find or embrace a talent. Talent is sexy. It attracts people, regardless of whether they are a possible beloved relationship material or customers. Everyone wants to know that girl who plays bass insanely well. Everyone wants to know that guy who puts together outfits that belong in Vogue. Everyone wants to do business with that company that advertises that makes Mad Men look like a bunch of kids behind a lemonade stand. Find your talent, or develop a new talent if you don't have one you like, embrace it and show it to the world.
    • You can find many great introductions to cool skills on wikiHow. Take a look to get some ideas and see what appeals to you!
  3. Try to address what people like. Unfortunately, you can't just address yourself. That's how life should work, right? But if you only do things that appeal to yourself, there is a lack of interest in other people. It then seems as if you are mainly concerned with yourself. You don't seem interested in being a team player. Limit your own approach to your area of ​​interest with something that appeals to a wider audience. This way, people are more likely to look at what you do and see something they can support, even if it's a bit unique or unusual.
    • For example, if you like old-fashioned clothes, don't just choose a 1950s suit or suit. Mix vintage pieces with modern for a wardrobe that also includes modern pieces. This way, the flavor of your personality radiates, but people can also post it.
  4. Stick to one thing at a time. Don't jump from one trend to another, or from one area of ​​interest to another.Otherwise, it seems like you're just doing things to get attention and you don't really care what you do or what it means to other people. Instead, you let things develop naturally and move slowly from one area to the next.
    • For example, do not switch from selling jeggings to selling tablet cases. First, opt for the sale of more general accessories and then switch to decorative items, such as tablet cases.
  5. Talk to people about something. You want to demand attention, not just demand attention. In general, you should do this by being nice and appealing to the better side of people. Sometimes, however, you come across people who are so concerned with themselves that they hinder what you are trying to offer people. If someone is annoying, ruining other people's experience, or generally being rude to you, talk to that person about it. Let him or her know that such an attitude is inappropriate and that they can vent their negative approach elsewhere. It's okay to have constructive criticism or find solutions to flaws, but always looking for the negative of something doesn't help anyone.
  6. Use dramatic gestures sparingly. Dramatic gestures to get attention are childish and can repel people. It makes you somewhat unpredictable, with a lack of sense of appropriate behavior, and more of an attention grabber than someone who actually deserves attention.
    • A good example of this attention-grabbing behavior can be seen in the characters in many children's shows of our time.
  7. Be a leader. If no one is willing to take responsibility in a situation, you can gain a reputation from someone worthy of attention by stepping forward. You become known as the person others can count on. Be a leader by being decisive, thoughtful, and steadfast. Keep the promises you make and be willing to take risks that will benefit others. Take responsibility and act nobly when things don't turn out the way you hope. Before you know it, you will attract the attention of everyone around you.


  • Don't be aloof; if you want attention, why waste it pretending you don't care about that attention?
  • Find a suit that makes you feel confident because you look good in it.
  • Don't pretend looks don't matter. Of course, the first thing someone sees is your appearance, and regardless of the person's shape, size or color, anyone can look sexy with a little effort.


  • You may get so much attention that someone will stalk you (this can happen because you get to know more and more people)!