How to live with bad teeth

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Living with crooked teeth..
Video: Living with crooked teeth..


Many people are preoccupied with how their teeth look and are worried that others will notice it. If you think you have bad teeth, there are simple ways to improve their appearance. Taking good care of your teeth, building confidence, and getting dentist help can help you improve the appearance of your teeth and feel more confident.


Method 1 of 3: Build Self-Confidence

  1. 1 Understand that your teeth are not so bad. Despite what you think about your teeth, there are people who have even worse teeth. You may have certain problems with your teeth, such as a crack in your front tooth, a gap between your upper and lower teeth, or an ugly tooth color, and you think that this flaw is conspicuous for everyone, to the point that others are unpleasant for your appearance. However, this is not the case. You see your teeth every day and scrutinize the slightest imperfections, while most people pay very little attention to it and simply do not notice the flaws.
    • Even if others notice flaws, they do not pay attention to this, because few can boast of perfect teeth.
  2. 2 Anyway smile. You should not be ashamed of your teeth. Be confident, smile genuinely, and ignore things like bad teeth. Self-confidence and a smile make a good impression on people regardless of dental health.
    • Practice smiling sincerely in front of the mirror.
  3. 3 Don't draw the attention of others to your mouth. If you are concerned about your teeth, try not to draw too much attention to your mouth. Avoid using bright and catchy lipstick or lip liner to avoid drawing the eyes of others to your mouth. Use a sheer gloss or lip balm instead. As a result, your lips will look natural and will not attract undue attention from others.
    • Also, you should not put your hands to your mouth or bite your nails, otherwise people will pay attention to your mouth, which you would not want.
  4. 4 Draw attention to your eyes. If you are worried that others are staring at your teeth too closely, try to distract their attention from your mouth. If you are wearing makeup, try using mascara and brows and a light colored eyeliner. If you don't wear makeup, try wearing original glasses to accentuate your eyes and thus distract attention from your teeth.
    • Express emotions with your eyes, especially when you smile. So you will not only give your smile more warmth and sincerity, but also distract the attention of others from the teeth.
  5. 5 Draw attention to other traits. If your teeth are not your pride, try to draw attention to the more beneficial aspects of your appearance. In this case, the attention of others will shift from your teeth to what you are sure of. If you are wearing jewelry, wear eye-catching (such as sparkly or long) earrings. These earrings will attract the attention of others, and they simply will not notice your teeth.
    • Try wearing more accessories. Pick a new hat, use a bracelet or cuffs, wear showy shoes or an eye-catching necklace. As a result, people will notice your stylish look and not pay any attention to your teeth.
    • Get your hair beautiful. Try to style your hair or dye your hair an unusual color to draw attention to it. You can also choose some original haircut.
  6. 6 Smile so that your teeth are not visible. If you're still worried about how your teeth look, you can simply hide them from others. Be that as it may, many people smile in such a way that their teeth are not visible, and this manner does not seem to be anything extraordinary. This way you can demonstrate your location and at the same time hide your teeth.
    • Try smiling in different ways in front of the mirror. Among other things, try opening your mouth in different ways to determine the best option that will allow you to show less teeth and at the same time maintain a natural smile.
    • Look at old photos of you smiling and determine which smile suits you best.

Method 2 of 3: Work on improving the appearance of your teeth

  1. 1 Try teeth whitening. If you are worried that your teeth are not whitened enough, try whitening them with appropriate products. This will give you confidence even if you have other dental problems. There are many different teeth whitening products available. The cheapest and best option is to start with a whitening toothpaste. This will not be difficult, since in use such toothpastes are no different from the rest.
    • Try using a teeth whitening gel as well. These gels come with a mouthguard that allows you to keep them on your teeth. Gels can be more expensive than whitening toothpaste, especially when custom-made mouth guards.
    • You can also use teeth whitening strips. These strips are glued to the teeth. They are quite expensive and it is usually necessary to repeat the procedure several times, which adds to the cost.
    • If you want to radically whiten your teeth, it may be worth contacting your dentist for professional teeth whitening.
  2. 2 Brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth twice a day is a simple step to help you maintain healthy teeth and feel more confident. This will improve the appearance of your teeth, even if they are not perfectly straight. As a result, your teeth will remain healthy and you can more easily solve more complex dental problems.
    • Use fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay and tooth decay.
  3. 3 Floss your teeth. One toothbrush is not enough to keep your teeth clean. Floss or floss your teeth daily. This will remove bacteria, plaque, and food debris from hard-to-reach areas that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush. This will help you improve dental health and appearance.
    • Mouthwash can also help you keep your teeth healthy and smile more confidently. Mouthwash also kills bacteria and freshens breath.
  4. 4 Eat less sugar. Excess sugar is one of the main causes of tooth decay. Every time you eat sugar, acid builds up in your mouth that is harmful to your teeth. Try not to eat sweets all the time and limit them to a few times every 4-5 hours. In this case, your teeth will have time to recover between the use of sweets.
    • Remember that sugars are found in sodas, juices, and many foods that say they are made "no added sugar." These foods also contain sugar, which can harm your teeth.Try to consume diet drinks, sugar-free foods, and natural sweeteners. They do not negatively affect the teeth, which helps prevent tooth decay.
    • You don't have to give up sweets entirely, just limit your intake.
    • If you find it difficult to do without sweets, try eating natural sweets that do not contain sugar.
  5. 5 Refrain from anything that can harm your teeth. There are other activities and habits that can harm your teeth. It is necessary to quit smoking, as teeth turn yellow from it. Coffee, dark sodas, tea, and wine also cause tooth darkening, so try to limit your intake.
    • If you like dark drinks, try drinking them through a straw so they don't come in contact with your teeth.
    • Dry mouth also contributes to tooth decay, so keep your mouth dry by drinking more water or chewing sugar-free gum.

Method 3 of 3: Professional Help

  1. 1 Talk to your dentist. If bad teeth are a serious problem for you that negatively affects your daily life, try to fix it. Visit your dentist and talk to him about the appropriate methods. If necessary, the dentist will provide you with professional assistance in cleaning and whitening your teeth, heal and fill up diseased teeth, place porcelain crowns on destroyed, darkened, cracked or uneven teeth and install implants to replace lost teeth.
    • If you are worried about the cost of paid dental clinics, try contacting a government clinic or search online for a relatively inexpensive clinic in your area.
    • To keep your teeth looking beautiful and healthy, you should visit your dentist every six months.
  2. 2 See an orthodontist. If you are concerned about crooked or uneven teeth, it may be worth visiting an orthodontist. An orthodontist will help solve many problems associated with uneven teeth positioning. While an orthodontist can be expensive, they can help you align your teeth with braces, aligners, or retainers.
    • A referral from a dentist may be required to visit an orthodontist. Ask your dentist to recommend a good orthodontist.
  3. 3 Consider seeing a psychologist. If you have tried different methods and have not achieved results, the problem may not be so much your teeth as your low self-esteem. A psychologist can help you overcome the uncertainty and anxiety caused by your dental health. In addition, a psychologist can help you deal with your fear of going to the dentist.
    • Find the right psychologist for you. You must trust your psychologist and be able to tell him about your fears and worries without false prejudice and embarrassment.