How to live with a boyfriend as a roommate as a girl

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
LIVING WITH ROOMMATES: Expectations VS Reality
Video: LIVING WITH ROOMMATES: Expectations VS Reality


Are you planning to live with your boyfriend or are you already living? Here are some tips to make your life easier. Some of them will seem unpleasant, but try your best. Even if things don't go as we would like, there are many benefits to living with a guy as a roommate. Things might not be so dramatic. If someone offends you, then your roommate will come in handy. If you live with a boyfriend, you should look at situations from a masculine point of view. Follow the instructions on how to live with a boyfriend as a roommate as a girl


  1. 1 Accept that your room will never be as clean as you would like it to be.
    • When a man leaves the care of his mother, who was probably cleaning the house, he does not start doing everything himself. If you don't want to play the role of a mother, you have to get used to the mess. If there is a big mess in your house or apartment, talk to your neighbor about it. If you don't, your house will look like a speculator's house.
  2. 2 Plan a cleaning day and separate responsibilities.
    • The first point says that men will not clean up the house on their own, so they need help with this. You might think that this point is superfluous, but in fact it is very important. There will be dirty mugs throughout the apartment, and you simply will not recognize the bath, and the dirty dishes in the sink will be unbearable. The cleaning products section of the store will become your favorite place. Even if you only live with guys, they are just roommates. They must respect those with whom they live.
  3. 3 Get used to the fact that there are only guys at home
    • Men love to watch TV day and night and watch sports and mindless shows while eating, drinking and other activities. When you get home from work or school, you shouldn't be surprised by the guys screaming about the sports show. Also, you shouldn't be surprised by the state of the kitchen.
  4. 4 Sign or hide your food.
    • Among other things, if you have any food in the kitchen that you haven't finished eating, hide it or put a name tag on it. When men are hungry, they don't remember who bought the food or what you bought.
  5. 5 Don't get involved with any of your roommates.
    • It is very important. You might think this is a great idea. This is quite common, and if you are lonely or bored in the middle of the night, you won't feel so bad. You may also think that you are living with someone you already know everything about. And if you start dating him, you will already know what it is like to live with him. What happens when you disperse? Will you or will he leave? If neither of you wants to leave, he can bring a girlfriend home. It will be disgusting
  6. 6 You must lock your bedroom at night.
    • If your neighbor loves to flirt, you must prevent the consequences and lock the door at night.Another reason for this is the fact that your roommate may come home drunk or bring friends for long-term fun, and they may confuse room doors or want to do something with you. If you don't want to wake up feeling awkward in the morning, remember to close the door on your neighbor.
  7. 7 If you have a boyfriend or start dating someone, warn them that you are living with a boyfriend to avoid the consequences.
    • If you start dating someone and plan to bring them home, you should alert them to your situation. It is best to give advance notice. There are several reasons for this. One of the reasons is that your roommate may be overprotective and act as a father figure. Also, your new boyfriend may think that you are cheating on him and that you are in a relationship with your roommate. You must convince him that this is not so, and that you and your neighbor are like brothers
  8. 8 If you do something good, do not expect to receive the same response.
    • If you've decided to bake something or cook something delicious, don't expect your roommate to do something similar too. Most likely, he will simply thank you and swallow everything that you have been doing all day. This is not because he does not respect you, but simply because he is a man.


  • Try not to live at the expense of the fun, as you will later have a lot of funny and hilarious stories about living together.
  • If you are the only girl among your roommates, this can be difficult at times.
  • Accept that this is an independent life and that you do not live with your parents, so do what you want.
  • If you follow these eight rules, life with a man will seem much easier. I am not saying that it will be easy, but still easier.