How to live for Jesus

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to live for God every day and grow as a Christian
Video: How to live for God every day and grow as a Christian


Jesus gave his life for us so that we could live on in peace. He forgave our sins by paying our debts. Why then not dedicate our lives in the name of Jesus? Life for the Savior has more meaning than life for yourself. Because we follow His steps, we can become salvation for many, but if we do not save many, then at least one person will be saved. Follow these important steps to rekindle your inner peace.


  1. 1 Pray: this is our relationship to God. We must talk to God as if we were a father, or read the prayer that Jesus passed on to us through his disciples. “Our Father who art in heaven! hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven, on earth; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. " Please read and perform as an example of prayer.
  2. 2 Live as God told us: in the eyes of the Creator, each person is a treasure. He wants us all to live in happiness and joy. Build good habits by reading Christian books, watching spiritual programs, and helping one another.
  3. 3 Follow the teachings of Christ: His teachings are preached in the Bible and the church. Attend Sunday services to thank the Lord for saving us from problems and difficulties.
  4. 4 Honor God: Praise, give thanks and give all this to your neighbor, as well as to God. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and is present everywhere, including the presence of His Spirit in you. We must thank Him for who we are. God is Love. He always invites us to his Kingdom. And the choice to accept or refuse is behind us. Take His embrace.
  5. 5 Love your neighbors: We love ourselves when we love our neighbors. We are all part of one, even if we live in different bodies: we are all united by God. God's gift of Love brings happiness, success, patience, harmony, peace, honesty, purity, friendship and hope.
  6. 6 Stick to goodness and truth: do good (in relation to Christ) in yourself - a wonderful deed. If you cannot be righteous, you are taking risks. We all deal with unrighteousness through Jesus who sustains us. Our Creator conquered our world forever.
  7. 7 Read the Bible: Spend 5-10 minutes daily to understand the life of Jesus and his Love in everyday life. Meditate on His word. Our Lord lives in us. We only have to open Him through Jesus Christ, not only with the help of desires and ideas, but also with the help of His ideal principles.
  8. 8 Share gifts: Jesus gave his life for us, a gift for our salvation. We must share our blessings, freedom, wealth, big or small — and share our faith in different territories and in different ways. Everything that we give up multiplies in us, contracts and acts.
  9. 9 Encourage your neighbors: We motivate, inspire, encourage and help. Do the same with at least one person who is not your lover or a member of your family, but may live near you. In return, God will give you many, millions of things that will inspire you.
  10. 10 Interact with others: What you say may be different from what others think. What you say may be different from what you hear. Thus, we must think and interact with others in order to understand each other's points of view in order to live in peace.


  • Jesus knocks at the door of our hearts. Open the door to Him to let Him in and He will work for the good of you and the children of God.
    • "Whatever you do, you My Children do for me." - explained the Lord.
  • Close your eyes and pray. Feel the presence of God. Jesus is open to everyone.


  • Do not be condemned for not being perfect - be persistent, try to do your job - getting up and doing again when you are confronted with your own ideas, words and deeds.
  • Don't be a stumbling block when criticizing, judging, or complaining - but:

    Try to fill a part of yourself and theirs with Christ.
  • Don't take Jesus' words for granted - live them and in them.
  • Don't use the name of Jesus to satisfy false "needs" - look for a higher name.