How to Win the Heart of a Teenage Girl

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 15 September 2024
Tips for Talking with Your Teenage Daughter
Video: Tips for Talking with Your Teenage Daughter


In adolescence, it is sometimes difficult to figure out how to win a girl's heart. Controlling other people's feelings towards you is impossible, but there are workable ways to please a girl. If you introduce yourself correctly, try to get to know her as well as possible and express your feelings, then your chances of making an impression are much higher than if you just wait for reciprocity and do nothing!


Method 1 of 3: Getting to Know Your Girlfriend

  1. 1 Smile and say hello when you meet. It is unlikely that you will be able to win the heart of a girl if you never speak to her. Even if you're shy, you need to make eye contact, smile, and say hello when you meet a girl you like. So she at least learns about your existence.
    • If in response she frowns or rolls her eyes, then you better find another girl. No need to waste time with someone who is bad for your self-esteem!
  2. 2 Try to spend time with the girl. If you have the opportunity to sit next to a girl in the cafeteria or at a school meeting, or you are invited to an event where she will also be present, then do not miss this opportunity! You can't get to know each other if you don't talk.
    • When doing this, be careful not to be perceived as a compulsive stalker. For example, you don't need to come to meetings without an invitation or give up your business to keep up with the girl - find natural opportunities to spend time in her company.
  3. 3 Ask open-ended questions to get to know the girl better. If you just stay next to her, then winning the girl's heart will be an overwhelming task. Start a conversation and ask questions that are not enough to give a monosyllabic answer. Then build on the girl's responses to develop the conversation.
    • If you meet in the same company before lessons, then you can ask: "Who is your favorite teacher?" When the girl answers you, ask a clarifying question. For example: “What, really? I heard a lot of good things about Katerina Sergeevna, but she did not lead me anything. What exactly do you like about her? "
    • You can also ask questions to help you find common interests. For example, you can ask "What kind of music do you like?", "What do you like to do after school?" or "What are your summer vacation plans?"
  4. 4 Learn to listen actively to show your interest. During the conversation, it is important to show the girl that you are listening carefully. Use lines like "Seriously?" and "Wow, class!". Listen more and talk less, reflect on what you hear, and ask questions to keep the conversation going.
    • Try to remember what you hear and use this information for new conversations in the future. For example, if she mentioned a difficult math test, you might ask at the next meeting: "By the way, how did you do that math test?"

    Advice: Put your phone aside for the duration of the conversation and give the girl undivided attention.

  5. 5 Tell the girl about yourself. The conversation should not be based only on your stories about yourself, but it is important for the girl to understand you better. For example, if a girl shared a life story, remember similar events that happened to you. You can also share your own experiences about the upcoming event.
    • For example, if she tells you that her dog is very sick, listen to the girl and show empathy. If you also had a dog, but she died, tell about it when she finishes talking. This will show that you are ready to be vulnerable with her.
  6. 6 Be friendly with the girl's friends. Social circle is very important for a teenage girl. You should make friends with her friends. Try to spend time with a group of people, and not just chat in private.
    • Try to make her friends laugh! If they think you are a fun and friendly guy, they will probably approve of you as a couple for their girlfriend. Perhaps this will help her see you in a positive light.

    Advice: Do not flirt with the girl's friends, or she may misinterpret your behavior. Restrain your physical affection for her friends and don't spend too much time alone with them.

  7. 7 Be hopeful so the girl can count on you. If she considers you a very unreliable guy, then you can hardly count on mutual romantic sympathy on her part. Show that you can be relied on. Treat your girlfriend the same every time you meet, and don't cancel your plans together.
    • For example, if you agree to go to a cafe, do your best to make it happen. The girl will understand if occasionally good reasons interfere with you, but you do not need to find constant excuses.
  8. 8 Don't rush your relationship. Importance and haste can often scare a girl away. Avoid such situations and be patient to get to know each other better. If you get along well together, then over time she will notice it, so there is no need to rush and rush things.
    • If the girl immediately showed a serious interest in you, then maintain a pace of development that suits both of you.

Method 2 of 3: How to be interesting and confident

  1. 1 Always keep hygieneto look good and smell good. Brush your teeth, use dental floss and shower every day to always smell good in the presence of a girl, and wash your hair if your hair starts to shine. Use deodorant to mask natural body odors.
    • Hormones and the body of a teenager are constantly changing, so it is very important to keep clean.
  2. 2 Wear clothes suitable cut and size. You should choose clothes that flatter your figure and fit. Consider your body type. For example, if you have a round build, then don't wear things that are too tight around your waist and torso. If you have wide hips, try wearing tapered pants and a shirt that is loose.
    • If you have wide shoulders, you can choose loose-fitting jeans and a fitted shirt.
    • Only wear clean clothes. Even if you only wear the garment once, it can give off an unpleasant odor due to excessive sweating.
    • Choose clothes that suit your skin color. For example, if you have a cool skin tone, go for cool tones like bright white, turquoise, navy blue, emerald green, and deep purple. If you have a warmer skin tone, then beige, peach, yellow, and olive green will suit you.
  3. 3 Be friendly and open. Open and positive people are more attractive because they look more confident. You don't have to be born a boyfriend to appear friendly. If you are shy, then learn to look the other person in the eye, smile and say hello when meeting with friends.
    • Over time, this behavior will become easier for you - you can relax and behave confidently in the presence of others.
    • If a girl you like notices that you are communicating positively with others, then her opinion of you will surely improve.

    Advice: In the presence of a girl, you do not need to gossip or speak badly about other people, otherwise she may consider you a low person.

  4. 4 Embrace your personality. The best way to exude confidence is to truly love yourself. Take time for things that make you happy so you don't lose your present self. Focus on your hobbies and passions, showcase your style through clothing and accessories. And most importantly, do not change your personality in order to please and adapt to another person!
    • If you want to gain confidence in yourself, then spend time with people who love and accept you unadorned.
    • Teens are often on the lookout for themselves, so don't be afraid of change. Don't be afraid to try new things - it's perfectly normal to take turns playing chess and football if the game makes you happy!

Method 3 of 3: Show your sympathy

  1. 1 Give genuine compliments. Think what you really like about the girl to tell her about it! For example, you can compliment the trait you like the most. Nevertheless, the compliment will sound more sincere and impressive if it concerns the character of the girl.
    • For example, you might say, “I love that you’re always ready to cheer up the person, even if you’re having a tough day.”
    • If the girl has a new hairstyle or wardrobe item, show that you've noticed a change! Simple words "Your new hairstyle suits you very much!" will not only show that you think the girl is attractive, but will also compliment her taste, because she herself chose this hairstyle.
    • Compliments about a girl's figure can be embarrassing.
  2. 2 Repeat her movements to send out subtle signals. People unknowingly copy the actions of the person they like. If you do this on purpose, it may not be obvious that you like the girl.
    • For example, if you are sitting at the same table and she props her chin with her hand, then try to prop her cheek with her fist. If she tucked her hair behind her ears, then you can brush the hair from the forehead.
    • Don't repeat too often - a couple of times is enough to make it unobvious!
  3. 3 Find subtle ways to help the girl. Kindness increases a person's attractiveness, so don't miss out on opportunities to help her. This will show you care and help evoke warm feelings.
    • For example, if you are well versed in biology, and she has an important test on the subject, you can offer her assistance in preparation.
    • Offer to help her with things if her hands are full.
    • Never assume that a girl is not able to cope with something on her own!
  4. 4 Tease the girl playfully. Tease her kindly to make her laugh, but never go overboard. Only mimic the qualities of a girl in which she is confident, but never touch the aspects in which she is insecure!
    • For example, when you meet, you can put your hair in a mess and say: "I see no reason to try to look good when there is already such beauty nearby."
    • If she gets the top score on her math exam, you can say, "You should be careful with you, because you can easily add two and two!"
    • Most girls like guys who make them laugh!
  5. 5 Lightly touch the girl's hand or palm to express more obvious sympathy. Your light touch will show interest in the girl, but don't be too aggressive. For example, if you want to get her attention, then gently place your palm on the girl's shoulder or touch her hand if she makes you laugh.
    • You don't need to grab her by the arms or use touch that may cause her inconvenience.
    • If the girl recoils, crossed her arms, or frowns, then you have taken her by surprise or she has no romantic interest in you. Reimagine your relationship and give her more personal space.
    • If the girl is pleased with your attention and you are comfortable with each other, try to sit closer so that your legs or hands are touching.
  6. 6 Give your girlfriend small gifts as you get closer. It is not necessary to make expensive or impressive gifts, because the gesture itself will show your concern. For example, you can give a girl a chocolate bar or a cute pen to match the color of her backpack.
    • There is no need to buy expensive and rare gifts that can be embarrassing if you are not already dating.
  7. 7 Ask her out on a date when you're ready. If the girl reciprocates your flirting, then find an opportunity to be alone. At the same time, it is desirable that she be in a good mood and not worry about anything. Confess your feelings and ask her out on a date.
    • For example, say, “You are an incredible person and I love being around you. Do you agree to become my girlfriend? "
    • If you are ashamed of a direct question, then you can write a message.
    • Prepare an action plan in case the answer is yes. For example, you might say, “Great! Shall we go to football together on Friday? "
  8. 8 Respect the girl's answer and leave her alone in case of refusal. Alas, sometimes such a risk can end up in rejection. This is not the end of the world at all. Refusal does not mean that something is wrong with you - you just do not fit together.
    • You can say, “I understand. I just wanted you to know the truth. I hope we can stay friends! "


  • No need to play games. Don't try to win a girl's heart if you are unsure of your feelings.