How to Gain Popularity in Primary School

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What Makes Popular Kids Popular?
Video: What Makes Popular Kids Popular?


Would you like to gain popularity in lower grades? Are you keen to make friends? Well, read the article and you will be surrounded by friends all the time.


  1. 1 Show your unique personality Everyone remembers unique people who have the courage to be different from others.
    • Joke... Do not forget to throw jokes, people like to be in the company of funny and funny personalities.
    • Write... Are you singing? Showcase your successful work and find people with similar hobbies.
    • Be a trendsetter... Are you the one who makes the whole class use mechanical pencils? Or thanks to you, everyone wants striped neon socks for the summer? Giving advice to friends will be great for you.
    • Cook... Are you great at cooking or baking? Bake some cookies or cakes and treat your friends.
  2. 2 Study well and get good grades. This will help people know that you are smart.
    • Are you visual, audial or kinesthete? The visual student gives preference to visual perception. Auditory learners are better at hearing. Kinesthetic students learn through movement, touch, and action. Therefore, depending on your learning style, you will perceive information visually, through touch, or by ear.
    • Write everything down... Find cute notebooks in cheap stores, colored pens, markers and stickers to make your writing fun and interesting.
    • Refresh what you have written down! It doesn't sound very easy, but it will add points to you.
    • Buy good notebooks... In the bookstore, you can find cute exercise books and you can ask the teacher questions you don't know the answers to.
    • Highlight some points... If your friends think this is childish, just leave them alone. Highlight everything that concerns the main thing. This will make it easier to prepare for unexpected independent work.
    • Read difficult books... You most likely have some time to spend reading, but you are lazy.Just do not choose a book that is too complicated and in which you will not understand a word. Research has shown that children can learn and remember information better than adults.
    • Sign up for courses... Do you have free time? So why don't you take extra classes in the subjects you find hardest?
  3. 3 Chat with everyone. There is nothing wrong with having friends.
    • Start a conversation... The word "Hello" you say will not harm you. Of course, there will be such a person who will remain silent in response, but this should not stop you.
    • Speak magic words... Everyone likes polite people, the kind who know the manners are trained and don't hesitate to use the words "thank you," "please," and "sorry."
    • Listen to others... Sometimes people don't need advice, they just need to be heard and understood about their current state. Smile and say that everything will be fine.
    • Try your best to provide assistance... Is it difficult for someone to cope with a new subject? Then explain what you understand, and do not laugh at this person.
  4. 4 Be friendly. Nobody wants to deal with a person, after communicating with whom an unpleasant aftertaste remains.
    • Compliment... Of course, everyone likes people who compliment them, but don't overdo it.
    • Do not criticize anyone by insulting... Criticizing someone is good because it helps them become better, but using hurtful words is absolutely wrong.
    • Farewell... Everyone makes mistakes, and you should forgive them. You're not perfect either.
  5. 5 Be modern. Being modern doesn't mean you need the latest iPad or the latest game, just stay up to date with the latest news at school or with friends.
    • Watch the news... Boring? Sure! But watching the news with your dad will help you stay on top of things, and it can be a source of conversation (just try not to get boring).
    • Music... Don't just listen to Justin Bieber and Rihanna, there are many artists to listen to. Of course, Rihanna and Justin Bieber are very talented, but don't just limit yourself to their songs. Try to find new artists in the music industry. Who knows, maybe you will become a big fan.
    • Who likes bouncers? People who show off their wealth and possessions will not be attractive. If you don't like braggarts, don't repeat their mistakes.
    • Be humble... Modesty will make you less visible. If you don't want to make enemies, humility is a good solution.
    • Accept compliments... If someone compliments you, don't reject it.
  6. 6 Hygiene and again hygiene. Does it smell like stale fish from you? Read this please!
    • Take a bath Even with soap, you will smell good if used correctly. Just wash with soap twice when you take a bath and you will smell divine. If that's not enough for you, get a loofah and a good shower gel.
    • Use deodorant... Your scent will be stronger after your period. Despite the fact that your friends will assure you that everything is fine, use deodorant.
    • Perfume... It doesn't matter how much it costs or where you get it, it will help you smell your best. As for an elementary school student, it is best to choose a fruity or floral scent. They can be found easily in supermarkets. Just don't overdo it. A drop on each wrist - and everything is fine.
    • Oral cavity... It is not very decent for food pieces to get stuck in your teeth, so brush your teeth after every meal and use dental floss. Mouthwash also helps.
    • Makeup... If you're an elementary school student, don't wear a lot of makeup. Your skin is as soft as silk, and it does not accept the chemistry from cosmetics. To avoid making your skin prone to acne, stay away from your mom's or sister's makeup.
    • Wear a makeup bag "... Take some things to school.Dry wipes, small perfume, mouth freshener, and lip balm or gloss.
  7. 7 Be confident in who you are and what you are good at. Everyone is good at something!
  8. 8 Have fun and make sure your popularity is good, not bad. Gossip, insults, or mockery of others are negative things to avoid.
  9. 9 Be friendly to everyone, not just popular kids. Be yourself and always behave consistently. If you try too hard to gain popularity, your old friends may reconsider their relationship with you. Make sure you always strive for the truth and do not deviate from this path.
  10. 10 Help others. You can help deliver books, clean up after a class, or help do some work. Helpful people stand out in the company, and if they need help themselves, it will be easier for them to get it.
  11. 11 Share. A good lunch, school supplies, or a beaming smile - always be ready to share.
  12. 12 Compliment. This does not mean that you should give artificial or superficial compliments, but do not hesitate to pat someone on the shoulder when they have accomplished something.
  13. 13 Compete honestly. There is always room for competition in school, in grades, for attention or in sports, and fair play is a quality worthy of respect and praise.
  14. 14 Gossiping like vile people do (like on your favorite TV show or in books) won't help you at all. As well as teasing someone for being poorly dressed or speaking awkwardly. It will simply cement your reputation as a "mean kid" and thus lose friends, unless your friends are the same.
  15. 15 Supporters or friends? Make sure you don't confuse your supporters and your friends. Supporters agree with everything you say or do and pretend to be your friends in order to become popular. True friends don't always agree with you, but they will always be there, no matter what happens.


  • Stay confident.
  • Always greet teachers and friends.
  • Do not wear what everyone is wearing, but wear things that carry style and uniqueness.
  • Never hang your nose, always be cheerful and positive!
  • Never laugh at real friends.
  • Don't listen to people who tell you about your stupidity or awkwardness. Just ignore them.
  • Have fun and chat with people!
  • Do different hairstyles and always smile. Always carry chapstick or lip gloss with you, and never go to school without brushing your teeth.
  • Don't do what others are doing. Do what you see fit - it doesn't matter what others say about it.
  • Always smile.


  • People change quite a lot by grades 4 and 5. Girls may not be so cute anymore, boys start to like girls, and your friends may not be the same anymore. Prepare for this time and you will be the most popular kid in school!
  • Don't be a "bad" person. By doing this, you can offend and antagonize your peers, resulting in ignorance or even hatred of you.
  • Don't leave old friends for new ones.
  • Don't brag. People are easily teased, so don't go too far.