How to gain a kitten's trust

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 16 September 2024
How to gain your cat’s trust and get close to her
Video: How to gain your cat’s trust and get close to her


In the unfamiliar environment of a new home, in the absence of a mother, a kitten can be scared and lonely. By earning his trust, you help the kitten feel safer and more comfortable. More importantly, the bond you develop will make your relationship more enjoyable in the future.


Method 1 of 5: Buying a kitten

  1. 1 Pick a kitten from a breeder or animal shelter. When you visit your kitten before you take him home, spend a lot of time cuddling with him so that he begins to get used to your smell, touch, voice.
    • Let the kitten sniff you before stroking it. If this is not done, the kitten will get scared. Give the kitten space and time to test you first.

Method 2 of 5: Cheering up the kitten

  1. 1 When you take your kitten home, you must remain calm. Don't beep the horn, don't get mad at bad drivers. If you want, you can quietly listen to radio or classical music.
  2. 2 Talk to the kitten encouragingly. Do not raise your voice, it should be calm, joyful, filled with positive words. Kittens and cats react to the tone of voice, so he should be expressively happy.

Method 3 of 5: First Days at Home

  1. 1 When you get home, make sure all your other pets are outside or in another room. Encourage children and other family members to be affectionate with the kitten.
  2. 2 Let the kitten out of the cage in the room it will live in and let it roam. If it does not come out of the cage by itself after a few minutes, carefully remove it. Make sure the kitten knows where toys, food, water, and litter boxes are located. Leave the door to the room open, the brave kitten will love to explore a new home.
  3. 3 When the kitten becomes sleepy, take it and stroke it in your lap. Eventually he will fall asleep. If the kitten gets up and tries to leave, let him do it. The first dream is very important for a kitten. If you behave kindly and well-mannered, the kitten will later trust you more than in the case of violence on your part.
  4. 4 When the kitten is in a playful mood, play with it, but not for too long. Find some kitty play toys and move and drag them across the floor for the kitten. When the kitten gets tired, leave him alone. A kitten needs a lot of rest, just like a human child.

Method 4 of 5: Building and Maintaining Trust

  1. 1 Handle your kitten with care. Lift it up with both hands and hold it lightly. Always support the kitten from below so that it cannot be accidentally dropped.
    • Don't hold the kitten high. Cats and kittens do not like this, they lack control over the situation and there is a risk of falling.
  2. 2 Don't touch the kitten's paws. Kittens easily get annoyed when people touch or play with their paws, because of this, in self-defense, they begin to scratch. Wait a little while teaching the kitten that there is nothing wrong with touching its paws. This will be required later to check the paws for burns, splinters, etc.
  3. 3 Spend time with your kitten. If you want to build relationships, you must spend time together.

Method 5 of 5: Grooming your kitten

  1. 1 Monitor the amount of food eaten by the kitten. Wet and dry food should be given in small portions, while wet food should only be given for breakfast and lunch. Cats need to eat 2-3 times a day, while kittens need to eat 4 times a day.
    • Give your kitten quality food. Ask your veterinarian for advice.
  2. 2 Brush your kitten regularly. Grooming is essential for hygiene and strengthening relationships, so don't delay with it. Long-haired kittens should be brushed daily to avoid tangling.
    • Cats that are not brushed can have problems with excess hair entering the digestive system and creating hair clumps.
    • Brush out the kitten more often in winter as the fur gets thicker.
  3. 3 If the kitten gets sick, take him to the vet. Always cheer up your kitten when traveling to the veterinary clinic. If you are driving, if possible, have a family member with the kitten in the back seat so that the kitten can see a friendly face while you focus on driving.
    • Always keep your kitten safe in your carrier when driving. Never allow a kitten or cat to move freely in a moving car, as this can lead to an accident.
  4. 4 Maintain a relationship with your kitten as it grows up. Over time, he will start to trust you, and you will get a happy cat.


  • DO NOT use violent punishments, it will make the kitten afraid of you.
  • Always be calm in the presence of the kitten, especially when he is sleeping.
  • Try to be with the kitten as much as possible, especially with the little one. If you work full time, get a kitten for the holidays or during a long weekend.


  • Never give your kitten alcohol, chocolate, coffee, grapes, raisins, onions, yeast dough, bird bones, moldy foods, salt and salty foods, garlic, tomato leaves, and unripe fruits. Dairy products can make your kitten sick and should also be avoided.