How to get a guy to kiss you on your first date

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 26 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get A Guy To Kiss You
Video: How To Get A Guy To Kiss You


First dates can be very exciting, especially if you think a kiss might happen there. Kissing is great, especially if there is a mutual attraction between you and your companion. To create the perfect atmosphere for a kiss, set the stage, establish intimacy, and try to make the best possible impression. Down with embarrassment!


Method 1 of 3: Prepare the soil

  1. 1 Linger at the end of the date before leaving. Even if you are nervous, try not to chat incessantly. Take natural breaks to build anticipation.
    • Remember, words are not always needed to create a special moment. Sometimes the most memorable moments are moments of silence.

    "As a rule, the likelihood of a kiss on the first date is increased if people have already met earlier than if they met after chatting on the Internet."

    Maya Diamond, MA

    Relationship Coach Maya Diamond is a dating and relationship coach from Berkeley, California. He has seven years of experience helping people with relationship problems gain inner confidence, deal with their past and build healthy, lasting, loving relationships. She received her MA in somatic psychology from the California Institute for Integral Research in 2009.

    Maya Diamond, MA
    Relationship coach

  2. 2 Initiate physical intimacy. Minimize the physical distance between you and your partner. You can pull a lock of hair out of the person's eyes or touch their hand. Touch signals your readiness for a more intimate moment. Be sure to look for signs that your touch is desirable.
    • If the companion strokes your face or touches you back, this is a good sign.
    • If he deviates or turns away from you, that's bad. Give it some space.
  3. 3 Let go of the compliment. Say something sincere to make your partner feel close to you.Even if you don't know each other well, try to admit from the bottom of your heart how well you had the time. The position of the bodies will bring you closer physically, and the words will create an emotional connection.
    • For example, make eye contact and say, "I really had a great time today."
  4. 4 Take a look at your companion's lips. Catch the moment after the compliment and look at your partner's lips. Hold your gaze for just a couple of seconds, and then look the person in the eye again. Open your mouth slightly to demonstrate your willingness to kiss.
    • If your partner looks at your lips too, that's a great sign. Perhaps he will even take the first step.
    • If the person looks away from your lips, fidgets and looks around, or shows signs of discomfort, that's not good.

    Maya Diamond, MA

    Relationship Coach Maya Diamond is a dating and relationship coach from Berkeley, California. He has seven years of experience helping people with relationship problems gain inner confidence, deal with their past and build healthy, lasting, loving relationships. She received her MA in somatic psychology from the California Institute for Integral Research in 2009.

    Maya Diamond, MA
    Relationship coach

    Tune in to your partner before moving on to kissing. Maya Diamond, dating and relationship coach, says: “Some people don't mind kissing on the first date, while others prefer to wait. Ask yourself, "Is it appropriate for us to kiss right now, given the attraction between us and how the partner is reacting to me?"

  5. 5 Ask your companion if you can kiss him. If you are unsure about a kiss, just ask about it. Perhaps this will save you from rejection if you are afraid to receive it.
    • You can say, “I really want to kiss you right now. You do not mind?"
    • Perhaps the person will say: "Of course!" - or even immediately respond with a kiss. He may also say no, in which case you should respect his choices and not pressure him.
  6. 6 Bend over for a kiss, gently touching your partner's lips. Perhaps your companion will seize the initiative, or maybe turn away. If he kisses you back, take your time and feel your partner's level of enthusiasm before moving on to a more intense expression of passion.
    • If you're not sure if the person wants to kiss, lean towards them slowly. This will give him the opportunity to stop you if he is not ready to kiss.
    • Pay attention to his body language. If your companion starts to pull away, stop. Don't insist on kissing.

Method 2 of 3: Establish intimacy

  1. 1 Break the touch barrier. Whenever it seems appropriate while walking, gently touch your partner. You can cover his hand with your palm at the dining table, or lead him through the door with your hand on his back. Look for opportunities for casual touching so you don't feel embarrassed by the more intimate touch while kissing.
    • It is advisable that before kissing you are already accustomed to touching each other. The lack of awkwardness will make the kiss more likely.
    • If your partner pulls away from your touch, they may not be ready for physical contact yet.
  2. 2 Establish closeness by smiling while hanging out together. A sweet smile or laugh will let the person know that you are interested in what he is saying and that you find him interesting. It will also signal that you are having a good time and enjoying his company.
    • Smile sincerely nonetheless. Don't walk around with a fake ear-to-ear smile like a Barbie doll.
  3. 3 Look at your partner to demonstrate your concern for him. Eye contact can also help build trust and increase attraction. This will show your companion that you are not afraid to show vulnerability.
    • You don't need to maintain eye contact throughout the entire date. It is completely normal to look away. However, in no case look away during face-to-face communication.
  4. 4 Pay attention to the person when they speak. Give the other person undivided attention: put the phone down and look at it. You can also ask related questions to express your interest.
    • If a person talks about his dog taken from a shelter, you can say: “I also love pets. What prompted you to make this decision? "
    • You can also show attention through body language. For example, lean forward and rest your hand on your chin to show that you are really focused on what the other person is saying.

Method 3 of 3: Make the best impression

  1. 1 Come on time. Start your date on a good note by showing up 5 minutes early. This will show the person that you respect their time and their company.
    • If your date is taking place in an unfamiliar part of the city, set aside some extra time in case traffic jams, parking problems, or other unforeseen circumstances arise.
    • If you are late, please report it. Call the satellite or write a message explaining the situation and roughly estimating the time of arrival.
  2. 2 Dress nicely. Put on clean, ironed clothes. Even if it will be a casual meeting, in no case wear sportswear such as shorts, and also try to look neat. By paying attention to your appearance, you let your companion know that you respect him and that this date is important to you.
    • For women: Wear a pretty dress and pumps for a restaurant date, or a pretty blouse and dark jeans for a more casual date.
    • For men: wear loose-fitting pants and a dress shirt. And to look smart in jeans, use leather accessories, such as a beautiful belt.
  3. 3 Wash and brush your teeth thoroughly. If you want to make your partner want to kiss you, make sure your breath is fresh and that there is no foul odor coming from your body. Also, use regular lip balm to soften your lips.
    • Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day so that your mouth is always kissable.
    • Always use deodorant. This is especially important if you sweat when you're nervous.
  4. 4 Respect your partner's boundaries. If your companion says he doesn't want to kiss, or if he pulls away from you, don't force him. He may like you, but he is not yet ready for physical intimacy.
    • If the person refuses to kiss you, you can say, “No problem. I respect that. "

    Maya Diamond, MA

    Relationship Coach Maya Diamond is a dating and relationship coach from Berkeley, California. He has seven years of experience helping people with relationship problems gain inner confidence, deal with their past and build healthy, lasting, loving relationships. She received her MA in somatic psychology from the California Institute for Integral Research in 2009.

    Maya Diamond, MA
    Relationship coach

    Also, set your own kissing boundaries. Maya Diamond, dating and relationship coach, says: “Only kiss the person if you really want to. If he tries to kiss you, say, "I'm flattered, but I'm not ready for it yet." It's okay to wait for the second, third or fourth date, or the moment when you feel comfortable. "