How to earn

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Earn ₹50,000+ Per Month without Investment | How to Make Money Online | Earning Mobile App
Video: Earn ₹50,000+ Per Month without Investment | How to Make Money Online | Earning Mobile App


Making money is difficult. It doesn't matter if you do it for yourself or for the good of society. By following the directions below, you can make this process much easier, as well as get good ideas on how you can make money.


Method 1 of 5: Organize an Adult Event

  1. 1 Organize a sale for donated items. This is a great way to make a lot of money. Persuade people to give you the things they don't need (those that have been gathering dust in the garage for years) and arrange a grand fair. Don't forget to advertise your event so that a lot of people come. With the things donated to you, you will have the opportunity to make quick money, and the remaining things can be returned or donated to charity or to a second-hand store.
  2. 2 Feed people. Forget selling homemade baked goods. Baking buns is expensive. Instead, open the hot dog cart. Ask for large quantities of hot dogs, rolls, and condiments at local grocery stores or restaurants, or buy them yourself at wholesale stores such as Costco. Promote the opening or place the cart in a place where there are a lot of people walking and start selling hot dogs. Be sure to tell people what you make money for and the stores that may have helped you get started.
  3. 3 Become a jack of all trades. Gather a team and sell vouchers for minor repairs and home help. You can mow lawns, change light bulbs, clean drains and toilets, paint a small room. You can sell services by walking from door to door or in the office. Seniors and single parents will especially appreciate your services.
  4. 4 Write a recipe book. Collect a variety of recipes used in your environment. Edit them, and then use them to make a recipe book. Start selling hard copies (which can be free, or at least cheap from a local print shop), or make an electronic file that can be sold online.
  5. 5 Offer a family photo session. Try asking a local photographer to spend his time doing business with you. Anyone can come in, pay a little, take a photo, and get ready-made photos (which can be printed for free by local Walgreens or other printers) or digital files for families who want to print the photos themselves.

Method 2 of 5: make money by organizing activities for children

  1. 1 Have a Parentless Night or Sleepover. Through these activities, parents will be able to spend a few hours in peace and quiet, while the children briefly left the house. Invite teachers or parents - volunteers to accompany the children - parents will pay to have their children spend a few hours or all night in the school gym, cafe and similar places. Feed the children, play with them, show a film, do not forget to make sure that the parents bring the necessary personal belongings of the children if it is an overnight stay. Take $ 10 for one child, and you will earn a decent amount very quickly!
  2. 2 Connect your colleagues. You can organize a talent show for teachers and the principal, but tell them they must first find sponsorship by encouraging students to become sponsors, let it be some kind of fundraising run. Any student who donates money to the fund receives free admission for themselves and their families to the talent show. Another option is to persuade the teachers and the principal to do something funny when the fund raises a certain amount of money.
    • For example, having typed $ 500, teachers must wear funny hats for a week, $ 1000 - teachers must wear underwear over their regular clothes, $ 1500 - head teachers participate in a duel for the worst singing, etc. Students will go out of their way for a chance to see their teachers in a funny way.
  3. 3 Play with a rubber duck. Get help from a sponsor or save up to use it as the main prize. Then sell the little rubber ducks to families or students from the course for a week, a month, or just one evening. Families who buy a duck will be assigned a number that is applied to the duck (you can even decorate the duck if you like). Now organize a race, on any water surface, between swimming ducks. The duck that crosses the finish line first brings the grand prize to the family that owns it. Everyone else can take their ducks home so no one leaves empty-handed.
    • You can arrange another game with ducks - all ducks swim on the surface of a large body of water, for example, in a children's pool. One duck has an asterisk on the bottom. People pay to pick a duck and whoever pulls out a duck with a star takes the prize. This game can be played until you run out of prizes.
  4. 4 Grow greens. Try to get out empty soup cans, remove all stickers, and sand down any jagged or sharp edges. They will serve as a flower pot for you. Ask the children to paint on the outside of the jar. Once your jars are ready, fill them with earth and help the children plant and grow herbs, flowers, etc. When they are big enough, start selling so anyone can come and buy your plants.
  5. 5 Host a chair decorating competition. Hold an auction or sell the opportunity to participate in decorating and decorating the chairs the students sit on. Families will pay to create a completely unusual chair for their children to sit in and a symbol of their philanthropy for years to come. Much better and more interesting than a commemorative plaque! You can even persuade local hardware stores to donate paint, stencils and other tools to improve the chair.

Method 3 of 5: Master Online Crowdfunding

  1. 1 Select the site you will be using. There are many sites dedicated to online earnings. Choose one that has a good reputation and is related to what you intend to do. For example, Kickstarter is for sale, and Crowdrise is for charity.
  2. 2 Prepare a solid plan and share it with your prospective investors. You need a solid plan for the money you will receive, showing how you will use the funds and what the deadline is. Share this plan with potential investors so they can see what you have planned for the future.
  3. 3 Reward donors. In order to inspire people to donate, it is important to have rewards for them, if the platform you use allows you. Make sure these rewards don't affect your finances. Give as much as you can afford.
  4. 4 Update your site frequently. You must constantly let people know what's going on during your project. This will keep people interested, as well as encourage them to tell their friends about your project.
  5. 5 Chat with people. Communicate with your existing investors and potential ones. This will allow you to attract more people to fund your project and will also keep contributors up to date on what you are doing. Answer everyone who writes you questions or comments, post videos telling you about your plans and participate in forums related to your project in order to find more interested people.
  6. 6 Advertise. Find out if local newspapers are interested in promoting your project. Find blogs that are interested in what you are doing.Write messages on forums and use social networks to make sure that all people who would like to know about your project will know about it and will be ready to help.
  7. 7 Be grateful. Be very kind to everyone who donates to your project. Let people know how you value their contributions. This will motivate them to support you even more in the future, or even invest even more money than they invested the first time.
  8. 8 Agree with online stores. A percentage of all purchases that you or your friends make from Amazon, Target, Best Buy, or other online stores will be credited to your project.

Method 4 of 5: Get a Grant

  1. 1 Start your search for grants. Grants are essentially free money. You do not have to pay this money back like loans are paid back. However, grants are very difficult to obtain, so be prepared to do a good job. Find grants that work for you, where the money goes to financially help people like you. You can find grants on many websites, at your local library, or using university resources.
    • Make sure that the grants you will be applying for are from a credible organization. You never have to pay any money to get a grant.
  2. 2 Apply for a grant. Filling out the application can be time consuming and difficult, so be prepared for it. Often there is a large written part in the questionnaire, usually in the form of an essay or letter describing what you are doing and why (and how!). It can be very helpful to negotiate help with someone who has already applied for a grant, or at least someone who is good at writing, as this will increase your chances of getting a grant.
  3. 3 Go to your goal. Grants often have a long list of requirements that must be met. Be sure to follow these requirements and make sure you use the money you receive for what you describe. You can get in big trouble if you do it differently.

Method 5 of 5: make money with loans

  1. 1 Examine loans. If you are trying to make money in order to start your own business, or something that will bring you income, consider getting a loan. There are different types of loans, each with different advantages and disadvantages. Study them to understand which type of loan is best for you.
  2. 2 Apply for a loan. Apply for a loan. You will most likely need to go to the bank that offers you a loan (make sure you choose a reputable bank, preferably if you have an account with that bank, or just experience as their client) and discuss options with them and what is expected of you. Preparing documents is likely to be long and difficult, so be careful what you sign.
  3. 3 Pay off the loan. If you have taken out a loan, it is very important to repay it. Don't be lazy and pay back all the money you need, or you will have a bad credit rating, or even problems with the law. Plan ahead how much money should be set aside and when it should be paid out.