How to make money with freestyle soccer

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
10 Ways To Make Money From Freestyle Soccer Revealed...
Video: 10 Ways To Make Money From Freestyle Soccer Revealed...


Have you ever wondered how professional soccer freestylers make money? Now you have the opportunity to lift the veil of secrecy and find out secret ways to make money in this area.


  1. 1 First, perfect your technique. If you are a beginner, then this requires training 20 to 40 hours a week. Hundreds of Youtube videos and DVDs that can be purchased on Amazon can help you achieve your goal.
  2. 2 As soon as you reach the desired level in football freestyle, all possible options for earning money in this area will open to you. The first is performing tricks on the street in front of the audience. Don't forget to put something on the ground where the audience can put money for you. It sounds incredible, but some freestylers have managed to earn $ 400 a day this way.
  3. 3 Sell ​​e-books on the Internet in the style of "How to Succeed in Football Freestyle". A certain Scott Dudley does just that. His books have often received rave reviews.
  4. 4 Sell ​​your video as PLR content. What is PLR? PLR stands for Private Label Rights, that is, the rights to your own trademark. This means that by using your content to promote their sites, products or services, people will pay you a reward.
  5. 5 Find a sponsor in the form of a company or large corporation. Take the example of John Farnworth, who receives money from sponsors such as Nike. Soufiane Touzani made money by promoting Samsung products at his shows.
  6. 6 Burn your own soccer freestyle tricks DVD. This DVD may contain video tutorials on how to do cool freestyle tricks. The more difficult and beautiful your feints, the more likely you are to sell a significant amount of discs.
  7. 7 Earn money by selling content in the form of written articles. Believe it or not, you can even make money by writing articles about football freestyle. The specialized site Freestyle Soccer Profits pays money for this kind of content.
  8. 8 Sell ​​soccer freestyle clothing like Monta Soccer. Monta Soccer sells all kinds of football freestyle products. An example is their white and red dragon ball. They also have some very pretty clothes on their website, in particular hoodies.
  9. 9 Create a soccer freestyle website with tips on how to do feints, freestyle news and videos. Then use Google Adsense to add ads to your site. Every time someone clicks on an ad on the site, you will be credited with a commission. Alternatively, you can sell your own ads.
  10. 10 Earn money by filming soccer freestylers. Many people need a professional cameraman who would shoot and edit videos for them in order to promote and attract sponsors.