How to remember digital keys of resistors

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Do Computers Remember?
Video: How Do Computers Remember?


The color keys of the resistors should be remembered by every radio amateur. The previous mnemonic keys were rather strange, and no one in their minds could repeat them from memory. In general, back to our rams. Write the encoding in a prominent place and memorize it shortly.


  1. 1 Here is an example mnemonic code: "Often Every Red Hunter Wants To Know How Many Pheasants A Village Is In The Swamp." Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Gray, White => 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
  2. 2
    • Most of the colors also match the traditional rainbow. Black means "0" (or "nothing"), Brown means "1", then from Red to Violet, and finally Gray and White, respectively "8" and "9".

    • In English, you can use the following phrase: "Bright Boys Rave Over Young Girls But Veto Getting Wed" - Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Gray, White. By the way, it translates as "Smart boys rave about young girls, but do not want to marry."
  3. 3 The same goes for the multiplier bar, which reads "and N zeros", plus Gold, which means "division by 10" and Silver - "division by 100".
  4. 4 The resistance is even worse: Brown and Red mean 1% and 2% (they are easy to spot by the additional number), Gold and Silver - 5% and 10%, and 20% does not have a corresponding resistance bar at all (these are very difficult to find, if at all possible).
  5. 5 The resistance line will be on the far right, so the whole sequence is deciphered as follows: "Green-brown-red-gold = 5-1-00-5% = 5.1 ohms 5%". You will quickly get used to such a key, and soon you will instantly calculate the required values. It is also very easy to classify them into dozens: red - Ks, orange - 10Ks, etc.


  • Similar keys are used for inductors and capacitors, with the difference that they are measured in henries and farads. That is, orange-white-red-gold means 3.9 mH or 3.9 nF, 5%.