How to hypnotize a person using the Dave Elman technique

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dave Elman Induction: Mike Mandel Demonstrates the Elman Induction
Video: Dave Elman Induction: Mike Mandel Demonstrates the Elman Induction


Successful experience with hypnosis using the Dave Elman technique shows that this technique is the best. At first glance, it may seem that the technique itself is quite complex, but it is easy to master and we will help you with this. A hypnosis script can be found on the Internet. This information is public in nature and can be used at your discretion.


  1. 1 Keep two fingers in such a position (index and middle fingers) so that they are shaped like the letter "V". Keep your fingers about 30cm from the hypnotized's forehead. Ask the person to keep their eyes on your fingers, being careful not to tilt their head forward. A person's gaze should be directed upward. Pay attention to keeping your fingers in the hypnotized's field of vision.
  2. 2 Ask the person to breathe in and out in rhythm with your hand movements. Your hand moves up and down. A person's breathing should be light and relaxed. Ask to inhale when you raise your hand and exhale when you lower it. During a hypnosis session, you yourself can give the command "inhale" when raising your hand and "exhale" when lowering your arm. Repeat this exercise at least 5 times before you go to step number 3.
  3. 3 Ask the hypnotized person to close their eyes as soon as your hand, moving down, reaches the level of his eyes. Repeat the up and down movement of your hand at least 2 or 3 times (see step 2). Ideally, try not to let the person know how many times your hand went up or down.
  4. 4 Advise the person to relax their eyes as much as possible during the session. Every muscle around the eyes should ache with tension. After 30 seconds, ask how relaxed his eyes are. If you are happy with the effect, ask the hypnotized person to open their eyes. The person will feel that he cannot open his eyes. After about 5-10 seconds of unsuccessful attempts, ask the person to "stop trying and relax."
  5. 5 Have the person open and close their eyes at your command. As soon as the hypnotized person closes his eyes, say that you should try to "relax every muscle in the body, achieving the same effect as when relaxing the eyes, only this time the state of relaxation should be maximized."
  6. 6 Ask to open your eyes on the count of three. Give the command “one, two, three, open your eyes; and close them again. " Repeat the command three times, recalling the ultimate relaxation of the body (give as an example that the body should be relaxed ten times more than the previous time, and now, ask to relax even twenty times more than it was before).
  7. 7 Tell them to raise their right hand. Note that if “you followed all the instructions strictly, then your hand should be relaxed and dangling like a rag,” (or something like that), and now when I release your hand, it will fall on your knee, and you will feel as if waves of relaxation have passed through your body. "
  8. 8 Do the same with your left hand.
  9. 9 Repeat the previous two steps.
  10. 10 Remind the person to be extremely relaxed. Encourage the person to be hypnotized by maximizing physical relaxation during the hypnosis session. Tell me that at your command, you need to start counting in the opposite direction, starting from a hundred: "100, I am as relaxed as possible, 99, I am more relaxed, 98, I am even more relaxed" then give advice so that after a few numbers, the hypnotized person forgets the following number. A person will notice that the next number will simply fall out of memory, he will be so relaxed.
  11. 11 Ask him to start counting down in descending order. As the countdown proceeds, convince him that he forgets the numbers. As soon as you stop talking, ask if the person being hypnotized has completely forgotten about counting. A person can only nod his head, but this sign will be enough.
  12. 12 Explain the 'Basics of Relaxation Technique'. Inform that if the person is as tense as possible, then the opposite effect can also be achieved, namely, to be very relaxed. Say that "now" us "(note that in our case" us "assumes that you are not forcing the hypnotized to do something) you need to start the basics of relaxation.
  13. 13 Imagine that you are in an elevator. Explain that as soon as you snap your fingers, the elevator will begin to descend to floor A, and in order for the elevator to reach its destination, the person needs to be extremely relaxed, even more than at the moment. When you click your fingers a second time, the person should be in an even more relaxed state as the elevator travels to floor B; a third click of your fingers means the elevator is on floor B. Ask to tell you when the elevator reaches the bottom floor, using the appropriate letter.
  14. 14 Click your fingers, wait for the hypnotized to name the letter A; repeat, the same with the letter B; and V. Note, when the hypnotized person reaches floor B, the letter B will not be pronounced. In this case, you have had a successful hypnosis session (although this does not mean that your hypnosis has failed if the person is still able to pronounce the letter B).
  15. 15 This is the most opportune moment to repeat the induction. Say, “If I snap my fingers and give the command to sleep, today at any time, you will immediately notice that you are returning to the state of relaxation and concentration that you so loved. In fact, with every snap of my fingers, and the command to "sleep", you will find that you are sinking even deeper into the state of hypnosis, even deeper than before.
  16. 16 Continue hypnosis with a special approach that deepens hypnosis. A good example can be given by asking you to imagine a situation in which the hypnotized person is at the very top of a staircase 100 steps long. The hypnotized person must clearly imagine and feel himself in this situation. Each step is numbered. A person must feel every step taken. Each step allows him to relax more and more. At the end of the stairs there is a large mattress, on which, having reached the end of the steps, you can rest completely relaxed.
  17. 17 Ask him to start going down the stairs. You can tell how far down he went by asking for the step number.
  18. 18 Let him know what he has achieved. Stimulate the hypnotized to “go down to the mattress as far as possible; remind that each breath in or out as you go down makes him more free and relaxed. "
  19. 19 Repeat the above induction technique again.
  20. 20 Now he has reached the end of the steps. Tell him that a helium balloon is tied to his wrist, and he can feel the balloon pulling him up by the wrist.You will notice that his hands and shoulders will noticeably stretch upward behind the imaginary ball.
  21. 21 Repeat the induction again.
  22. 22 Tell him that on the count of three he needs to wake up. Count to three, when he wakes up, for a few minutes, start talking about something else, then you can move the topic of the conversation to what he remembered in the hypnosis state. Repeat the induction and continue the session if he returned to the hypnosis state. If not, unfortunately the session failed.
  23. 23 At this point, invite the hypnotized to feel that he is hot (tell him that he is on the beach), and now, on the contrary, he has become cold. Ask him to imagine that he is watching a movie and experiencing different emotions, for example, he is very funny or scared. Now ask him to open his eyes, he will still be hypnotized. You will notice that even in this state, he can walk and talk. If he opened his eyes, he will tell you that "did not work." Try to repeat the induction and tell him to wake up at your command. If, at the same time, he has a blank look, then he still has not woken up. Try different suggestions without trying to lull the person to sleep.
  24. 24 When you have finished your session, bring him out of his hypnosis state. Tell him that "I will count to three and you will be fully awake and awake, feeling great and without any signs of suggestion." You can also suggest that "you will remember all the details of the hypnosis," or "you will completely forget everything that happened to you during the session." Count to three.
  25. 25 The person may feel a little overwhelmed. This does not mean that he is still in trance. However, a person, for a period of time in a mild form, can still be given to suggestion.


  • A person may not remember what happened to him during the session (even in the version with post-hypnotic suggestion). You may want to film the details of the session so that you can later show the hypnotized person what happened to him during the session (he may want to show the tape to friends, of course, with the permission of the hypnotized person).
  • Try to pronounce phrases in accordance with the breathing rhythm of the hypnotized person, tell him that it is better to relax with a deep exhalation than inhalation.
  • If a person refuses hypnotic suggestion, this means that he has moral or protective reasons for this. Try to explain the nature of the suggestions, maybe you were not completely understood correctly, if the person is still negatively disposed, then refuse the suggestion.
  • There are profound differences between post-hypnotic suggestion and open-eyed suggestion. Posthypnotic suggestion is a suggestion that is given during hypnosis, but is performed by a person later, after a hypnosis session, and cannot be changed. Eye-open hypnosis allows you to change suggestions during a session by simply giving commands to the person being hypnotized because they are still in a trance state.
  • Take your time, several times, step by step, read the technique of hypnosis, take notes, and practice your art first on imaginary people in order to know roughly what and why should be done during a hypnosis session.


  • Do not engage in suggestion if the person being hypnotized has a phobia, such as arachnophobia. Don't ask him to imagine that he is in a room full of spiders.
  • Do not try to bring the person back to the past, for example, when he was young. For example, suggest "acting like he's ten years old." Some people suppress their memories of the past (they may have been victims of physical or psychological trauma). This is their type of protection. Although, oddly enough, these people succumb to successful hypnosis.
  • Hypnosis is a science, not magic or occultism, or new trends. Do not confuse these concepts.
  • Do not engage in therapy trying to cure or combat phobias. Chances are, you don't even know where to start, so don't even try.
  • Attention, this is very important to know. Hypnosis, if misused, is just as dangerous as fire, so use it wisely without practicing what you shouldn't.
  • Treat the person being hypnotized as you would like to be treated.
  • Do not suggest anything that is against his morals and views. Discuss all the pros and cons before the hypnosis session, otherwise the consequences can be very unpleasant: they will no longer trust you, they will tell others about you and may even go to court. And maybe much worse ...

What do you need

  • 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • Comfortable chair
  • Quiet room, no possible interference
  • Volunteer for hypnosis at will