How to date multiple women at the same time

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 7 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to date multiple women ethically
Video: How to date multiple women ethically


Not every person needs one partner.Some people have multiple relationships at once and maintain them throughout their lives. If you want to date multiple women at once, then this is doable. The main thing is to remember to behave honestly and correctly in relation to them.


Part 1 of 3: Maintain Honest Communication

  1. 1 Be honest about what you want to get. Never lie to interest a woman. If you are only interested in fleeting connections, then say so directly. You might be surprised to find out that she pursues the same goal.
    • You can ask about the woman's intentions before admitting yours. Say, “We never talked about what kind of relationship we want. It would be nice to know what you think about it. ”
    • Choose the right moment and speak lightly. If the question of past relationships or plans for the future comes up, say: “Since then I don’t want a serious relationship” or “It’s hard for me to imagine that in the near future I will be ready for constancy”.
  2. 2 Maintain a relaxed relationship. Meeting multiple people is much easier if you treat them with a bit of ease. If a deeper feeling arises, then the person becomes jealous or demands emotional support on a completely different level.
    • Over time, you may develop strong feelings for one or more women. If this happens, then openly admit it to yourself and the people you meet.
    • Ease is not synonymous with callousness. If you are dating a girl, then always treat her with respect and attention, regardless of the ease of the relationship.
  3. 3 Be careful when discussing relationships. Sometimes the moment of acquaintance with a fact affects its further perception. Speaking bluntly and openly, women are more likely to accept polygamous relationships.
    • Respond to messages or calls in a timely manner. The girl may feel disrespectful if you are too busy or indifferent. She may also perceive it as stealth.
    • Do not provide unnecessary information. For example, if she wants to know if you’ll be free on Friday, it’s better to say, “I already have other plans,” instead of “I have a date with another woman.”
    • If she insists that you be more specific, tell the truth, but don't give more details than she asks.
  4. 4 Follow the “information needed” principle. This rule applies to both the women you are dating and to other people. Relatives or co-workers may not share your need to date multiple women. Don't lie about the situation, but don't talk about it unnecessarily.
    • Be discreet when talking about your personal life. When talking to gossip lovers, do not name names.
    • Don't tell the woman about your feelings for the other. Women don't like to hear that you are crazy about another lady. If you start to tell what you do not like about other partners, then you may be considered arrogant. If you need to pour out your soul to someone, it is better to talk to a friend.
    • If one of the women insists that you talk about something that you do not want to admit, then tell her: "Sorry, but I am uncomfortable discussing this with you" or "Is it really important for you to talk about this right now? I don't want to." ... If she thinks it is important, then you must decide whether to share this information.
  5. 5 Discuss rules and stumbling blocks. This conversation should be done with all your women. You do not impose monogamous obligations with them, but this does not interfere with other agreements at all. The rules will help you avoid future misunderstandings.
    • The rules can restrict who you can and cannot meet with. For example, a woman might prohibit you from dating her friend.
    • The woman may agree to your non-sexual relationship with another woman.
    • It is not necessary to accept the mirror terms.For example, if she doesn't mind you dating her friends, then you are free to forbid her to meet in your friends.
    • If rules cannot be agreed upon, such a relationship may not be viable.

Part 2 of 3: Identify Your Desires

  1. 1 Identify your motives for dating multiple women at once. There are many reasons for this. For example, you recently ended a long, difficult relationship, or you are naturally polygamous.
    • Try to figure out if you are going to be dating several women for a long time or if it just suits you at the moment.
    • It's okay if you're not sure about the long term, but be prepared to openly tell your partners about it.
  2. 2 Find a woman with similar desires. If you are looking for long-term, polygamous relationships, then look for women with similar views. If you have interesting short relationships, then women should share these desires.
    • Most modern online dating apps allow you to specify your preferences. When looking for one-off dates, you don't need to date women who are in the mood for marriage.
    • On one-off dates, don't plan sophisticated or romantic dates, or you might be misunderstood.
  3. 3 Do not hurry. If you haven't dated several women at once, then it will take time for you to learn how to maintain balance in several relationships. After a monogamous relationship, you do not need to start a relationship with five women at once.
    • Read books or blogs about polygamy and other lifestyles that involve relationships with multiple women.
  4. 4 Consider the need for change. Over time, new acquaintances can change your interests and desires. If so, admit your feelings to yourself. Do not deny them so as not to hurt yourself and your partners.
    • If you fall in love with one or more women, then you have a serious conversation with all the women with whom you date.
    • Strong feelings for one woman do not always oblige you to end relationships with others.

Part 3 of 3: Respect Boundaries and Commitments

  1. 1 Don't be distracted and nurturing during your date. Give the woman all your attention and strength when dating. If she considers you a good (or at least worthy) guy, then it is possible that next to you she will temporarily forget about the rest of your women.
    • When together, do not discuss other partners unless absolutely necessary.
    • On a date, you don't have to constantly check your phone or refresh your social media page. Focus on the Woman next to you. The rest of the women can wait.
  2. 2 Let them meet other people. Remember that monogamy is often reciprocal. Always admit that a woman may have other partners.
    • Over time, you will need to discuss exclusivity issues in great detail. Sometimes the time for such a conversation comes very quickly, and sometimes it takes months.
    • If you are prone to jealousy, it will be difficult for you to accept the fact that a woman may have other partners.
  3. 3 Follow the schedule. Often, multiple relationships are impossible to juggle without a complex schedule. Create a personal calendar and mark scheduled dates in it to avoid overlaps.
  4. 4 Don't advertise your relationship on social media. Sometimes this is not easy and requires dexterity from you. Try not to comment on or rate every photo or post of your partners. You don’t need to hide the fact of polygamy, but giving women food for jealousy or insecurity is also unnecessary.
    • Don't post photos of yourself with different women.
    • If a woman marks you in a joint photo, then you can remove the mark and discuss this moment with her. Say, “I would not want to be tagged in photos. I meet different Women, so I'm embarrassed to advertise such pictures. "
  5. 5 Discuss jealousy in a timely manner. Jealousy is possible in both monogamous and polygamous relationships. It's more likely to be jealous when you're in a relationship with multiple women, so it's best to be honest without overdoing it.
    • If one of the women begins to be jealous of you, then try to console her, but do not lie. For example, if her jealousy is justified, then say, "I do have strong feelings for another woman, but this does not diminish the joy and enjoyment of meeting you."
    • If jealousy has arisen for a reason, then use it as a chance to admit the truth. Say something like this: "I think I spend more time with her. I think that at one point our relationship with her may become more serious, but now I am glad to be with you." This will help the woman understand her role in your life, but it can also persuade her to end or reconsider her relationship with you.
    • If you are jealous of a woman for another partner, then tell her about it. Don't make scenes or expressions of anger. Just say, "To tell the truth, I started to be jealous of you for another man. I think I need more of your time and attention."
    • It doesn't matter who is jealous. It is much more important to talk about it directly and openly. This is the only way to better understand your desires and feel self-confidence.


  • When in doubt, just tell the truth. If you are caught in a lie, then your relationship will suffer.
  • Online dating allows you to avoid dating women from the same social circle.


  • The more sexual partners, the higher the likelihood of contracting yourself and infecting others with sexually transmitted diseases. Always have protected sex with a condom.
  • Also, the more relationships, the more likely your heart will be broken. Do not assume that you cannot be hurt in a polygamous relationship.