Making Soda in a SodaStream Machine

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Use Your SodaStream Source Sparkling Water Maker
Video: How To Use Your SodaStream Source Sparkling Water Maker


Many people enjoy a fresh, sparkling drink with their meal. If you like soda, but you're tired of buying cans and bottles all the time, you may have bought a SodaStream machine. These machines may seem complicated, but as long as you place the carbonator correctly and choose your effervescence level, you'll be able to drink delicious soda you made at home in no time.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Placing the carbonator in your soda machine

  1. Place the SodaStream machine on a sturdy surface, such as a counter or table. Usually this is a table or kitchen table top. Make sure the surface is flat and not tilted so that your machine is upright.
    • It's also helpful to put your machine next to a sink so you can fill your bottle with water later.
  2. Remove the plastic seal and unscrew the cap from the carbonator. Your machine comes with a carbon dioxide cylinder. This is a metal canister that says "SodaStream CO2". Remove and discard the plastic seal from the top of the container. Then unscrew the plastic cap.
    • Always read the manual for your specific SodaStream machine before installing it.
  3. Remove the back of your SodaStream machine. The back of your SodaStream machine comes off easily. Pull it out of the hole at the back of your machine while holding the rest of the machine firmly with your hand. Set the back aside.
    • If you're using a SodaStream Genesis or other small model of the SodaStream, pull off the top of the machine instead of the back.
  4. Place the carbonator in the machine. Place the carbonator canister in the space where the back of your SodaStream machine was. Depending on the model of your SodaStream, this will be the back or top of your machine.
  5. Screw the top of the can into the top of your machine. Turn the carbonator clockwise about 3 times until it is screwed in all the way. Make sure it is firmly in place and does not wobble.
    • If you have a smaller model of the SodaStream, you don't have to screw in the canister.
  6. Replace the back of your SodaStream machine. Place the back on your SodaStream to lock the carbonator in place. Make sure the back is secure before using your machine.
    • Whatever model of SodaStream you have, make sure the back clicks into place when you put it back in.
    • Your SodaStream may have a CO2 meter that warns you when your carbon dioxide is low. If this is the case, you must reset the meter every time you insert a new bus by pressing and holding the "reset" button for 5 seconds.

Part 2 of 3: Making your water carbonated

  1. Fill the carbon dioxide bottle with cold water up to the fill line. Your machine comes with a plastic bottle. Fill your bottle to the fill line with cold water from the tap or filter.
    • By using cold water, you can drink your soda right away without having to cool it first.
  2. Click or screw the bottle into the machine. Depending on which model of SodaStream you have, click or screw the bottle into the bottle lock. To screw it in, turn it 3 times clockwise. To click it, simply press the top of the bottle into place.
  3. Push the bottle into a vertical position. Once it is locked in place, gently push the bottle into a vertical position so that it is upright.
    • There will be a gap between the bottom of the machine and the bottom of the bottle.
  4. Press the carbon dioxide block or button with short bursts. Depending on your SodaStream model, press the entire top block of your machine or a small black button to start the carbonation process. Press with short blasts with a pause of 1 second between each blast.
  5. Check out the LED lights that indicate how carbonated your water is. Your machine has 3 carbon dioxide levels. The first is slightly effervescent, the second is moderately effervescent, and the third is highly effervescent. While you are adding carbon dioxide, the LED lights will illuminate to indicate the level. Decide how carbonated you want the water to be and stop pressing the button once that level is reached.
    • You may have to try multiple fizzy levels before you find the one you like best.
  6. Pull the water bottle out of the locking mechanism. Once you've added carbon dioxide to your water, you can pull the bottle out of your machine's locking mechanism. Depending on your SodaStream model, turn the bottle or pull it towards you to unlock it.

Part 3 of 3: Flavoring your carbonated water

  1. Hold your bottle at an angle of 15 degrees and pour in a cap of SodaMix. Choose which flavor of soda you want to add to your carbonated water. You can buy different types of SodaMix online, or anywhere you can buy SodaStream products to recreate many different flavors of soda.
    • If you tilt the bottle, it is less likely to overflow during pouring.
    • Popular flavors of SodaMix include peach tea, cola and lime.
  2. Screw the cap on your bottle and shake it gently for 10 seconds. Make sure your SodaMix is ​​mixed well by twisting a cap on the bottle and gently shaking it back and forth. Don't shake your bottle too vigorously or it may overflow.
    • You can also slowly turn your bottle upside down and right side up to blend your flavor.
  3. Enjoy your soda right after mixing it. You can drink your soda with ice or just drink it from the bottle. Your soda will be cold since you used cold water.
    • Store your remaining soda in the fridge with the cap on for up to 2 days.


  • Never carbonate your water with bottled syrup. This will cause it to overflow and create a sticky mess.


Place the carbonator in your soda machine

  • SodaStream machine (any model)
  • CO2 canister

Making your water carbonated

  • SodaStream bottle

Flavoring your carbonated water

  • SodaMix (any flavor)