How to date an otaku girl

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Date an Otaku Girl (According to wikiHow)
Video: How to Date an Otaku Girl (According to wikiHow)


It doesn't matter if you are an otaku (someone who is into Japanese animation) or not, the mere thought of approaching an otaku girl with romantic intentions can make your knees treacherously buckle. However, dating otaku girls is not much different from dating all other girls. All you need is to find a girl and take her interests into account - and soon she will notice you herself!


Method 1 of 3: Meeting an Otaku Girl

  1. 1 Forget about stereotypes. Stereotypes are generally harmful, for that matter, they prevent us from seeing a person! Accordingly, you are going on a date not so much with an otaku girl as with an ordinary person, a person. Yes, you may notice that this girl has some typical and characteristic features of an otaku ... however, these will only be some of her character traits.
    • The same can be said for situations where you are trying to impress and ask out the girl you already know. Of course, there is no one single instruction in nature on the topic “How to date otaku girls” - all girls are different, everyone needs their own approach. As for this article ... use it as a kind of starting point from which you begin to pick the keys to the heart of the one that appeals to you.
  2. 2 Go to the Internet. Quite often, otaku can be found this way - in chats, on forums, on social networks, and so on. Moreover, often otaku girls enjoy electronic communication, and therefore they will enjoy online dating almost as much as usual.
    • Check out the forums for specific aspects of otaku culture. Join groups on social networks and other thematic sites, participate in discussions and more.
    • Once you find a girl you like, start reading her blog or page on a social network. Don't subscribe to all of her profiles at once - it can scare her.
  3. 3 Don't forget about the real world. Of course, not every otaku girl would prefer not to look away from the monitor. The overwhelming majority of otaku girls live quite social lives, and if you want to go on a regular date with such a girl, then it is worth “catching” her, as they say, in the environment. In other words, go somewhere where you can meet otaku.
    • For example, go to a store that sells anime or manga more often. It makes sense to spend time at slot machines. It would be appropriate to watch a movie that has just an army of fans, or even go to an anime festival.
  4. 4 Make a good first impression. If you are lucky enough to meet a girl who grabs your attention, then you need to make not so much a good impression as a great one! However, you should not go out of your way, it will even be enough to strike up an interesting conversation.
    • Talking about shows, movies, and other themed media content is a pretty decent option, especially if, say, you met that girl in the store while she was looking at this or that manga or anime. If you are unsure about that girl's interests, you can strike up a conversation by asking her for advice on what to read or watch.

Method 2 of 3: Inducing the Otaku Girl's Sympathy

  1. 1 Find out what she enjoys. Please note that in Russia the term "otaku" is used to refer to people who are very fond of anime and manga, while in their homeland, in Japan, this term refers to any person who is very fond of anything. Accordingly, even if you know that this otaku girl is into anime, it will not be superfluous to find out what kind of anime she is into.
    • In principle, the concept of otaku, as it is understood in Japan, is akin to the concepts of nerd and geek. A person can be an otaku from the world of anime, video games, trains, and so on. Anyone whose fascination with a particular topic has grown into almost an obsession is an otaku.
    • However, in Russia this term is understood significantly more. Otaku is a fan of Japanese animation and manga. Occasionally, otaku is understood as fans of Japanese pop culture, even less often of Asian pop culture in general. Russian otaku interests include anime, manga, video games, j-pop music, and Korean films.
  2. 2 Study the topic. Just knowing which anime series that girl likes is not enough. If you want to impress her, then you also need to find out what kind of series they are! It is not at all necessary to be imbued with love for everything that that girl is crazy about. You need to have at least a general idea so as not to sit silently when the otaku girl starts a conversation about her favorite TV series.
    • It is desirable, of course, to learn more about what she likes in general, and not dwell on some individual examples. If you find out more about what interests her, perhaps one day you will discover some anime or manga for her that will leave her crazy! You understand that this will only be a plus for you!
  3. 3 Impress her by showing respect for her interests. Invite her to places that are related to what she enjoys. Give her gifts that match her hobbies. Otaku girls love romance, but standard and formulaic gifts will not help here.
    • Keep in mind that gifts don't have to be expensive to impress her. Let's just say that otaku girls enjoy both inexpensive gifts associated with, say, her favorite anime or hero, and expensive gifts. Even a simple plush toy in the shape of Totoro will warm the heart of a girl who is fanatical about Miyazaki's creativity.
    • If you are a romantic in the more traditional sense of the word, then you can act in the way you are used to - but, of course, with some amendments. You can invite a girl to a movie - but not just a movie, but, say, an anime movie (if, of course, that otaku girl is fond of anime). Have you decided to buy a piece of jewelry for her? Let the decoration be associated with one of her favorite anime.
  4. 4 Do not treat her with superiority and do not expect her to change. Some otaku girls are a little embarrassed about their interests, but most of them are not at all ashamed. So you, respectively, need to clearly let the girl understand that her hobbies do not bother you. If you begin to shame her with what she doesn’t like, then you will be given a turn from the gate pretty soon.
    • Many otaku girls find a certain pleasure in the fact that their interests and hobbies are not something mainstream, but rather something unique. You understand that people love to feel unique.
  5. 5 Compliment her. An otaku girl is primarily a girl / Accordingly, she loves compliments. What does this mean for you? Stretch your imagination and give it honest but interesting compliments. It is also advisable that your compliments be directed to her and only her, and not to be alterations of stereotyped and hackneyed phrases.
    • An otaku girl is, we remind you, a girl. A woman, if you will. And women love when their appearance is praised. Consider this and compliment her, more specific than general: it is better to say “I like the color of your eyes” or “The frame of your glasses is great for your beautiful eyes” than “You are beautiful”.
    • Appearance isn't the only thing worth complimenting. Praise her intelligence, cheerfulness, generosity, and other positive traits.
  6. 6 Pay attention to the peculiarities of her behavior. In particular, what annoys and dislikes her. Otaku girls are usually emotional and passionate people. Yes, most of her fervor can be directed to what she likes, but she can just as violently react to what she does not like. Accordingly, when you realize that she does not like it, it should be avoided.
    • For example, if that otaku girl is very sensitive to grammar, spelling and punctuation, then it's best to double check your texts. Accordingly, you shouldn't send her an SMS like “Hello, do it, but I'm waiting for an atved”.
  7. 7 Don't force the girl to step out of her comfort zone. At the very least, don't force her to go too far out of there. Yes, there are some otaku girls who are extroverted to and fro. However, most otaku girls are introverted. Perhaps, by herself, she is not “modest” or “shy”, she just does not like crowded places and noisy events. Remember that a relationship is always a compromise, and if you want to date her, then you will have to make compromises.
    • However, even if that girl is an extrovert, this does not mean that she will be like a fish in water in any situation. Maybe she likes to chat in a group of acquaintances, but she will not like the format of a club full of strangers.

Method 3 of 3: Building Lasting Relationships

  1. 1 Give the girl time to spend on her hobbies. Sooner or later, an otaku girl will probably one day want to spend some time on her hobbies or chatting with her friends who share her hobbies. This is fine. Believe me, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be with her when she is good and having fun. The main thing is not to force yourself, not to do something through force.
    • While the otaku girl is busy with her interests, you can pursue your hobbies with a clear conscience. Meet up with friends, or spend time in splendid isolation, or go somewhere where your girlfriend would never have been persuaded to go, and so on.
    • If you want her to be always there, then it's time to think about why this attitude. Are you jealous? Feeling lonely and abandoned? Determine the cause and take appropriate action before the situation gets out of hand and hurts your relationship.
  2. 2 Make a kind of deal. When trying to impress an otaku girl, you can focus on her hobbies and interests. When a more serious relationship develops between you, you will already have to make compromises, concessions and all that. This is where trades come in handy. The deal may be the simplest: you do something with her that she likes, now, and then she does something with you that you like.
    • When you're doing what your girlfriend is passionate about, try to show her a genuine passion for the process. If she asks you to watch her favorite movie with her, then watch the movie, and do not squint every now and then at the phone or watch. If she brought you to an anime festival, then try to find something there that will be interesting for you too.
    • Give her the opportunity to teach you how to properly pursue what constitutes her hobby. If she loves, say, some kind of game, then let her teach you how to play!
  3. 3 Trust her. Perhaps there will be guys among her friends, yes. And you and her are already a couple, yes. How to be? Don't be jealous. Remember what we said about the passion and emotionality of otaku girls? That's just it. She loves you, and therefore will not leave you so easily and will not change.
    • When a girl knows that you trust her, it becomes easier for her to trust you. By showing her your confidence in the strength of your relationship, you will let her know that she has no reason to doubt you.
  4. 4 Don't put pressure on her. So, your relationship is already pretty serious, and you need to demonstrate to the girl that you are comfortable with her. However, many otaku are introverted and may not be so happy to feel like they always have to look 100% to you or something. If you are always comfortable next to a girl, then she will be much more comfortable next to you.
    • However, do not forget about moderation. Watch your appearance (even without much fanaticism), behave respectfully, then everything will be fine.
  5. 5 Be more than just a guy to her. Yes, she may love two-dimensional characters, but this does not mean that you also need to become a flat and shallow person. You need to become a friend to her, someone to whom she can always turn for help and support - and then your relationship will last a very, very long time.