How to speak to a girl you like for the first time

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How To Start A Conversation With A Girl You’re Into
Video: How To Start A Conversation With A Girl You’re Into


Did you like the girl and dream of talking to her? Of course, the first attempts may seem daunting, but without them you will not be able to know about possible mutual sympathy! Observe the girl's body language to find the right moment to talk. Then select a question or appropriate comment and start a conversation.


Part 1 of 3: How to start a conversation

  1. 1 Try to pull yourself together with deep breathing if you are anxious. It's natural to get excited before talking to a girl! If so, try taking deep breaths. Close your eyes and inhale through your nose for 4 seconds. Then hold your breath for another 4 seconds and exhale for 4 seconds. Try to breathe with your belly. Do this exercise several times to get yourself together.
    • Also try to cheer yourself up. Tell yourself that you can do it! Take a look at the situation from the outside. What's the worst case scenario? If she refuses to talk to you, it will be a little unpleasant, but this is not the end of the world.
  2. 2 Say anything to start a conversation. The longer you wait, the greater the indecision. It is not necessary to say a brilliant phrase! You just need to start a conversation. In such a situation, a simple "Hello!"
    • You can also try to joke: "I need help! I can't make up my mind. I'm at a loss. Which is better, a chocolate chip cookie or a candy bar?"
  3. 3 Ask the girl with a request. Of course, you shouldn't ask her to lend you a thousand rubles. Ask for something small. It sounds strange, but if you ask a person with a request, most likely they will want to help you. In fact, this way the person will like you even more.
    • Say something simple: "Could you give me the salt?" Or: "Would you mind giving me this folder?"
  4. 4 Try to find something in common between you to interest the girl. You will be surprised, but you can find something in common with any person! You just need to look around. Find this fact to start a conversation. There is no need to look for something significant.
    • For example, in school you might say, "It's a terribly difficult test, isn't it?"
    • In the cafe you can see: "Well, it's cold outside today!", "Good song, isn't it?" or "There's nothing like hot coffee in bad weather, okay?"
  5. 5 Continue the conversation by answering the girl's lines. As a result, you should have an exchange of views. If the girl answers your phrase or request, then continue the conversation. Talk about fun and enjoyable topics as this is your first conversation.
    • For example, she may say: "Yes, coffee is great! It warms me from the inside!". To this, try to answer this way: "That's how it is with me! And what coffee do you like the most?"
  6. 6 Stay confident to show your interest. When you first talk to a girl, you may start to doubt yourself or worry if you understood the girl's words correctly. Don't fall for such thoughts. Smile and ask questions. Pay attention to your posture and speak in an even voice.
    • Confidence is seen by many as an attractive trait. Even if you are not very confident in yourself, pretending may well work. Plus, mimic correct body language and build confidence!

Part 2 of 3: How to Interpret Body Language

  1. 1 An answering smile. Smiling is a good sign that the girl is willing to talk to you. Smile at her when you meet - it will show that you are happy to see her. If the girl smiles back, you can take a chance and start a conversation.
    • Pay attention to the eyes to appreciate the sincerity of the smile. If the smile is genuine, then it will also be reflected in the eyes. If the girl just wants to be polite, the smile will seem strained.
    • Raised cheekbones and wrinkles around the eyes speak of sincerity.
  2. 2 Long look. No need to embarrass a girl with a gaze! But if you do meet eyes, look the girl in the eyes for a few seconds and keep smiling. The girl didn't look away? This can be interpreted as a sign of interest.
  3. 3 Other signs that a girl likes you. Pay attention to gestures and movements that indicate that the girl is willing to talk to you. If the girl's body is facing you, and her arms and legs are not crossed, the girl is comfortable in your company. Also, the girl can play with her hair or fiddle with clothes.
    • Sometimes body language suggests that it’s better to wait with the conversation. If she crosses her arms or legs, turns away from you, frowns, tense, or looks away, your attempts to speak are unlikely to be successful.
  4. 4 Don't start a conversation if the girl is out of sorts. If she is upset or looks sad, then it is better to reschedule the conversation to another day. It is unlikely that a girl will reciprocate your sympathy when she is in a bad mood.
    • It is also best not to take action if she is very busy doing something.

Part 3 of 3: How to Continue the Conversation

  1. 1 Listen to the girl's answers. The conversation should not be one-sided. Focus on the other person's responses so that your comments are relevant. If you are not careful, your conversation will end quickly!
    • No one will like to listen to a person talking only about himself for half an hour. Encourage her to not only listen to you, but also share her thoughts!
  2. 2 Use open-ended questions to continue the conversation. Open-ended questions do not allow for “yes” or “no” answers. They allow a person to talk about themselves, as long as they are not too shy and like to communicate.
    • For example, don't ask, "Do you like rock music?" Better ask: "What kind of music do you like the most?"
    • In the case of a short answer, you can ask a follow-up question, for example, "Who is your favorite performer in this genre?"
  3. 3 Tell us a little about yourself. If a girl asks questions, then give honest answers. Of course, you don't need to talk only about yourself, the conversation should be two-way. However, if you are too secretive, the girl may seem suspicious.
  4. 4 End the conversation on a good note. If everything is going well, try building the groundwork for the next conversation. For example, ask for a phone number or profile address on a social network so you can contact her.
    • You can also suggest meeting in the future. For example, say: "Maybe we can have coffee together sometime?"
  5. 5 Leave the girl alone if she refuses to talk. Even if you feel offended, it is important to remember to respect others' desires.If the girl does not want to talk or refuses to meet, say: "Thanks anyway!" and leave.
    • Don't take the answer personally. You do not know what the girl's thoughts are now doing. It may well be that she is worried about the upcoming exams and cannot think of anything else.


  • If you're worried, try talking to the girl in the company of other people until you feel ready to talk to her in private. Believe in yourself!
  • If you really like the girl, then try to befriend her first.


  • All girls are different and react differently to the same questions! Just be yourself and keep believing in the best.