How to make a guy fall in love with you

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 25 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How Men Fall in Love: 5 Steps to Make Him Love You
Video: How Men Fall in Love: 5 Steps to Make Him Love You


Let's face it - there is no guarantee that every guy in the world will fall in love with you. However, there are things that will interest the guy, because of which he wants to get to know you better, and this is not far from falling in love.Are you dreaming of getting a guy you have already laid your eyes on, or just want to become a girl that absolutely all guys will like? If you want guys to fall in love with you, this article is for you.


Method 1 of 4: Work on yourself

  1. 1 Fall in love with your looks. To love you, a guy must admire you both on the outside and on the inside, but the easiest place to start is with the outside. If you love your appearance and are proud of it, it will be noticeable and the guy will appreciate your appearance. If you are not happy with the way you look, you should work on your attitude towards yourself and only then think about how to attract a guy.
    • Wear things that make you feel beautiful and in which you are comfortable. If you are uncomfortable or unsure of tight-fitting clothing, this will be noticeable.
    • Take care of yourself. Go in for sports, eat right, monitor the condition of your hair and nails, do not be lazy to use perfumed body milk, and the attention of men to you will increase, and you will feel more confident.
  2. 2 Be a positive person. Any guy will fall in love with you much faster if you enjoy what you do and enjoy the things that surround you. If you tell him how you enjoy your hobbies, study or work, his interest in you will increase.
    • If you are a student, do not complain about the studies and the teachers. Talk about what you like and why you like doing it.
    • Enjoy extracurricular activities and hobbies. Don't complain about a tough workout, but tell us how much you look forward to playing football next Friday. Who wants to communicate with a person who is doing something that he has chosen by force?
    • Maintain a good mood. Try to come up with five pluses for every minus, and it doesn't matter what you talk about - your plans for the weekend or what your day was like. You can complain from time to time, but constant complaints will turn people away from you.
  3. 3 Love yourself. If you do not love yourself, no one can love you. If you want a guy to fall in love with you, you need to love yourself and start to be proud of yourself. Try the following:
    • Figure out what your strengths are. Think of the five things that make you stand out from the crowd, and write them down if you feel comfortable doing it. Then use them to your advantage. Try to show your strengths as often as possible. For example, if you know you have a good sense of humor, get the guy to notice.
    • Deal with your weaknesses. Loving yourself does not mean considering yourself perfect. If you can identify at least three of your shortcomings, you will love yourself even more when you can correct them.
  4. 4 Work on self-confidence. If you work hard on how you look, love what you do, and start appreciating yourself, your self-confidence will instantly grow. If you are confident and comfortable with being yourself, the guy will quickly determine his feelings for you. To make your self-confidence visible to others, be prepared to stand up for yourself and make fun of yourself from time to time.
    • Remember that being confident and being arrogant are two different things. Talking about how beautiful you are all the time will alienate people.

Method 2 of 4: How to Get His Attention

  1. 1 Be a fun girl. If you want a guy to love you, you need to look like someone who can be fun with. Whenever you meet, you should smile, do something funny, or laugh with your friends. If you radiate fun, you will attract people and many will want to spend time with you because you know exactly how to have fun.
    • Get ready for adventure. People who are having fun like to step out of their comfort zone.Afraid to ride a unicycle, learn to dance a foxtrot, or go hiking? Well, turn your fear into positive energy and your life will become more interesting.
    • Don't be afraid to fool around and do stupid things. You don't have to be a model-looking girl with a distant expression to be liked by a guy. Let him know that you're not taking yourself too seriously by wearing a stupid jersey, participating in themed parties, or telling jokes that make people gasp.
    • You should look as if you are enjoying everything that is happening. To become the center of attention at a party, be cheerful, gesticulate, and cheerfully greet old friends. If you become the funniest person in the room, the guy will definitely notice you.
  2. 2 Work on gestures and postures. Body language is an important element in getting attention. Your body may interest a guy even before you even say a word, so it is very important to do everything right and not confuse him with the wrong message. You can attract a guy's attention with a few simple gestures:
    • Look him in the eye. Look at him, let him know that you noticed him, smile and look away. Don't stare at him - just look him in the eye to get him interested. You can also raise your eyebrows slightly and take a quick glance at him.
    • Do not cross your arms over your chest. Hold them by your sides or gesture with them. This will make you look more open, and he will not be afraid to approach you.
    • Straighten your back. Correct posture will let everyone know that you are confident and that you enjoy being yourself.
    • Tilt your head slightly. This gesture is a sign of interest in the conversation. He will understand what you are interested in and what you are listening to.
  3. 3 Be nice. Don't be afraid to blush. The cheeks turn red when blood rushes to them. It looks attractive because it mimics the body's response to sexual activity, and it is considered an evolutionary adaptation to attract the opposite sex. You can achieve this effect with pink blush and red lipstick. But do not overdo it with lipstick, otherwise you will look vulgar.
  4. 4 Flirt with him. If you want a guy to fall in love with you, you will need to show your interest through flirting. Don't do too much - just joke, tease him, be playful.
    • You're kidding. If he says something funny, don't just laugh - answer him with something original and funny. Then you can laugh so that he can see that you enjoy the conversation.
    • Tease him. If you are comfortable with each other, you can tease the guy by commenting on his interests (for example, his over-caring for his dog or guitar) or say something funny about his clothes that will let him know that he looks good.
    • If you're serious about flirting, lightly touch his shoulder to get closer. A lot of guys love that touch.
  5. 5 Let him see in you what makes you special. If a guy falls in love with you, he will have to be sure that you are special, otherwise why did he fall in love with you and not with someone else? Show him that you are unique and worth loving.
    • Be yourself. He needs to see who you really are, even if it seems to you that you are a nerd, shy, or if you are simply afraid to open up to another person. He cannot love you if he does not know you.
    • Be honest with him. Tell him about your dreams and fears. This should only be done when you get to know each other better. If you've always wanted to be a chef or party planner, it's worth telling him about it.
    • Tell him about your hobbies. Let him know why you get up in the morning, whether it’s learning French, volunteering at a homeless shelter, or evenings with friends.

Method 3 of 4: How to whet his interest

  1. 1 Date other guys if you are not already in a relationship. One way to get a guy interested in yourself is to show him that you like other men as well. This doesn't mean you should flirt with other guys in front of him or try to make him jealous. Just go on dates with other men if you haven't dated him yet.
    • If he doesn't like it, tell him that you would be happy to meet only with him. Don't stop dating until it becomes clear that he has no plans to date other girls anymore.
  2. 2 Take an interest in him. If you want him not to lose interest in you, you yourself have to work hard. He needs to see that he is important to you as a person. After all, you yourself want to fall in love, don't you? You can show your interest in the following ways:
    • When you interact with him, ask questions about his personal life. Ask him to tell you about his childhood, about his family, about his origins.
    • Take an interest in his studies or work. If he loves history or science, try to start conversations about these topics, not dismiss them.
    • Ask for his opinion. Find out what he thinks about everything from your new outfit to world events. Let him see that his opinion matters to you.
    • Learn to understand his mood. Be prepared to be supportive if he's having a tough day.
  3. 3 Compliment him. There is no need to overwhelm him with praise so that he understands that he is important to you, but from time to time it is still worth saying nice things. Praise him personally by texting or leaving a note. He will understand that you admire him.
    • Praise him for doing well. You could put it this way: “The dinner was excellent! You cook so well! " - or: “I really liked the concert yesterday. You are a gifted musician. "
    • Only compliment when you really admire something. Give up false praise out of a desire to please him.
  4. 4 Be an interesting person. If you want him to continue to admire you, you must not only remind him that he is important to you, but also show that you are a smart girl with whom you can talk about everything in the world. If he only feels physical attraction or spending time with you because you are a cheerful girl, his crush will quickly pass.
    • Try playing board games together. Intellectual struggle in games like chess or monopoly will fuel his interest in you.
    • Follow the events in the world. A lot of guys love politics and the news, so you should be interested in the same to be able to keep the conversation going.
    • Try to read more. Reading will broaden your horizons and give you new topics of conversation.
    • Never get bored. Only boring people can get bored. Enjoy your life and the world around you, and he will want to spend time only with you.

Method 4 of 4: Keeping Love

  1. 1 Maintain your independence. You may decide that the guy will continue to love you if he sees you every minute of every day, but in reality, everything should be the other way around. Your boyfriend is more likely to love you longer if he sees that you have your own life, your friends, that you can spend time on your own.
    • Don't try to fit your schedule to the guy's. Keep doing sports, meeting friends, pursuing your hobbies. If you give up everything to be with him, he will decide that you do not value your personal goals.
    • You and your boyfriend don't have to have the same friends. Keep going out with your girlfriends, and let him go out with his friends. If you communicate with different people separately, your relationship will only benefit from it.
    • Keep going about your business. He will reach out to you even more if he knows that you have a busy schedule and you cannot always make time for him.
  2. 2 Avoid routine. If you want the guy not to lose interest in you, you will need to come up with something all the time. Don't do the same thing every day, because he will get tired of it. Relationships should always be exciting and new, no matter how long you have been together.
    • Find a new hobby for the two of you. Start doing something together, like baking pies or mastering golf. Doing something new together every month will keep the relationship fresh.
    • Discover new places together. Don't go to the same restaurant for dinner every Friday. Find a new place to change your surroundings.
    • Try to step out of your comfort zone together. You should be doing something that makes you fearful, be it surfing or hanging out with spiders.
    • Find a way to tell your guy how much you love him. Don't just say "I love you" - come up with something interesting.
  3. 3 Know when to say goodbye. If the feelings have passed or you have not fallen in love, it makes no sense to impose on yourself what is not. Both of you will feel miserable. It is better to end the relationship when you both realize that nothing is working out than to let the relationship slowly die.
    • Be honest. If you are sure that nothing is working out, sit down and talk about the breakup.
    • Dont be upset. Many people fall in love several times during their lives, so you still have many stories ahead of you, first with guys and then with men.


  • Be a happy person. Don't worry if he doesn't confess his love for you in the first month. In general, it will be better if he does not, because when he finally utters these words, it will be clear that he is serious.
  • Be yourself and love yourself. If he doesn't like you the way you are, he isn't worth your attention.
  • Joke, show your guy that you are a funny person, that you have a great life and great friends. Depression and constant sadness are unlikely to heat up his interest.
  • To let a guy know that you like him, clearly hint at it.
  • Look him in the eye and flirt with him. Meet as often as possible so that he knows there is a place in your heart for him.
  • Don't rush things. It is worth hurrying up with a declaration of love, as a guy can get scared of such an influx of feelings and retreat.
  • Don't be too intrusive. You don't want to lose him without starting a relationship. If you can't see each other often, cherish the time that you have.


  • Don't spend too much time with him. He needs time for himself and also for his friends.
  • Don't change completely just to get someone to love you. You can lose your sense of self, and if that doesn't work out, you will feel lost.
  • Don't rush things. Let everything take its course.
  • Straightforwardness is not always good, it shocks some guys.
  • If he does not respond to your flirting, then you are not interesting to him. Don't be discouraged, move on - soon you will surely meet a great guy.