How to fall in love with a Scorpio girl

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 17 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Make a Scorpio Woman Fall in Love with You Madly?
Video: How to Make a Scorpio Woman Fall in Love with You Madly?


People who believe in astorology believe that Scorpio women are passionate, independent and complex natures, often surrounding themselves with an atmosphere of mystery. A relationship with a Scorpio woman can be a deep and exciting experience, but it also has the potential to grow into something lasting and serious. Focus on being honest and trustworthy by giving her space to be herself and planning surprises that show you care and attention.It might take a while to get it to open, but it's worth it!


Method 1 of 2: Make her fall in love with you

  1. 1 Be persistent, self-confident and sincereto get her attention. Scorpio women tend to be energetic and confident, and they don't want to waste time with someone who is shy, deceitful, or indecisive. She will understand if you hide your feelings, so successfully start building relationships by being yourself!
    • Being persistent doesn't mean being aggressive. You can be persistent by speaking confidently and defending your beliefs.
  2. 2 Take your time in pursuit of her to create an atmosphere of mystery. If you are assertive about your romantic feelings, you run the risk of pushing her away. It can be difficult to gain the trust of a Scorpio woman, so take the time to research her likes, dislikes, hobbies, and friends. To get to know her better, you can try the following interesting ways:
    • explore her social media to find out what she likes;
    • ask her open-ended questions to get her to talk more about herself;
    • Try saying, “Tell me more,” to get her to share more personal information with you.
    • invite her to a bar or restaurant to spend time together.
  3. 3 Don't be obsessive and do not control her. Scorpio women tend to value their independence, and astrologers argue that the main repulsive factor for them is when someone tries to limit their lifestyle. If you call or text her, try not to contact her again until she answers. If she refuses a date or says she is busy, wait a week before trying again. Don't tell her how she should behave, dress, or handle the situation, unless she herself asks for your advice.
    • If she asks for your help or your opinion on any issue, this is a great sign that she is beginning to trust you.

    Advice: remember that she is an energetic and challenging person. You may be tempted to attribute certain traits to her, because she is a Scorpio, but she is individual and cannot be revenged on the same brush.

  4. 4 Show her thoughtful gifts and complimentsto show that you know her. Pay attention to what she likes and what she says to get gift ideas. When you compliment her, point out something specific. Of course, you can compliment her appearance, but do not neglect her intelligence, humor and manners.
    • For example, if she mentions that she loves a particular coffee shop, go there and purchase a gift card. Or, if she's always late because she goes to the gym, you can purchase a massage gift certificate or a new yoga mat for her.
    • To give a sincere compliment, be specific. For example, instead of saying, "You look good today," say something like, "This green accentuates your beautiful eye tint." Or tell her that you admire her recent accomplishment, such as running a marathon or having a successful presentation at work.
  5. 5 Plan romantic surprisesto slay her outright. A romantic weekend getaway, dinner at a gourmet restaurant, tickets to her favorite musical - all of these sweeping gestures can make a big difference in her feelings for you. Plus, taking risks and planning something big will show her that you are confident and willing to take the initiative sometimes.
    • Romantic surprises don't have to be expensive. For example, if she loves books, surprise her by inviting her favorite author to speak. Or plan a special champagne picnic.

Method 2 of 2: Nourish the relationship

  1. 1 Be 100% honestotherwise you risk losing her trust. While she may like some secrecy, lying and dishonesty will ruin your relationship. Commit to telling the truth and behaving in a trustworthy manner. This means that you should not have other relationships on the side, and you should not hide anything from her.
    • If you've lied about anything, admit it before she catches you lying. For example, if you told her you quit smoking but didn't, it might be better to talk to her about the situation rather than wait for her to find a pack of cigarettes in your pocket.
  2. 2 Keep her up to date so that she feels safe in her relationship with you. Astrologers say that Scorpio women, while fiercely independent, also love to feel secure in relationships. In fact, this is why it often takes so long for them to settle down. If you like her, do not play games with her, ignore her messages or calls, or disappear for a long time. Let her know that she is your priority and that you will not lead her by the nose.
    • Scorpio women, like many women, do not like to play games. She won't want to wonder how important she is to you, so don't force her to do it.
  3. 3 Respect her boundaries and encourage her interests and friendships. A great way to keep a relationship alive is to make sure she has time for herself. If she is bored or feels overwhelmed, she will resent you.
    • For example, if she wants to take some courses, encourage her to enroll in them. If she loves spending time with friends on the weekends, don't try to take over all of her time.
  4. 4 Let her take the lead in developing personal independence. Provided that she is not showing signs that she expects initiative from you, allow her to advise and make decisions. This will help establish harmony in the relationship, as well as show her that you respect her intelligence and value her leadership skills.
    • As she trusts you more and more, she will most likely ask you for help in various aspects of her life. But, if you try to take control of the relationship, she may leave you.

    Advice: be sure to ask her for advice on your work, friendships, and decisions in life. She will feel appreciated and perhaps give some really good advice.

  5. 5 Get new experiences and learn new things together so the relationship doesn't fade. In addition to giving her a sense of independence and prosperity in her personal life, be sure to relive new experiences together to build a stronger bond. Sign up for a cooking class together, travel to new places, join a book club, train for a triathlon, or customize your home.
    • From boredom and monotonous life, the girl will definitely become nervous. Come up with a new activity every couple of weeks if you feel things are getting too mundane.


  • Try not to overload her with information during the initial communication, but if she starts asking questions about your life, feel free to go into details and give sincere answers.
  • If you hurt her or lie, give her space to understand what she wants and how she is feeling. It may take a while, but if you chase her, she will start to drift away from you.