How to get your boyfriend's respect

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
20 Tips On How To Be A Perfect Girlfriend For Your Guy
Video: 20 Tips On How To Be A Perfect Girlfriend For Your Guy


Are you haunted by the feeling that you are being humiliated or that your boyfriend does not respect you? Read this article to learn how to win respect!


  1. 1 Make sure you respect yourself. If your relationship is filled with negativity, get rid of it. Fast. Apart from pain, they will not bring you anything. Get rid of parasitic relationships. They harm both of you. Keep yourself safe.
  2. 2 Do not follow his idea of ​​perfection, be the realization of YOUR idea of ​​what it means to be perfect / gorgeous / amazing / beautiful, and let him love you that way. If he cannot, he is not who you want. You deserve someone who loves you. Don't change for the sake of just being with someone. This is the first BIG sign that you don't love yourself. This is the first big sign that you don't respect yourself.
  3. 3 If he does ANYTHING that you are not ready for (for example, allows himself unacceptable touches or greasy jokes), tell him about it. Sometimes you need to do what's best for you and just walk away without worrying about how he will feel.
  4. 4 Don't have sex if you are not ready for it. If you do not feel loved or are being treated as equals, do not have sex. Sex is not a way to win love, it is a way of expressing already existing love and affection. You are free to say no at any time, ALWAYS. If he respects you, he will respect your decision.
  5. 5 Make sure to make your decision firmly. If you say no, do it confidently. Guys love to take their own, but you better think about the future, not about the present.
  6. 6 The relationship should be 50/50, not 10/90. If he never waits for you, do not wait for him either.If he cannot try, why should you try? Try to do your best to reduce (but not completely stop) the manifestations of your crush. Less often write to him first, do not shower him with gifts, do less pleasant to him, do not be available 100% of the time, etc.
  7. 7 Live your life. You must have your own friends, your own goals, your own activities (work, school, club, etc.). Some degree of independence is good for any relationship. You will respect yourself and remember who you are. Your boyfriend should be a part of your life, not everything you have. And if he cares about you, he will share your goals as well.
  8. 8 Know how to stand up for yourself. If you have a disagreement or an argument, learn to stand up for yourself. Protect yourself if you know you are right. Don't be a rag. And don't you dare allow him to offend you in any way. At such moments, you should say to yourself: "I may not be perfect, but no matter what I did, this behavior has no excuse. I am leaving NOW." And don't look back.
  9. 9 Remember to be open, admit that you are wrong, and learn to forgive in time (unless he is behaving abusively towards you; in this case, do not return to him).
  10. 10 If you have problems, talk to him about it. Everyone deserves to understand what's going on and be alerted to serious problems. Express whatever you want to say in a discreet manner. If you really want to solve the problem, come up with constructive solutions.
  11. 11 Beauty is not everything. It is impossible to keep a man by his good looks. After all, he likes your personality, likes to see you happy. So maintain a positive attitude, be yourself, and dress in a way that makes you feel great.


  • It won't be easy. But tell him how you feel. If he really is the right person, he will understand his mistakes and try to change his behavior.