How to survive at school

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How not to survive School
Video: How not to survive School


The middle grades differ significantly from the elementary school. You will have more responsibility, more choices, and more freedom. Perhaps you will encounter a difficult subject, fall in love for the first time, or even dance with someone for the first time! Of course, change is always scary, but if you know what lies ahead, you can handle everything.


Method 1 of 5: How to Avoid Trouble

  1. 1 Know and obey school rules. Like elementary school, grades 5-9 have rules that you will need to follow. Some of them will be familiar to you (for example, raising your hand to ask a question), and some will be new (for example, entering school with a badge).
    • Ask questions. It is important for teachers and other school staff that everyone knows what to do. If you don't know something, ask.
    • If your school has information boards or brochures, check them out. They may not cover all the rules, but you will have a general idea of ​​what is expected of you.
    • Behave like an adult. While adolescents are not expected to behave ideally, there are higher demands on behavior in middle school than in elementary school.
  2. 2 Don't get involved in conflicts and gossip. Of course, everyone talks about the problems, behavior and lives of other people. It is sometimes important to stay on top of what is happening at school, but sometimes important information is mixed with gossip and unpleasant rumors.
    • Try to ignore gossip, even if it concerns you. If someone tells you gossip or asks you about something, don't spread the rumor further and ask the person to stop gossiping.
    • Do not make up gossip yourself - it destroys relationships, makes people quarrelsome, offends and complicates everyone's life. If you have a problem with someone, talk to them in private.
    • Be a kind person.If someone speaks harshly about someone, respond with kindness.
      • For example, if people talk about a breakup between two people, say this: "It will be a shame if they break up, but that's none of my business." If peers say something about another person's sexual orientation, be aware that many people belong to the LGBTQ + community, and there is nothing wrong with that. If a person is gay, he is who he is.
    • Stop gossiping and protect the person being gossiped about. Do not participate in discussions.
    • Don't talk about the personal life and mistakes of others. You wouldn't like it if someone told everyone about your secrets, wouldn't you?
    • Avoid conflict and drama. Some believe that life should be filled with melodrama, otherwise it will seem unimportant and insignificant to others. This is wrong. It is better to think about important people, things and problems than about who will invite whom to the dance.
  3. 3 Choose your friends carefully. It is very important. Make friends with people who avoid dramas and you can protect yourself from the worst that can happen in middle school. Find some close friends. Problems occur in all friendships, but if you suddenly feel that your relationship is beginning to resemble a TV show, think about finding yourself a different circle of friends.
    • Be aware that in middle grades you can have enemies even if you don't do anything about it. The only way to survive a feud is to hang out with close friends you can trust. Friends do not have to be many - 3-4 close people and a few acquaintances are enough. Be nice and polite to everyone, but don't try to win everyone's love.
  4. 4 Don't let others get you into trouble. You should not be friends with people because of whom you may have serious problems. If someone asks you to lie about something important, do something forbidden, or offend someone else, refuse... Don't do anything that you don't feel like doing or that feels wrong to you. Peer pressure can lead to a wide variety of problems.
    • Don't be afraid to tell an adult when someone asks or tells you to do something bad. This does not make you a sneak - you are a good person who does what you have to do. If you make a bad decision, talk to an adult you trust. If you tell your friends everything, rumors will go. But remember, others will most likely not like what you tell adults, and they may get revenge on you, which can be very dangerous.
  5. 5 Don't do anything that can harm your body. You should not harm not only other people, but also yourself. Do not take drugs, do not participate in games with asphyxiation (and anything that is illegal, even if you are convinced of safety), and do not harm yourself, including cutting objects. If you need help, know what's near always there are people who can help you.
  6. 6 Treat romantic relationships soberly. In middle school, many young people develop their first romantic relationships. While the prospect of dating a boyfriend or girlfriend can be very exhilarating, it can be difficult to navigate relationships as a teenager.
    • Girls grow up faster than boys, so it is possible that your peers will not be ready for a relationship.
    • School relationships usually don't last long.
    • Remember that in movies, TV shows, and elsewhere, middle-school romance can be portrayed unrealistically. Things could be different.
    • Someone finds a mate, someone does not. You shouldn't think that only you don't have a pair. During these years the majority will not have it.
    • You will develop at your own pace. In high school, children develop rapidly physically. Some seventh graders look like high school students, and some appear younger than their age.
  7. 7 Don't be afraid to exercise. Of all the subjects, physical education often causes the most fears. You've probably heard that you have to change in front of others.You may have never been successful in physical education, and you feel uncomfortable. It is important to remember that everyone is worried and embarrassed, and this is normal.
    • You might think that everyone is looking at you when you change, but in reality, everyone is busy with their own dressing. Nobody will look at you, because everyone thinks that they are being looked at. Everyone wants to change quickly and go out.
    • As a rule, no one is forced to take a shower after exercise.
    • You can change in the shower, if that's more convenient for you.
    • If you are a girl and have your period, wear black or brown underwear. Nobody will notice anything. In the middle classes, many changes take place in the body. If you are worried about them, talk to your mom, another trusted adult, or a counselor / mentor.
    • Some schools focus on team play and competitive sports, which makes students with poor physical fitness uncomfortable. However, in many schools, the emphasis is on other types of work that are less intense and competitive.
  8. 8 Learn to solve problems. This is an important skill that will come in handy not only in middle school, but later in life. Learning how to properly solve problems will make it easier for you to deal with anything that gets in your way.
    • For example, you might want to learn how to ask for help when you need it. You might feel stupid about having to ask for help or having a problem, but this is an important skill. Everyone has problems, and whoever you turn to will be understood. All people ask for help from time to time.
    • Apologize and admit the consequences of your actions if you did something wrong. If you did the wrong thing, refusing to confess to the wrong (even if it didn't work out on purpose) will only make life difficult for you. You will feel guilty or other people will be angry with you, and this is not good. If you get the word out, apologize. If you lied to your teacher, admit it.
    • Express your thoughts clearly. This way you can avoid many problems. Often, rumors arise due to the fact that someone misunderstands something. You may accidentally offend a person by saying something that you wanted to say differently. Choose your words carefully, speak clearly and know exactly what you want to say.
  9. 9 Remember that it will get easier over time. Nobody is trying to make school years the worst of their lives. You might even like it! Reality may not be as colorful as it is shown on TV. It is possible that it will be difficult for you. But believe that hard times are always replaced by good times. It is important to learn to cope with both.

Method 2 of 5: Finding Friends

  1. 1 Connect with people you already know. This will allow you to form a circle of friends. Ask classmates in elementary school what they will do at the end of the school year, write down their phone numbers so that we can meet with them after the holidays.
  2. 2 Chat with people who live near you. When your studies begin, try to make friends with the people in your neighborhood. This will make it easier for you to spend time with your friends more often, and you will have someone to turn to if you don’t do your homework.
  3. 3 Get ready to make new friends. Even if many of your classmates will study with you in middle school, try to make new friends as well. If you don't meet new people, you will never know what to miss. Perhaps you will meet someone who becomes your best friend.
  4. 4 Join clubs. You can meet new people at school clubs. Some schools have few clubs, some have many. In some schools, students can start new clubs if nothing suits them. There are book clubs, Bible study clubs, film clubs, theater clubs, environmental clubs, food clubs, robotics clubs, and many more.If your school does not have clubs or hobby groups, talk to the administration about setting up one. You will have to do a lot of work, but in the clubs you can find friends who will stay with you for a long time.
    • Don't forget about sports! You can play on the school team, or you can just watch games or have friendly matches if you don't play well enough or don't want to play on the school team.
    • You can also meet new people and make friends through volunteering. Your school may already have a group of volunteers who raise money for events, make postcards for the elderly or sick, clean up parks, or do something else.
  5. 5 Show others what you like. Try to subtly demonstrate your preferences so that people with similar interests can see that they can come up and talk to you about it. This is a great way to make friends since you already have something in common.
    • For example, if you like Adventure Time, attach the Bumpy Kingdom Princess badge to your backpack. If you are into video games, buy a drawing notebook from your favorite game. If you are a fan of a sports team, wear that team's bracelet.
    • Don't overdo it. Of course, if you dress from head to toe in clothes with Pokémon, everyone will understand that you love this animated series, but in this manifestation, it will repel or scare people. Common interests are good, but they're not the only thing that helps people get to know each other.
  6. 6 Act like a confident person. If you show people that you are an interesting person and that you have something to offer others, people will be drawn to you. Don't constantly ask for forgiveness and get upset if someone doesn't like you right away. Be able to defend your opinion, be proud of yourself and emphasize what makes you special.
  7. 7 Talk to people! This is what will allow you to make new acquaintances. You can't get to know someone if you don't talk to strangers. Join conversations that you find interesting and introduce yourself to people you would like to befriend.
    • Speak loud enough for people to hear you. Speak confidently.
    • Don't tell lies about yourself. If you say something to make you appear more interesting in the eyes of others, people may find out the truth, and you may be left without friends. You may not consider yourself an outstanding person, but the people around you may not agree with this.
  8. 8 Do interesting things. If people see you are having fun, they will want to join you and befriend you to do something interesting with you. Join clubs, paint during recess, or throw parties and other activities after class.
  9. 9 Be a polite person. If you want people to interact with you, it's important to be a nice person. Who wants to be friends with an insolent person? Nobody! Be courteous to all people, even if they don't reciprocate. People will understand that you are a good person, and they will most likely begin to behave towards you in a more respectful way.
    • Be active on your good traits. Help those who are lagging behind in class; protect those who are wronged; Don't miss out on opportunities to do something nice for others. Give people genuine compliments if you feel they need them.
    • Sometimes it is difficult to notice that something is wrong with a person. Perhaps a person suffers, but does not show it outwardly. Kind words or actions can mean a lot in these situations.
    • Remember that sometimes people behave badly just because they are dissatisfied with something in themselves or something negative is happening in their life. They show aggression because they don't know what kindness is. Try to be polite to such people, even if they are negative towards you. Perhaps this attitude will help them become better.
  10. 10 Be yourself. This is the best thing you can do for your social life.You probably think that you have heard this advice many times, but it does not lose its relevance from this! Many people have problems because they behave unnaturally. Sometimes people think that they can pretend to be someone else, but if you have already tried this, you know that if someone finds out the truth, they will find out everything, and you will be embarrassed.
  11. 11 Surround yourself with a few close friends. In a small circle, you can share everything important with people. You will know that a petty fight will not ruin your relationship. Connect with friends during good and difficult times. If you need some time not to communicate with them (because of a quarrel or because you just want to rest), contact other acquaintances. Don't limit your social life to just these people. Make close friends, but socialize with other people as well. You may need them later.
  12. 12 Don't let your social life influence your studies. Many teenagers are so addicted to friendships that they forget that the main goal of school is to learn. They have conflicts, and they begin to perceive school only as a place where they can interact with others.
  13. 13 Don't worry about what others think of you.. If you try too hard to be popular, all the sleek school snobs will laugh at you and make school life difficult.
    • If you care about what others think, don't try to change yourself. Take a deep breath and enter the school confidently. Be yourself. Smile, joke, play and laugh. More often than not, this is what people like. People around you will definitely like you.
  14. 14 Enjoy from life! Be spontaneous and even eccentric! There is only one life. Enjoy every moment, be brave, enjoy life and try to become the person everyone wants to communicate with because it's fun to be with him. Look for sources of inspiration! Don't let your boyfriend or girlfriend ruin your relationship with your best friends. It is unlikely that the relationship will turn out to be long-term, and even if everything is fine now, everything can change. It's hard in middle grades! Remember to breathe deeply and relax often. Try not to do what you might regret later.

Method 3 of 5: Coping with your studies

  1. 1 Be attentive in the classroom. If you want to do well, it is important to listen carefully to your teacher. Your grades will become much higher if you become more attentive and try to assimilate as much information as possible in class. Put your phone aside, do not fall into dreams or exchange notes with classmates. You will have time for this after class!
  2. 2 Take notes. Take notes in class. You don't need to write down everything the teacher says - only the most important is enough. Write everything down as if you had to explain the material to a classmate who missed class. This outline will help you prepare for the test and complete your homework.
  3. 3 Do your homework. Homework is critical to academic success. If you don't do your homework, your grades will go down, even if you write well at the test. Set aside time for your homework each evening. Get help if you need it. Homework won't take all of your time, and you will still have the opportunity to rest.
  4. 4 Know that teachers will be strict. Many teachers discourage bad behavior and irresponsible learning. Teachers can send to the director or head teacher without warning, and this is bad.
  5. 5 Stack your belongings neatly. Don't just throw everything in your backpack. So you can forget about important tasks or lose the papers you need. Select a folder for homework and arrange tasks in the order in which they are received. Create another folder for notes and a separate notebook for each subject.
    • Get a planner. He will help you plan your time. Use a planner to schedule tasks by day.Set aside time for homework, rest, packing and breakfast in the morning, and plan other activities.
  6. 6 Don't be put off. Many people get into the habit of procrastinating, that is, they procrastinate and do them at the last minute. This is a bad habit, as it makes things poorly done due to the rush and causes stress. Developing the habit of doing everything on time will help you avoid many problems.
  7. 7 Ask questions! This will allow you to improve your academic performance. If you do not understand something, ask a question. This way you will know for sure that you are doing everything right. Even if you understand everything, ask questions about what interests you. Asking questions regularly will make you smarter and smarter.
  8. 8 Exercise as much as possible. If you want to get good grades, you will have to study a lot. Read all of the recommended books and set aside sufficient time to prepare for class. Middle school gives you the opportunity to develop good learning habits, so learning to practice now will help you in the future.
  9. 9 Make an effort. This is the most important thing you can do to improve your progress. If you do not understand something, linger after class or at recess and ask the teacher to explain to you again. You may not like this teacher, but if you have objective questions about the subject, any teacher will be ready to help you.
  10. 10 Don't worry too much about the ratings. Don't aim to get just one A's. Try to practice as much as possible, develop good learning habits, and get the highest possible grades. A three is not a high enough score, but it is definitely not worth worrying about fours.
  11. 11 Study with your classmates. Studying in a group is much more interesting!
  12. 12 Strive to get A's. If you don't understand something, ask for help. Do your homework with your classmates. If you need help, don't be idle.
  13. 13 Try inviting classmates to your home and work out together. before the test. This is a very effective method of work as it will both keep you busy and have fun.
  14. 14 Ask for more help. If you have difficulty learning a subject, ask the teacher for an extra lesson after school.

Method 4 of 5: How to Grow Yourself

  1. 1 Study yourself. In middle school, you will have the opportunity to understand what you like and what is important to you. Take extracurricular activities that interest you, learn to do things you've always wanted to learn to do, and read more about things you would like to do in the future.
    • Read books about people who inspire you. Find out what they have done to achieve what they have and consider if you want to do the same.
    • It is very helpful to attend extracurricular activities to understand what you enjoy. Try taking classes at school.
    • There is a lot of information on the Internet about what you might be interested in, especially if you like complicated and not very popular things. It will be easier for you to find like-minded people online. But be careful, as there are a lot of scammers on the Internet, just like in everyday life.
  2. 2 Cultivate good self-care habits. Take a shower, cleanse your face, wear clean clothes, and do whatever else will make you look good. This will strengthen your self-confidence and make you more comfortable to be yourself as your body changes.
  3. 3 Learn to balance responsibilities and rest. At school, of course, you need to pay special attention to learning, but you must not forget about rest and entertainment. Studying all the time will not end well, but even if you don't understand the importance of commitment, it will be more difficult for you as an adult.
  4. 4 Help others. You may not understand this now, because few people think about it, but helping others gives a person a lot.If, thanks to you, something changes for the better in your city and in the world in general, you will feel like a superhero, and you will actually be one! Volunteer, help people who need help, and look for opportunities to change the world around you.
  5. 5 Exercise and eat right. At school, it is important to develop your intellectual abilities, but you also need to monitor the physical condition of the body. Eat right and exercise to keep your body in good shape. If all of this becomes a habit with you now, it will be easier for you to monitor your health as an adult.
  6. 6 Develop your abilities. If something is good for you, develop this skill in yourself. Strive to be better at what you do and enjoy. Skills can be turned into a profession or hobby in the future (or even now). Talk to your parents about what you know how to do, and if they cannot help you, talk to the teacher.
    • For example, if you are good at drawing, enroll in an art school. If you like singing, get your own group together. If math is easy for you, invite classmates to study with them for money or other services. There are a lot of opportunities!
  7. 7 Don't worry about the little things. It will make it easier for you to enjoy life, solve problems and deal with stress in middle school if you learn to pay attention only to the things that really need attention. It can be tricky and you may not be able to learn it quickly, but it will make your life easier in the future.
    • For example, don't worry about losing a game (it's just a game!), About not being accepted by some company (you can find your people in the future, and you are probably not as alone as you think ), because of the accusations of other people (their problems have nothing to do with you, so just ignore these statements) or because peers bully you (the situation will change when in the future they work as cashiers, and you get an excellent work thanks to their higher education diploma).
    • It is worth worrying about injustice, current events and the situation in the world that surrounds you. This is what matters and what should worry you, because if you don't care, you will not seek to change the world, which means that problems will never be solved.
  8. 8 Don't be afraid to be different from others. There will be times when you feel different or different from everyone else, and you will feel lonely. You may be scared because you will like the “wrong” person. You may feel that no one understands you because you prefer the “wrong” things. It is possible that you will feel like an outcast because you and your parents do not look like others. But it's important to understand that even if you feel lonely, if you feel “wrong” or strange, there are many people in the world just like you. One day you will meet them and you will have friends and family that you cannot even dream of yet. You will feel like a happy person.
    • Perhaps, for example, you will notice that all the girls giggle about the boys, but you are not interested. Perhaps you want a closer relationship with some girl. Do not think that something is wrong with you, because it is not true. Give yourself time and take your time. Perhaps your feelings will change in a few months or years.
    • You may feel that you are weird because your family looks and speaks differently from others. Your parents may not speak Russian well. You may have two mothers. Or maybe you have a black dad and an Asian mom. It is important to understand that families are different, and if everyone loves each other, this is the only thing that matters. You are the same people as others, no matter how you look.

Method 5 of 5: Adapting to School Life

  1. 1 Adjust your period if you're a girl. Menstruation can be shameful and stressful, but there is nothing wrong with that.All girls face this problem. Prepare for your period and you will have nothing to worry about.
  2. 2 Learn to hide an erection if you're a guy. Almost all guys face this problem. Don't worry - this is normal! Know what you can do and you will have nothing to fear. Try covering your groin area with a textbook.
  3. 3 Work on your coordination of movements. Many awkward moments in school involve falling, stumbling, or bumping into people or objects. Work on your coordination, keep an eye on your surroundings, and watch your step.
  4. 4 Dress well. You are probably worried about having to wear a uniform. There are uniforms in many schools, and you may have concerns that in them you will not look beautiful and you will not be able to be yourself. But all this is possible! Get a little creative and form is no longer a problem.
  5. 5 Buy a nice bra if you are a girl. Girls need bras, and buying your first bra can seem like a daunting prospect. But don’t worry: there’s nothing wrong with that. Feel free to ask your mom to buy a bra and talk to a shop assistant.
  6. 6 Pay attention to personal hygiene. There is nothing worse than the smell of a stale body! As you are in transition, your body will sweat and smell more than usual. All this is normal! It's important to just pay a little more attention to self-care.
  7. 7 Don't put up with acne! In adolescence, you may develop acne, which will cause discomfort. This is normal, but acne can be treated. With proper care and attention, you can achieve clear and radiant skin.
    • If you keep getting painful acne, see your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe medications to relieve your rash and make you feel better.
  8. 8 Avoid bullying yourself or others. Don't bully others or let others bully you or anyone else. Find the courage to stop bullying and make school a more enjoyable place for everyone.
  9. 9 Develop learning skills. This is important not only for middle school studies, but for all future studies. Learn to study now, and it will be easier for you to get good grades and new opportunities in adulthood.
  10. 10 Learn to open and close your lockerif you have such lockers in your school. Learning how to use a locker can be difficult for many students. Often, there are locks in the lockers that even adults do not know how to use. Finding out how your locker opens will make things easier.


  • If you are a girl, do not be afraid to be friends with a boy, even if you are not in love with him. Students may tease you thinking you are in a relationship, but if you are happy with it, ignore others. Friendship between boys and girls is possible.
  • Memorize the schedule before class. It will be easier for you to navigate the school if you remember the order of the lessons.
  • Don't be afraid to end friendships if the relationship doesn't work out. Sometimes adolescents bully others, which forces the victims to become friends of the abuser, but in reality they are just doing what they are told or serve as a backdrop for the abuser, which makes the abuser seem more popular.
  • If you listened carefully in class, but still did not understand the material, ask a teacher or classmate to help you understand it.
  • Don't seek to start a relationship - it's too early. Try to focus on your studies and friendships.
  • Always carry your lunch money with you. If your parents don't have money for lunch, talk to the teacher. He will think about what can be done and will not tell your classmates about it. There is nothing to be ashamed of here.
  • Don't let others hurt you. Share this with your classmates and your teacher.
  • Watch your appearance. Of course, what's inside is more important, but a pleasant appearance will make you a more attractive person. Take care of yourself, exercise, dress nicely, and eat well.
  • Don't get too carried away with romantic relationships. Valuations are more important, and relationships may not last long.
  • Buy and wear a watch. Learn to tell the time by them.
  • If your teacher tells you to stop doing something, stop doing it. Don't be the person who constantly finds himself in trouble.


  • Avoid drugs, alcohol and other dangerous things, as these can have a negative impact on you now and in the future as your body is still developing.
  • Know your place. You are no better or worse than other guys in your class. Treat everyone equally and with respect, even if they don't reciprocate.
  • Do not cheat on tests and assessments - this can negatively affect your social life and academic performance. Quite often, for written off work, they give a minimum score or do not count it.
  • Try to try something new (provided that it does not break the law and does not harm your health).
  • Middle school is the hardest for many adolescents. If you feel like you're struggling and want to hurt yourself, get help. Call the hotline for psychological assistance of the Russian Emergencies Ministry: 8 (499) 216-50-50. If you live in another country, call your local counseling hotline.
  • Don't settle for kissing or serious relationships if you are not ready for them or if your parents do not allow you. All of this is fraught with consequences, especially if your school does not allow public expression of feelings. If your parents do not allow you to start a relationship, and you disobey them, they will quickly find out about everything, and you will have problems.
  • If you see that some of your friends are bullied by bullies, do not stay idle. Either help him or inform the teacher or another adult. After all, does a good friend allow others to hurt a loved one?
  • Ask teachers for help. If you need help with something on your first day of school, feel free to ask questions. It is possible that the same questions exist for others.
  • If you are throwing a party and not all of your classmates are invited, do not share the event with everyone. Perhaps people will be offended that they were not invited.
  • Perhaps some of your peers will reject you - do not worry, this is normal. It happens to everyone.
  • If you spot anything illegal, tell an adult you trust. If someone hit someone, tell an adult. You may be uncomfortable, but at school, behavior and grades are more important than popularity.
  • You will meet bad people (for example, those who offend others). Just try to ignore them and they will most likely start ignoring you. But if you are constantly being bullied by someone and you cannot stop it on your own, tell an adult or a teacher you trust about it. If you are afraid of the conversation, ask a close friend to come with you.