How to survive when a super comet hits Earth

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Survive an Asteroid Impact
Video: How to Survive an Asteroid Impact


A large comet can arrive from space outside the solar system in a very short period of time. See how you could survive the impact of a comet like the one that killed the dinosaurs.


Method 1 of 12: About one year to six months before collision

  1. 1 Listen to the media. Find out the time of impact with the comet and approximate predictions of where it might hit.
  2. 2 Build up stocks. Choose a part of your home that will be a good place of refuge for you and your family during and after the impact. This place must be underground, without windows, and must be very solid. If there are windows, brick them up.
  3. 3 Make a plan for getting indoor air. Buy food, water, and maybe even weapons. During this period, many will loot food and civil unrest may occur. Be ready.
  4. 4 Stock up on all the scientific, technical and military knowledge. This will help you and your people in the future to become a military force to keep you and your people from being killed and enslaved by others who will do the same.
  5. 5 When you have all of this, print it all on acid-free archival paper, such as the one used in the Academy sketchbooks or sketchbooks, and store it where rodents and other animals cannot get to it.
  6. 6 After the clash, new kingdoms and peoples will arise, and it is more than likely that their rulers will want to conquer others, including your area. This will allow you to survive, even allow your descendants to exist without conquering and enslaving them. Whether we like it or not, life after a collision is going to be really brutal, and this has been proven in past human history.

Method 2 of 12: Three Months Before Collision

  1. 1 Your hideout should now be ready.
  2. 2 If you are near the collision site, your best hope is to try to find old shelters that can withstand nuclear explosions. There are many of them, they were mainly built during the Cold War, when there was a high threat of nuclear war. If you are outside of this area, arrange your shelter well.

Method 3 of 12: One month before the collision

  1. 1 Load supplies to your hideout. Bring food, medicine, water, blankets and warm clothing. Find enough space for supplies. Take photos, souvenirs, items of sentimental value, and maybe a few books that you can use to educate people about life before the impact. Also, bring books to read, board games, a deck of cards, a crossword puzzle, or a Sudoku puzzle so you don't have to be very bored after a collision.
  2. 2 Also stock up on provisions for your pets. You can also bring some vegetable seeds with you, as this can come in handy after a collision.

Method 4 of 12: Days Before Impact

  1. 1 Now take refuge in the shelter. Make sure you have everything. Don't go outside and don't let go of your pets.

Method 5 of 12: Collision

  1. 1 Stay inside. Shock waves from the point of impact will spread throughout the planet, causing violent earthquakes. Ash from the explosion will fall from the sky, so try to filter the air in your shelter so as not to inhale the ash. Earthquakes can also wake up supposedly "dormant" volcanoes, so you should be evacuated from the area near the volcano beforehand. If you are closer than 5000 kilometers from the strike, you should take cover in an atomic bomb shelter.

Tsunamis emanate from the point of collision, and they will stop only about 40 - 250 kilometers inland, far from the sea.

Method 6 of 12: 10 Hours Post Impact

  1. 1 A huge amount of "exploded rock" (stones thrown out of the crater by an explosion as a result of the impact) will fall to the Earth. Most pieces of rock burn in the atmosphere, this friction heats the atmosphere to an average of 100 degrees Celsius (which is why you take refuge in a shelter). Many plants and animals are about to die. The exploded rock, not burnt in the atmosphere, will collapse down to Earth, bombarding buildings and causing fires in forests and urban areas.

Method 7 of 12: The Week After Collision

The sun will be blocked due to the large amount of ash in the atmosphere. Stay in your home, where there will be pitch darkness, stock up on one or two candles. Then you can talk, read a book, or write your story.

Method 8 of 12: 3-4 weeks post-collision

Stay downstairs, go outside only occasionally. The global temperature is starting to drop as the sun is being blocked. Now you can go outside, but only rarely and for a short time. Remember to breathe through a damp cloth and do not leave the door open for a long time if you do not want to breathe ash. You can use a candle to light your path because there will still be pitch darkness. Try to find firewood.

Method 9 of 12: 1 month after the collision

At this time, everything freezes. If you are near the coast, it will be warmer because the oceans keep warm. Go outside only to collect firewood to keep warm.

Method 10 of 12: 6 Months Post Impact

It is very cold in the far from the sea, but the ash disappears from the sky, and soon the Sun will illuminate the surface again. However, as the impact created sulfur compounds that reflect the sun's heat, the harsh frost continues. Now that there is light again, you can find more firewood or track down other people who are still alive.

Method 11 of 12: 6-7 Months Post Impact

If you can't stand the cold and are out of supplies, you should take a chance and move to the ocean, where it is warmer. Be careful because there may be a lot of bandits around.

Method 12 of 12: 2-4 Years Post Impact

Eventually the Earth will heat up. New plants will begin to grow, and the animals will emerge from their shelters. People deprived of the most modern technology will have to choose a simpler lifestyle for now. Money won't matter now. You can become a farmer or help invent technology destroyed by impact.


  • Build your shelter at least partially underground. This will help keep you out of the heat.
  • During the heatwave after impact, water yourself, your family, and your pets to stay healthy.
  • Read the book and learn about comets.
  • Make sure you do not let ash into your shelter or inhale it.
  • Some weapons and ammunition will be useful for hunting, trading and defense. Try to stick to the most common calibers like 0.22 LR, 7.62x39, 223 / 5.56mm, etc.
  • World governments may try to deflect the comet. But such plans are rather far-fetched. Don't count on them. Hoping for the best, prepare for the worst.
  • If you wish, store seeds of plants or small animals (other than your pets) in your shelter.You will be able to cultivate these plants and raise animals later when it gets warmer.
  • You can also try making Faraday cages out of metal mesh to protect things like flashlights, batteries, clocks, "self-powered radios" and "self-powered flashlights" from the electromagnetic pulse. Make sure the cage is grounded. The flashlights use LEDs that will last 11-20 years, so stock up on white LEDs.
  • Once the weather is good enough to go outside, children and adults can do a survey to determine which animals and plants have survived and which animals and plants may have become extinct. This may sound a little depressing, but it can be useful for gathering information so you can get to know a new world. Understand that many of the animals you are familiar with, such as elephants, bears, and tigers, will almost certainly disappear. You may not like it, but these large animals will have no other chance than mass extinction.
  • Look for old packs of ready-to-eat food if you find yourself near an abandoned military base. But if the food has been previously opened or damaged, do not eat it. Have a disinfectant handy and, if possible, keep more than 300 kilometers from any nuclear reactor. Do not drink unrefined liquids ...


  • The chances that everyone you have ever known, a friend or family, will survive is less than 100%. Be prepared for losses.
  • If you have the proper shelter, everyone might want to stay with you. Don't let them. May only your family and very, very close friends stay with you.
  • The government will most likely declare your country under martial law. Be ready.
  • If you are melting snow, it will produce a quarter glass of water or less.
  • If you are using a footer try as much as possible increase its size to have more oxygen and space for your equipment.

What do you need

  • A refuge, preferably underground.
  • Large amounts of food that does not require cooking and has a long shelf life
  • Drinking water
  • Plain water (for cooling during extreme heat)
  • Medicine and first aid kit.
  • Matches, lighter and denatured alcohol or similar flammable liquid (to start a fire)
  • Lighter refill kit (optional if you need to refuel your lighter)
  • Candles (to illuminate the interior of your hideout. Note: Candles can cause a fire).
  • Blankets and warm clothing (to keep you warm. Note: If you live in a country with cold winters and snowfalls, it will be easier to get clothes for cold weather)
  • Gas masks (optional)
  • Flashlights and batteries (optional, as they would not work after an electromagnetic pulse if they were not protected in a metal container and kept out of contact with the container. Ditto with "self-powered radio" and "self-powered flashlights". lanterns use white LEDs, prepare some more as LEDs last 11-20 years with constant use)
  • Appropriate waste disposal devices
  • Things that are valuable to you
  • General value items that can be used for trade (cigarettes, alcohol, ammunition)
  • Seeds (for planting and farming when the weather gets better)
  • Your pets and family
  • General knowledge, especially technical and military knowledge. This will differentiate you and your surviving descendants as new kingdoms and nations arise. Some of the rulers will conquer others, as proven in human history. This will allow you and your descendants to defend against marauders and enemy forces.
  • Fighting spirit for survival
  • Books to show others what the world was like before the comet. Most likely Armageddon.