How to remove makeup stains from clothes without washing

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hack - How To Remove Makeup From Clothes | Shonagh Scott
Video: Hack - How To Remove Makeup From Clothes | Shonagh Scott


If you use makeup, then sooner or later you will surely put a stain on your favorite shirt or jeans. Take your time to violently wipe off the dirt with a handkerchief and put the item in the washing machine. Consider a number of ways to remove makeup stains without washing. They let you get rid of lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, foundation and blush with no extra effort!


Method 1 of 5: Using cleansing wipes

  1. 1 Check the effect of the napkin on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric. First you need to find out exactly how the chemical products contained in the napkin affect the fabric so as not to spoil the thing.
    • A variety of cleansing wipes are available at your local supermarket or online. You can also use a stain remover pencil.
  2. 2 Treat the stain with a tissue. Using a circular motion, gently cleanse the stain with a cleansing cloth. Start from the edges of the stain and work towards the center. Wipe off the dirt for a couple of minutes or until a significant portion of the stain remains on the napkin.
  3. 3 Rinse the stain with cold running water. Place the soiled item under the tap. Do not turn on a strong pressure - a weak stream of water is easier to direct directly to the dirty area of ​​the fabric.
    • Cold water will help remove the stain from the fabric.
  4. 4 Dry with a paper towel. Squeeze the water out of the wet area. Apply a dry paper towel to the stain gently to absorb any moisture and makeup.

Method 2 of 5: Using a dish soap

  1. 1 Dab the stain with a clean tissue to remove any lipstick, eyeliner, or mascara from your clothing. This method allows you to remove oil-based products. Dishwashing detergent is harmless to most fabrics. Use a tissue, tissue, or toilet paper to gently treat the stain and remove some of the makeup. You do not need to rub the stain so as not to increase the area of ​​contamination.
  2. 2 Sprinkle with cold water. Try wetting your fingers and patting the fabric gently. You can take half a teaspoon of water and moisten the contaminated area. Do not use hot water, or the fabric will absorb the stain more.
  3. 3 Apply a drop of dishwashing liquid to the stain. If you are worried about how the product might affect silk or wool fabric, then first check on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. Using your index finger, gently apply the liquid and treat the entire contaminated area. A thin layer of dish soap is sufficient. Choose a product that works well with fat. Check out a supermarket or hardware store nearby.
  4. 4 Rub the product into the stain. Rub the product gently into the stain with a cloth. To do this, move from the edge to the center of the spot and work in a circular motion. A small terry cloth is best for this situation. The loops on the napkin will help remove makeup from your clothes. If you don't have a terry cloth, use a regular hand towel.
    • For stubborn stains, use an old toothbrush to scrub the dirty cloth with dish soap.
  5. 5 Leave the product on the fabric for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the liquid should cope with the stain without washing. There is no need to wait until the liquid is completely dry.
  6. 6 Wipe clean with a dry cloth. No need to rub the stain. The napkin should absorb all the dirt and dish detergent. In the process of friction, the stain will only increase in area or the fibers from the napkin will remain on the fabric.
  7. 7 Repeat as necessary. If the stain is old enough, then the steps will have to be repeated several times to notice the improvement. The larger the spot, the longer it will take to clean.

Method 3 of 5: Using hairspray

  1. 1 Spray hairspray on a small area of ​​the fabric to remove liquid foundation, self-tanner, or liquid lipstick. If the fabric has not changed color or damaged, then everything is in order. In this case, apply the varnish directly to the stain. The option with enhanced fixation is perfect, since the components of such a varnish will more effectively deal with dirt.
    • The sooner you treat the stain, the better the chances of getting rid of the dirt completely.
    • Use polish carefully on delicate fabrics like lace or silk. In this case, it is not necessary to apply several layers for the varnish to harden.
  2. 2 Wait for the varnish to harden. After a few minutes, the varnish should have hardened onto the fabric. If this does not happen, then apply a new layer of varnish and wait a few minutes again.
  3. 3 Dampen a paper towel. Take a clean paper towel and soak it in cold water. The colder the water, the higher the efficiency. Squeeze out excess water to keep the fabric completely wet. The paper towel should be cool and damp, but not wet.
  4. 4 Remove the stain. Use a damp towel to remove the varnish from clothing. Makeup should go along with the varnish.
    • Press the paper towel gently over the stained area and repeat until there is no residue on the fabric.
    • Use a sturdy double towel to keep pieces of paper off your clothes.

Method 4 of 5: Using ice cubes

  1. 1 Scoop up excess liquid foundation, self-tanner, or concealer with a plastic scraper. Scrape off the top coat with a plastic spoon or knife before the makeup starts to dry. These products don't dry out right away, making it easier to remove stains. Thanks to the flexibility of the plastic device, it is not difficult to assemble the top layer of cosmetics. Discard the spoon or knife after this cleaning.
  2. 2 Treat the stain with an ice cube. Press the cube against the stain and rub in in a circular motion. The ice will begin to destroy the makeup that has eaten into the fabric. Ice the stain until the substance is on the surface of the fabric.
    • Try holding an ice cube with a paper towel. This will help protect your fingers from cold temperatures, and the ice will not melt as quickly.
    • Ice cubes can be used with any fabric. It's just water!
  3. 3 Dry with a paper towel. Take a paper towel and gently pick up the moisture on the stained area of ​​the fabric along with the dirt. Then squeeze the remaining water out of the fabric with a paper towel. If there is a small amount of makeup left on the fabric, then use another ice cube. Repeat until the stain is gone.

Method 5 of 5: Using nylon tights

  1. 1 Find old tights to collect powder like powder, blush, and eyeshadow. Get nylon tights that you don't mind getting dirty. Most often, tights are made from nylon and microfiber or cotton and microfiber. Examine the label. Surely you have many pairs of nylon tights in your wardrobe.
    • Nylon tights will not harm the fabric. In addition, they will be as good as new after washing.
  2. 2 Remove the top layer of makeup. Blow on the stain to remove the top layer of powder from the fabric (you can also use a hair dryer).
    • The hair dryer should be used at the lowest possible temperature. Under the influence of heat, the stain will only harden more strongly, and this is completely useless.
    • Stretch the fabric and place it horizontally in front of you. Blow the makeup off the fabric completely to prevent the powder from settling on your clothes again.
  3. 3 Scrub off the stain with tights. Hold some of the pantyhose in your hand like a brush and gently remove the stain from the fabric. A sweeping motion will help remove any remaining powder. Sweep until the stain is gone.


  • Removing stains will be much easier if you first remove the stained item.
  • Try removing lipstick and liquid foundation with rubbing alcohol or baby wet wipes.
  • Turn on the hair dryer without heating to blow off powdered makeup from the fabric.
  • Apply a small amount of makeup remover to a cotton swab and try to remove the fresh stain.


  • Do not use the specified chemicals in large quantities in order not to damage the clothes.