How to learn Arabic

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 8 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learn Arabic in 45 Minutes - ALL Basics Every Beginners Need
Video: Learn Arabic in 45 Minutes - ALL Basics Every Beginners Need


The Arabic language belongs to the Semitic branch of the Afrasian family of languages. The Semitic group also includes Hebrew, Tigrinya, Maltese, Amharic and Aramaic. Arabic is the official language of 26 countries in Asia and Africa. Arabic is the official language of the League of Arab States, the African Union, the United Nations and NATO. Arabic is also the language of Islam.

There are many reasons for learning Arabic: work, travel, family ties, cultural heritage, religion, marriage, friendship with a native speaker, or just a hobby.

Here are some tips on how to learn this very beautiful and common language.


  1. 1 There are several varieties of Arabic: modern, classic and conversational.
    • Modern Arabic is a great choice if your interest is not limited to a specific country, as it is widely used in the Arab world: in radio, television, press, literature, etc.
    • Classical Arabic is needed to understand the Qur'an and study Islamic sciences.
    • Spoken Arabic differs from country to country. It is not enough to know modern Arabic here, each Arab country has its own dialect, which is often not understood in another country.There are five main dialects: Gulf dialect, Iraqi, Syrian, Egyptian, and Moroccan.
  2. 2 Start learning the Arabic alphabet. The Arabic alphabet may seem complicated at first. Many people try to skip this step, relying on transliteration of Arabic words. In the end, you still have to go back to learning the alphabet, so don't waste your time and start from scratch. Learning the alphabet does not take much time, and the textbook can be bought or borrowed from the library.
  3. 3 Learning a language at home. Numerous tutorials are well suited for this, it will not be difficult to choose the one suitable for your level. Today there is a large selection of textbooks, including those with audio exercises.
  4. 4 Online training. If you want to learn Arabic online, here are some courses:
    • The Arabic language beginner course is suitable for beginners. The course is presented in the form of small dialogues, accompanied by audio materials, transcription and translation into English.
    • The entry-level Arabic Teacher Course is available on CD-ROM and can be ordered online.
    • The course "Learning Arabic" is suitable for French speakers.
  5. 5 Language courses are suitable for learning a language outside of working hours. However, one should not expect quick results from such a study. Inquire about the availability of language courses in your area.
  6. 6 How to use the Arabic dictionary. Arabic words consist of a three-letter root and to find a word in the dictionary, you must first select the root of the word. For example, the word "book" (kitab) consists of the root k-t-b, which should be looked for in the dictionary. If the word consists of more letters, everything other than the three-letter stem is optional. The same thing is in the Russian language: the word "book" comes from the root -book-. With a little practice, you can easily find the roots of Arabic words.
  7. 7 Practice of the Arabic language. Find an Arabic speaking companion to practice the language. Immerse yourself in the language environment: practice Arabic on social media, watch news, movies, programs in Arabic. Word by word, you will learn this beautiful language.


  • In Russia, there are many Arabs among students of medical and pharmaceutical universities. You can get to know them and ask them for help or advice in learning Arabic.
  • In Arabic, as in other Semitic languages, the meaning of a word changes when the root changes. For example: kataba - to write, kitab - book, qutub - books, katib - writer, maktab - office, yaktubu - he writes, in all cases there is a root k-t-b, which is subject to changes according to the rules of Arabic morphology.
  • If Arabic dictionaries are not available in your area, they can be ordered from some Arab country.