How to grow plumeria

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Growing Plumerias with Steve Hampson
Video: Growing Plumerias with Steve Hampson


Plumeria is a fast growing tropical tree that blooms with many fragrant flowers between March and October. A small tree, plumeria grows to a height of about 30 feet in adulthood. Also known as frangipani, red jasmine, tropical jasmine. Plumeria is a warm climate plant, classified by the USDA as hardiness zone 9 - 11. Although the plant does not tolerate winter frosts, it can survive the winter indoors in a container. They carry it there when it gets cold outside. Plumeria grows in abundance in Hawaii and is very popular for making flower garlands.


  1. 1 Purchase a healthy plumeria tree from your local nursery. Choose a compact plant with an even, rich color and a strong, straight stem. Pay attention to the even distribution of the branches. Do not choose plants with withered leaves or dull coloration.
  2. 2 Place the plumeria where the tree will receive bright sunlight for at least 4 to 6 hours every day. Choose a location where the soil is well-drained and water does not stagnate in puddles after rain. Avoid areas where the plumeria will be exposed to heat radiation from a brick or concrete wall.
  3. 3 Plant the plumeria in a sturdy container filled almost to the top with purchased good potting mix or all-purpose potting mix. Use a container that is at least 6 to 10 inches (15 to 25 cm) in diameter. Be sure to use a container with a hole in the bottom to allow soil drainage, as plumeria cannot stand water stagnant near the roots.
  4. 4 Water the plumeria well after planting, then do not water it until the soil is dry. Reduce watering in the fall when it gets colder and stop watering completely in the winter. Resume normal watering when the plant starts growing again in the spring.
  5. 5 Feed the plumeria with a granular fertilizer with a high nitrogen content, such as 32-6-2, every 2 to 3 weeks, starting with new growth in the spring. In early May, feed with a granular fertilizer with a high phosphorus content of 10-50-10, and continue to feed this fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks, until August. Do not fertilize plumeria after September 1st.


  • New plumeria can be easily grown from stem cuttings cut from an adult plumeria. Cut off a 4 to 6 inch (4 to 6 cm) shoot. Remove all leaves from the bottom half, then dip the bottom end into a powder or liquid rooting agent. Plant the cutting in a pot filled with purchased potting mix. After about 45 to 70 days, the cutting should take root.

What do you need

  • Plumeria plant
  • Sturdy container with drainage hole for indoor cultivation
  • Pot mix for cacti or universal for indoor plants
  • Granular fertilizer with high nitrogen content
  • Granular fertilizer with high phosphorus content