How to perform fading handle trick

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The REAL Secret to an Unstoppable Fadeaway Jumper | Basketball Shooting Tips
Video: The REAL Secret to an Unstoppable Fadeaway Jumper | Basketball Shooting Tips


This fun and addicting trick will be a great start for the aspiring magician and any person who would like to play a trick on their friends. It is very simple and does not require any special tools or knowledge. But remember that if you explain to your friends how you got it done, they'll all be freaked out by curiosity!


Method 1 of 2: Disappearing the handle behind the ear

  1. 1 Remove the pen from your pocket and hold it in your right hand. Tell the audience: "Attention! Now this pen will miraculously disappear right before your eyes!"
    • If you want to make a performance out of this (and it will be more interesting), convince the audience that this is the most ordinary pen. Wave it, flick your finger on it, toss it up and catch it. Give the audience a chance to prepare for the stunt.
  2. 2 Keep your left hand in front of you. To make the trick convincing, it's best to count out loud and move your other hand. This will distract viewers from the fact that you in fact do.
    • Tap the pen on your left hand as if it will make it disappear. The more movements you make, the more the effect will be.
  3. 3 Grasp the handle near the tip and bring it behind your head. You will need to stand perpendicular to the audience so that no one can see where the pen is now.
    • This will increase the tension. When the pen is behind your head, push it back as if teasing the audience.
  4. 4 Tap the pen again on your left hand and show it to the audience. You can start counting out loud, and on the count of three, make the pen disappear. Learning to hide the pen is not easy - you have to work hard!
    • Here you can do whatever you want with the pen: warm it up between your palms, shake it, roll it in your hands. No one will know that this does not affect the result in any way!
  5. 5 For the third time, hide the pen behind your ear. This is where the hardest part is. When you raise your hand up for the third time, gently and discreetly place the pen behind your ear. This should be done very smoothly. Remember to wiggle your other hand in front of you to distract the audience.
    • It is important to count out loud so that you can know exactly when to raise your hand. Try raising your hand a few times quickly without anyone noticing.
  6. 6 Slap your left hand quickly and smoothly with your right hand. Bang! The pen is gone! Show both sides of the arms so the audience can make sure there is no handle. But don't turn your head or viewers will see the pen behind the ear.
  7. 7 Consider if you want the pen to reappear. Whatever you do, do not turn sideways to people. If you don't want to do the magic anymore, tell them you need to tie your laces and bend down. If the audience looks away, quickly pull the pen out from behind your ear.
    • If you want to put on a show, grab your head as if you are trying to forcefully return the pen. Grasp your head, find a handle and remove it from anywhere you like.

Method 2 of 2: Disappearing the handle in the sleeve

  1. 1 Put on a jumper with a long, loose sleeve. You will need to use a special trick to make the pen disappear into the sleeve. Dark clothes with sleeves that don't fit very tightly around the wrists are best, but don't wobble. Try to find something in between.
    • The color of the handle should match the color of the garment. If you have a white handle, a white jersey will work. The darker the handle, the darker the garment should be.
  2. 2 Grasp the handle with both hands. Grasp the two ends of the handle with your index and thumbs. Fingers should be facing the audience. With the middle finger of your dominant hand, press down on the handle, as if trying to press it into the palm of your hand.
    • You should hold the pen in front of you at a distance of 30 centimeters. Elbows should not be pinched or tense.
  3. 3 Use your middle finger to push the handle towards your wrist. Practice before showing trick to friends. The middle finger should push the pen into the palm, where the pen will stay for a split second. Try to do this very quickly and discreetly.
    • Turn your thumbs up as your finger pushes the handle. So the fingers will hide the pen from the audience. For now, your fingers should be looking inward, as if you wanted to show someone a sign of approval.
    • After pushing the handle, make a slight up and down motion. It won't help you much in focus, but the audience will think that you are doing something to make the handle disappear, which makes your body wiggle slightly.
  4. 4 Lower the handle into the sleeve. When the handle touches your wrist, quickly (very, very quickly!) Shake it inward. When it is in the sleeve, open your palms and show the surprised viewers that the pen has evaporated.
    • Turn your arms to all sides, show your palms - the audience should see that there is no handle. Then twist your arms and wave them so that the handle is not visible in the sleeve.
  5. 5 Roll up your sleeves to enhance the effect. Waving your arms and rolling up your sleeves will make it look even more believable. To prevent the handle from falling out, push it higher. It will remain in the elbow area due to the force of gravity and will not be visible to the audience.
    • When you get your hand full, you can roll up your sleeves. before start of focus. But do not roll them too hard - just tuck them in just a little. If you have rolled up the sleeves too much, lower them a little before tucking the handle into the sleeve.
  6. 6 Practice in front of a mirror. More than once you will miss the sleeve or nudge the handle the wrong way and it will end up in the palm of your hand. To keep things running smoothly, practice in front of a mirror until you can confidently do this trick.
    • Make the show more spectacular. First, show the handle by trying on your hands to the desired position. Pretend you are very focused. The more elements there are in the show, the more it will distract the audience.


  • Make sure the audience is focusing on your lower hand and not the one that works with the handle. To draw the audience's attention to your free hand, wiggle it a little. This will confuse viewers. Another way is to put a coin in that palm and say that you will make it disappear.
  • This trick is easier if you have long hair.
  • A good way to confuse you is to remove the cap and grab it with your free hand, as if it should disappear. Then, when you hide the pen itself, pretend that you are surprised and something went wrong - your viewers will be amazed with you.
  • Make smooth natural movements, as if everything is as it should be.


  • If you do this trick incorrectly, you can pierce or cut your ear - be careful.

What do you need

  • Pen
  • Time to work out