How to do 1000 push-ups

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The ability to do 100 push-ups is commendable, but why not try taking it to the next level and do 1000 reps?


Method 1 of 3: Building Stamina

  1. 1 Put yourself to the test and see how many technically correct push-ups you can get.
  2. 2 Vary the position of your hands during push-ups to vary the load on the muscles of the body. And here are a few of them:
    • Wide grip push-ups.
    • Diamond push-ups (for triceps and anterior deltoids)
    • Push-ups on fists (for triceps and anterior deltoids and hands)
    • Regular push-ups, when the hands are on the floor shoulder-width apart, keeping the elbows at the sides.
  3. 3 Follow the workout program.
    • In the first week, you need to choose only one exercise, which you will perform for 4-5 sets (all "I can't do it" and then, making a 45-second break between sets).
    • In the second week, choose another exercise that you will do in the same way as the first.
    • In the third week - respectively - the third exercise in the same way.
    • The fourth week is all the same, just a new exercise.
    • After 4 weeks of classes, your program will change. Now choose three exercises - one for each workout. Raise the bar to 5 sets of maximum reps, resting one minute between sets. You will change the program every week so that it never repeats.
    • After 8 weeks, you should change the program as follows: do all 4 exercises, but with each new workout, change the sequence to add as much variety as possible.
    • Relax for 3 days and complete another challenge by doing as many push-ups as possible, enjoying the obvious progress. If you still have not managed to achieve 100 push-ups (many people will not succeed after going through the first training session), then repeat the program again.

Method 2 of 3: Improving your push-up technique

  1. 1 Always warm up before doing any exercise. Warming up reduces the risk of injury by preparing your muscles for a heavy load. By the way, you will be able to do push-ups, pull yourself up, sit down more times after warming up than without it. Remember to stretch your arms and wrists before doing push-ups.
  2. 2 Sit on the floor or other hard surface (preferably with a carpet) that can support your weight. Keep your feet together.
  3. 3 Clench both hands into fists and place them under you on the floor, shoulder-width apart. If you exercise on the carpet, then feel free to go out on your fists, but if the surface is less gentle, then you will most likely need a mat or push-up stands.
  4. 4 Raise your body with your hands. From now on, your weight will be located between your hands and feet. Straighten your body so that you can draw a straight line from the top of your head to the heels of your feet. This position is called a lying position and is also used for other exercises. This position is the starting and ending point of each push-up.
  5. 5 Lower your torso until your elbows form a 90-degree angle. Keep your elbows closer to your torso for more resistance. Face forward, pointing the tip of your nose in front of you. Take a deep breath as you descend.
  6. 6 Climb up, as if trying to push the floor down. Exhale upward on the way out. The force to produce this thrust will ultimately come from the muscles in the shoulders and chest. The triceps (the muscles on the back of the upper arms) also tense, but push-ups are not the main exercise for this muscle group.Continue upward until your arms are extended (but not completely).
  7. 7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 throughout the exercise.
  8. 8 Stretch your shoulder and chest muscles while resting. Good stretching and rest is just as important as proper push-up technique, but unfortunately, it is often not taken seriously.
  9. 9 If you cannot keep your fists, then place your hands with open palms on the floor.

Method 3 of 3: Increasing the number of push-ups after 10 weeks

You can use this kind of method to achieve any desired goal.

  1. 1 Do simple push-ups for one week before real workout.
    • Never skip training days between weeks.
    • Remember to stop and rest as needed to avoid damaging your muscles, as you risk damaging your muscles even before you reach 100 reps or more.
  2. 2 Practice the correct form during the first week. Perform 10 push-ups a day throughout the week. Ten reps is your weekly goal.
  3. 3 Continue in the second week. Increase the target up to 20 times, which will serve as a sharp increase in load, this will help to tighten and prepare your biceps.
  4. 4keep increasing your goal every week up to 50 times.
  5. 5When you reach 50 times the milestone, rest 1 day after each training day throughout the week.
  6. 6After you reach 70 times, break out to the side 100 or at least 90 times.
  7. 7 Keep this 90 push-up workout routine. Slowly work your way up to 100. Now aim for both committing and more reps.


  • It is very important not to sharply accelerate the pace of training, which can result in poor form and poor results.
  • This program can be done by anyone, but you need two qualities: aspiration and exercise variation. Try not to get stuck in the same workout regimen.
  • You can keep track of your new highs to keep you motivated.
  • If you feel muscle fatigue after exercise, do not skip the next day of exercise. Dyspnoea is a very common sensation, but with regular exercise, you will stop feeling it altogether. It will take you longer to recover from it if you postpone your workouts. Overpower yourself!
  • The workouts will be very short in the beginning and you will have to get used to the new regimen, which will allow you to carry more loads.
  • It is important to stay in good shape while exercising.
  • There are three types of push-ups that involve different muscle groups: close, wide, and regular arm positions. The closer the arms are to each other, the greater the load on the triceps, and the wider, the more you load the chest and shoulders.
  • You can also place your feet on the bed or your arms on two chairs to lower yourself down.
  • When you manage to do more than 400 push-ups, the workout will last “for centuries”. Therefore, you should add pressure to your push-ups by doing only one high-rep training session per week.
  • If you find it difficult at first, then you can do push-ups with your knees on the floor.


  • Loss of motivation is the biggest threat.
  • When doing push-ups on the fists, it is important to place the body weight between the fists of the index and middle fingers. Otherwise, you risk injuring your hands.
  • Exercising only a small part of the body can negatively affect posture or even damage the spine. Try to do exercises for other muscle groups, as well as stretch well and keep your back straight.
  • When you do push-ups on your fists, you will feel pain in your fists at first, but it will stop after one or two weeks of training.
  • Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise regime, especially if you are under 15 or over 40.

What do you need

  • Gym ball for placing feet on it (optional)
  • Leg chair (optional)
  • Extra weight you can put on your back as you improve your fitness (optional)
  • And many other things that will make it harder for you to do push-ups (optional)