How to cure a large blister

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Treat A Blister Correctly (First, Look At Your Blister Roof)
Video: How To Treat A Blister Correctly (First, Look At Your Blister Roof)


Blisters are fluid-filled sacs on the surface of the skin that form as a result of friction or burns. They are most often found on the arms and legs.Although most blisters go away on their own without special treatment, larger, more painful blisters may need some treatment. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat large blisters at home and prevent new ones from forming and developing. In Part 1, you will learn about home treatment; skip to part 2 for home remedies; and read part 3 to learn how to prevent future blisters.


Part 1 of 3: Treating Blisters

  1. 1 Leave the blister intact unless it hurts. Most blisters will heal naturally without the need to squeeze out fluid. This is because the intact skin covering the bladder forms a protective barrier that protects against infection. After a couple of days, the body will begin to absorb the fluid contained in the bladder (known as serum) and the blister will disappear. This is the best option if the bladder does not hurt, as it minimizes the risk of infection.
    • If a blister has formed on your arm or somewhere where it will not be subject to further friction, you may want to leave it open as the air will help your body heal it. If it's on your leg, you can tie it with gauze or adhesive tape to protect the blister while allowing it to breathe.
    • If the blister bursts on its own, let the fluid drain, clean the surface, and then bandage with a dry, sterile dressing until it heals. This will help prevent infection.
  2. 2 Squeeze fluid out of the blister if it hurts. Although doctors recommend not to pierce the blister, if possible, in some cases it is still necessary to squeeze out the liquid, especially if it hurts or presses a lot. For example, competition runners may need to squeeze fluid from a large bubble in the sole of their feet if they are going to compete. If you need to squeeze fluid out of the blister, it is important to do the correct procedure to prevent infection.
  3. 3 Wash the surface with soap and water. The first thing you need to do is rinse the skin on and around the blister with warm water and soap. Any soap will work, but antibacterial is better. This will help remove sweat and dirt from the surface of your skin before squeezing out the liquid.
  4. 4 Rub the blister gently with iodine or rubbing alcohol. Soak a piece of cotton wool or a swab with iodine or rubbing alcohol and rub the skin on and around the blister. This will sterilize the skin completely.
  5. 5 Sterilize the needle. Take a clean, sharp needle and sterilize it using one of the following methods: Wipe with a little rubbing alcohol. pour boiling water over; hold over an open fire until it glows orange.
  6. 6 Pierce the blister. Use a sterilized needle to puncture the bladder in several places around the edges. Use a clean piece of gauze or cloth to gently squeeze the bubble, allowing the liquid to drain. Do not pull off the loose skin covering the blister, as this will help protect it.
  7. 7 Apply antibacterial ointment. After all the liquid has drained off, apply some antibacterial ointment or cream to the blister. Any over-the-counter product will do: Neosporin, Polymyxin B, or Bacitarcin. The ointment will help kill bacteria around the blister and prevent infection, as well as keep the bandage from sticking to dead skin.
  8. 8 Wrap a gauze bandage or bandage around the blister, not too tightly. After applying the ointment, wrap a small gauze bandage around the dried blister or apply a gel-based patch. This will keep dirt or bacteria out of the open blister, and will also provide comfort when walking or running if the blister is on your leg. You should apply a new patch every day, especially if the old one gets wet or dirty.
  9. 9 Trim off dead skin and apply a fresh bandage. After two or three days, remove the bandage and use sterilized scissors to trim off the loose, dead skin.Do not try to peel off the skin that is still holding up. Clean the surface of the skin again, apply more ointment and wrap with a clean bandage. The blister should heal completely within three to seven days.
  10. 10 See your doctor if you notice any signs of infection. In some cases, the infection will still develop despite all efforts to prevent it. If this happens, then you should see your doctor immediately. He / she may prescribe a strong topical or oral antibiotic to treat the infection. Signs of infection include skin redness and swelling around the blister, accumulation of pus, red streaks on the skin, and fever.

Part 2 of 3: Using home remedies

  1. 1 Apply tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a natural essential oil with effective antibacterial properties. It is also an astringent, meaning it can help dry out the blister. Use a cotton swab to dab some oil on a dried or opened blister once a day, before applying a fresh dressing.
  2. 2 Use apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is a traditional home remedy for many minor ailments, including blisters. Due to its antibacterial properties, it can be used to prevent infection. Apple cider vinegar can burn a lot, so dilute it halfway with water before applying with a cotton swab.
  3. 3 Try aloe vera. Aloe Vera is an herb that has sap soothing and healing properties. It is a natural anti-inflammatory and moisturizer, making it a great choice for treating blisters caused by burns. To use, tear off the leaf from the plant and rub with clear, gel-like sap around the blister. This is especially helpful as soon as a blister appears, as the procedure will speed up the healing process.
  4. 4 Moisten with green tea. Green tea has natural anti-inflammatory properties, so wetting the skin in a bowl or tray of chilled green tea will soothe the swollen or inflamed skin around the blister.
  5. 5 Use vitamin E. Vitamin E helps the skin heal faster and prevents scarring. It is sold over the counter as an oil or cream. Just apply a small amount to blisters every day to speed up healing.
  6. 6 Make a chamomile compress. Chamomile has soothing properties and can help relieve pain from swollen blisters. Make a strong cup of chamomile tea and let it steep for five to six minutes. Once it has cooled slightly, dip a clean rag in the tea, let it soak, and squeeze out the excess liquid. Apply a warm compress to the blister and hold for about 10 minutes until the pain subsides.
  7. 7 Moisten with Epsom salts. Epsom salts help dry the unpunctured blister and help dry the liquid. Just dissolve some salt in a hot tub and wet the blister. Be careful, as soon as the blister bursts, the salt will bake.

Part 3 of 3: Preventing Blisters

  1. 1 Choose shoes that fit well. Many blisters are caused by friction caused by poorly fitting shoes. As the shoe rubs and slides on the foot, it pulls the skin back and forth, causing the outer layer of skin to separate from the inner layer, creating a bag that becomes a blister. To prevent this from happening, choose quality shoes that fit perfectly and allow your feet to breathe.
    • If you are a runner, consider going to a specialized sports store where a professional can make sure you are wearing the shoes that best fit.
  2. 2 Wear the right socks. Socks are very important when it comes to preventing blistering as they minimize moisture (which promotes blistering) and reduce friction. Wear nylon socks over cotton socks as they provide breathability.Another type of socks that are partly wool are another good option as they wick moisture away from your feet.
    • For runners, there are also sports socks that have padded parts for areas most prone to blistering.
  3. 3 Use anti-friction products. There are many budget products you can use to treat your feet before walking or running to reduce friction and moisture build-up. Try using a foot powder that is used to treat the socks before wearing to keep your feet dry, or a cream that glides your socks or boots over your skin without causing friction.
  4. 4 Wear gloves. Blisters often appear on the hands as a result of manual labor, such as using tools or a shovel, or gardening. You can avoid these blisters by wearing protective gloves when doing such work.
  5. 5 Wear sunscreen. Blisters can easily form on tanned skin. The best way to prevent them is to first of all prevent excessive tanning of the skin by wearing light-colored long-sleeved clothing and using sunscreen with high UV protection. If you do get burned, you can prevent blistering by applying moisturizer, after-sun care, and calamine lotions.
  6. 6 Be careful with high temperatures and chemicals. Blisters can form from hot water, steam, dry heat, or chemicals, so you must take appropriate precautions when handling hot objects, such as kettles or stoves, or when using chemicals such as bleach.


  • Resist the temptation to rip or scratch the skin from the blister, as this will only cause further irritation.
  • Make sure you only touch the blister with sterilized instruments. Otherwise, you can infect the skin surface with germs and foreign bacteria.
  • If there are bubbles, you can use an antifungal cream (such as Lotramine) to dry the surface.


  • If nothing but clear fluid is oozing out of the blister, see your doctor immediately. Very serious infections can start with a small blister.
  • Do not scratch or rip the skin, or rub the blister, as this can cause infection.
  • Do not treat the affected area with vitamin E until it heals. It stimulates collagen production; this is great for healing scars, but it actually slows down the healing process.
  • Never pierce a blister filled with blood. See your doctor.
  • Burn blisters are more prone to infection.