How to cure stomach pain (for teens)

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 7 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Stomach Pain in Kids - Causes and Remedies
Video: Stomach Pain in Kids - Causes and Remedies


Stomach pain is a common symptom that everyone faces sooner or later. If you experience abdominal pain on a daily basis, then it is imperative to find out the cause of the pain. Here are some tips to help you reduce your stomach pain.


  1. 1 Gas can be the main cause of pain. Walking at a brisk pace or jogging will help to pass gas.
  2. 2 Overeating affects gas production. There are certain foods that too much can lead to gas, such as foods high in fiber. Try to eat these foods in limited quantities. Otherwise, you are in danger of discomfort from bloating.
  3. 3 Limit your intake of the following foods: beans, broccoli, cabbage, etc. Consume Bino. By using this product, you don't have to worry about eating legumes.
  4. 4 Spicy foods can also cause abdominal discomfort. If you are a spicy food lover, try to skip it for a while, and you will see that the discomfort will go away.
  5. 5 Believe it or not, probiotics can make the problem worse. So if you eat a lot of yogurt like Activia, try cutting it out for a while. Perhaps this will be the way out of this situation.
  6. 6 The darker your skin, the more likely you are lactose intolerant. Eliminate dairy from your diet for one week and see the results. If dairy is causing your pain, talk to your dietitian about switching to a lactose-free diet. Be sure to check with your dietitian before starting any diet! Just be sure to check the competence of the nutritionist.
  7. 7 Alcohol irritates the stomach. Stop drinking alcohol for several weeks and watch your condition. If alcohol is causing your pain, stop drinking it. Thanks to this, you will not only improve your health, but also eliminate empty calories from your diet, avoid hangovers and become the owner of a happy tummy. A happy tummy will allow you to be a fun tourist and a good driver.
  8. 8 Helicobacter pylori is one of the causes of peptic ulcer disease. If you feel relieved while taking one of the medicines, such as Tagamet or Pepsid, talk with your doctor about the treatment you need. After carrying out the necessary research, you will be prescribed a course of treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection.
  9. 9 Chew food thoroughly. The slow process of absorbing food reduces the likelihood of gas buildup. Eat with a friend. Most likely, with a friend, you will eat more slowly.
  10. 10 Overeating can be another cause of stomach pain. Put your hands together, as if making a bowl - so much food can fit in your stomach, no more. In most cases, "heartburn" occurs due to overeating.
  11. 11 Analyze your diet and try to find out which foods / drinks are causing you to gas. Thanks to this, you will be able to reduce abdominal pain.
  12. 12 Gastroesophageal reflux, also known as heartburn, can cause pain in the upper abdomen and lower chest in both children and adults. See your doctor if you have similar symptoms. Your doctor will prescribe the treatment you need. Also, remember that overeating can make the condition worse.
  13. 13 Abdominal pain below the navel is often associated with intestinal inflammation. To avoid constipation, follow some guidelines. Drink plenty of water. Include in your diet a sufficient amount of fiber (but not too much), and foods that have a laxative effect (prunes). If you are in the habit of emptying your bowels in the morning, take some time to do so. If you prefer to do this in the afternoon, take the time and opportunity to do it in the afternoon. The world is moving at the speed of light, but your intestines are not.
  14. 14 Baking soda or ginger ale can help relieve stomach pains caused by flatulence. After drinking these remedies, you may burp or try to release gas to relieve pressure. The drug Gas-X is also very effective. However, remember, overeating is the main culprit. Therefore, eat little by little and slowly.
  15. 15 Include fiber-rich foods in your diet. Bananas, whole grain breads, oats, and apples are good sources of fiber.
  16. 16 Avoid sugar alcohols. This group includes sweeteners such as sorbitol, mannitol, which are used in the production of sugar-free sweets. However, they can cause bloating and gas formation. If you think the use of these foods is causing your pain, eliminate them from your diet. When purchasing candy or gum, carefully read their composition.
  17. 17 Stomach pain can be caused by stress, anxiety, or depression. Try to reduce your stress levels. You know yourself better, so use the method that best helps you reduce stress.
  18. 18 Take medication to relieve abdominal pain. Make sure you follow the instructions on the package.
  19. 19 If the above methods do not help, see your doctor. The doctor will determine the cause of the abdominal pain and prescribe appropriate treatment. It will be easier for the doctor to diagnose if you take a food diary with you, which will record what you ate and drank, as well as symptoms, description of bowel movements and pain, etc.
  20. 20 Even if stress is the cause of the pain (some people get stress headaches), don't ignore these symptoms. Some illnesses need to be treated, even for young people. There is no need to suffer. See your doctor if you have a fever and abdominal pain, if the pain is localized, if you are unable to cope with daily activities, or if you see changes in stool (blood) or vomiting is present.


  • Chronic abdominal pain may indicate a more serious problem. If the pain lasts several days and your condition worsens, see your doctor.