How to win at a talent show

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Win A Talent Show
Video: How To Win A Talent Show


The school has an annual talent competition, and are you determined to win? Want to win a similar summer camp competition? Winning a competition depends on many factors, including your performance, the uniqueness of your act, and the level of performers you compete with.


Part 1 of 3: Winning number

  1. 1 Use a talent or unique ability and become even better. Use your most unusual ability or talent and achieve impressive results. For example, you can play great drums, sing well, or make complex animal shapes from balloons. Use an unexpected or unusual element to take your ability to the next level. Come up with an original way to impress the judges with your talent and show your ability to use your talent in difficult circumstances.
    • Call your friends and make a number in which you will play drums together on stage. If your friends know how to play different musical instruments, ask them to accompany you as you sing the song. Come up with simultaneous moves for each member of the team, and your number is ready.
    • If you have a more specific talent, such as the ability to make animals from balls or juggle, then complicate the task to impress the judges. You can make a huge balloon figure in a limited time, make figures while riding a unicycle or while exercising on a treadmill.
  2. 2 Adapt to your strengths. When creating a number, you must use your strong performing qualities. This will help you feel comfortable and confident while performing. This approach also allows you to hide your weaknesses and possible shortcomings.
    • If you are much more comfortable performing in front of the audience in a suit, then come up with an unusual suit according to the theme of the issue. Use a sophisticated clown outfit for a juggling and trick act, or a dramatic long outfit for a jazz performance with a band. The stage costume should create a feeling of comfort and self-confidence.
    • For example, it is more convenient for you to move around the stage and dance, rather than stand in one place. Incorporate dance into your room to complement a song or create a coordinated performance with fellow dancers.
  3. 3 Use stage props. It could be a simple microphone stand or a rain of confetti falling onto the stage. The props should correctly complement your number. Use an umbrella in your dance to add originality and surprise to the number. Try incorporating a microphone stand in your room with balloon animal figurines.
    • Props like confetti, balloons, pyrotechnics and lasers can cost a lot of money and even complicate the number technically. If the budget and time allow for such elements, then make sure that they are appropriate, and not just take up room time and space on stage. Don't use props to hide your lack of talent. Talent is the cornerstone and essential ingredient of victory.
  4. 4 Engage your viewers. The participation of the audience always has a positive effect on the performance. Speaking to the public often helps win them over and impress the judges. Find a way to engage the audience in your act. Invite someone in the audience to participate directly, or ask the audience to clap you as you speak.

Part 2 of 3: Important Aspects

  1. 1 Use positive body language. Try to engage the audience and the judges with pleasing and fun body language. Maintain eye contact with the audience, smile and participate with your whole body. Use sweeping gestures and movements in dance or in a musical act with a group. Show your audience your energy and enthusiasm to get them interested in your performance.
  2. 2 Watch your facial expression. Facial expressions are a key element of performance, especially for a singer or dancer. Use an open expression and look at the audience with wide eyes as you perform. Raise your eyebrows slightly when you need to hit a high note or maintain a dance rhythm. The mouth should be relaxed and parted. Smile at the end of your performance so the audience can see and share your joy and enthusiasm.
  3. 3 Rehearse in front of the mirror. You have to perform in front of the audience, which will see your every move. Practice in front of a mirror to get an idea of ​​how you will look when performing. Both a mirrored wall in a dance hall and a full-length mirror in a bedroom will do.
  4. 4 Do a dress rehearsal in front of friends and family. A friendly audience in the person of loved ones will help you avoid anxiety before the performance.Organize an impromptu stage and some chairs in the common room. Imagine that you are in a hall where performances for a talent competition are taking place. Try to give your best. Speaking in front of friends and family will help you feel confident and stop feeling nervous.
  5. 5 Listen to the opinions of loved ones and try to correct the shortcomings. After speaking in front of family and friends, you should carefully listen to their feedback about your number. They will provide general guidelines such as the need to sing a little more confidently, to pull a specific note longer, or to pay more attention to the audience. Listen to feedback and fix any bugs before entering the competition.

Part 3 of 3: Performing confidently

  1. 1 Prepare to speak. Be prepared to be in control before performing. Bring all the necessary props and costumes, make sure that all members of your team are present. For example, after class, take some time to prepare and add up all the things you will need for your presentation.
  2. 2 Try to get permission to be the last to speak. It is not for nothing that it is believed that “the last word is best remembered”. This will help you gain an edge over the competition and calm down, especially when you need to get used to the presence of other participants and viewers. Performing last can make a lasting impression on the judges, which will definitely influence the decision on the winner.
  3. 3 Watch your opponents and make changes to your number. Take time to go out to the audience and watch the other participants during the competition or at the rehearsals. Look out for similar numbers and speeches that use similar elements. Sometimes you need to slightly change the number to make your version more interesting and exciting. To win, you need to focus on standing out from other competitors.
  4. 4 Use positive self-talk. This kind of internal dialogue often takes place in the backyard of our minds throughout the day. A positive attitude on the day of the competition will help you perform well and give you the confidence you need to win over the judges.
    • Drive away negative thoughts and focus on positive self-talk. Don't go crazy if you missed a movement or missed a note during rehearsal. So tell yourself, “It's okay, this is just a rehearsal. There is time to correct all mistakes. ” You can also use positive dialogue during your presentation. Remind yourself that you have trained very hard and are able to surpass all participants, you have everything you need to win.
  5. 5 Perform with enthusiasm and a winning attitude. Put your heart and soul into your performance so that judges and audience can see your enthusiasm and attitude. Don't be afraid to show emotion during your performance. Be yourself. This will increase your chances of winning, as it is always easier to show good results on your terms.