How to look attractive without an athletic physique

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Are you Skinny Fat? | How to Build an Aesthetic LEAN Body!


Muscle is considered the standard characteristic of male attractiveness. That being said, not everyone has the time or physical ability to develop big biceps.What's more, studies have shown that muscular men are increasingly content with short-term relationships, having difficulty maintaining long-term relationships. There are many ways to look more attractive without resorting to weightlifting.


Method 1 of 3: Change the look

  1. 1 Grow a beard. Research shows that women find men with beards to be more masculine and attractive. At the same time, a long beard can often be associated with a low socio-economic status of a man. Most women are attracted to a neat beard or three-day stubble. In other words, grow a beard, but do not forget to look after it.
    • Electric beard trimmers are available at any electrical store. They allow you to easily adjust the length of your beard.
  2. 2 Monitor your weight. You don’t need muscle, but you don’t need extra weight either. You can walk or jog every day. Reduce your calorie intake and increase your protein intake.
    • Try to skip late dinner and go for a walk after your meal to improve your metabolism.
    • Always eat breakfast and snacks throughout the day to avoid overeating at night. Snacks should contain more protein and less sugar.
    • Prefer whole grain breads and cereals over finely ground foods. These foods are listed as “whole grain” flour, not “fortified” or “bleached” flour.
  3. 3 Dress appropriately. Clothing helps to emphasize the appearance and social status. You need to choose things that fit you well and reflect your status.
    • V-neck sweaters combine casual and classic styles. They don't look as imposing as a formal suit, but they are serious enough.
    • The full-buttoned shirt with trousers and a tie also has a quite classic, but partly casual look that will suit any situation well. Roll-up sleeves give you a casual look and showcase your forearms. The shirt should be tucked in, and the belt should be combined with the shoes.
    • For the most casual look, try wearing jeans with a white tee. They should be tight enough to emphasize your figure, but at the same time not restrict movement or oversize the body.

Method 2 of 3: Radiate Sexuality

  1. 1 Smile. Women love smiling men, but the type of smile is important. Men who smile quickly and abruptly are considered less genuine. A smile that gradually unfolds is considered more natural and attractive.
  2. 2 The king is made by the retinue. Women perceive a man to be more attractive if he belongs to a group. If a man goes to a bar with friends (or at least publishes photos surrounded by other people), then women associate this with success in society ("popularity"). Moreover, women may not even pay attention to your physical disabilities, as they will focus on the group as a whole.
    • For the same reason, try not to take selfies. Guys who post selfies get fewer responses on dating sites. Even if you find it difficult to find a photo that suits you, the profile photo must necessarily be taken by another person.
  3. 3 Find a little helper. A man looks significantly more attractive when he is playing with a child or a dog. If a man gets along with a child, then in the eyes of a woman he will look like a caring person and a potential father. Men with dogs also radiate caring, and your four-legged friend will always help strike up a conversation with strangers.
  4. 4 Watch your posture. Research confirms that men with a straight posture (straight shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart) look sexier. This posture testifies to the makings of a leader, which is highly valued by women.
  5. 5 Confident and dismissive. Keep your back straight and shoulders straight to show confidence. Legs should be slightly wider than shoulder width. Don't keep your hands in your pockets. Avoid crossing your arms and legs to express openness to communication. Don't look at the floor in front of you.

Method 3 of 3: Cultivate Attractiveness

  1. 1 Strive for success. Attractive women often gravitate towards less attractive but financially successful men. Your successes should be visible. For example, research shows that a man driving a luxury car looks more attractive to women.
  2. 2 Please. According to the “halo effect,” attractive people are considered more successful in all areas of life. But this rule also works in the opposite direction. If you have positive personal qualities (like kindness), people will find you more attractive.
    • Volunteer with a nonprofit organization or pursue a career in helping others. If you find it difficult to make time for this, then just be polite in your daily life. Hold doors for other people, help with heavy bags, or give directions when asked for directions.
  3. 3 Express your feelings. Women love when men can open up and show their vulnerability. Openness will allow you to become closer, increase your emotional and sexual attractiveness.
  4. 4 Do not hurry. Initially, women can see a latent threat in a man. Exercise discretion so that the woman can relax: speak and move slowly. Gestures should be short and not too close to the person. If the woman can relax, is directed towards you, starts making eye contact and smiling, then change your behavior. Begin to move more actively, speak faster, use wide gestures, and lean forward.
  5. 5 Be a leader. Women prefer leaders, especially if the man is leading the group of which he is a part. Not everyone succeeds in becoming the CEO of a corporation. But if you are the leader of a club, student or political organization, then this will make you more attractive to women.
  6. 6 Know how to make a girl laugh. Humor is a sign of intelligence and communication skills. Women love cheerful men, because they have status and it will always be interesting to be around them. Humor is very important when dating and in relationships.
    • Observe the humorists you like and try to imitate them. Read the newspapers and watch TV to stay up-to-date on hot topics for jokes. Come up with funny stories to tell new acquaintances.
  7. 7 Show interest, but only in one girl. The hard-to-reach rule works; women prefer men who are not easy to get favored. They also enjoy knowing when a man likes them. Learn to combine these two factors so that from the outside it seems as if you are unattainable, but crazy about your girlfriend.
  8. 8 Know how to excite a girl. If a woman is experiencing pleasant shocks around you, then she will project these feelings on you, even if you are not the cause. Go with her to a horror movie or rides; try new extreme entertainment together. If at such moments you are there, then the girl will develop positive associations with your image.
  9. 9 Unity with nature. Through evolution, many women still have a primal desire to find a man who is a successful hunter and gatherer. Learn to fish, hunt, chop wood, make a fire or swim. Such skills will give you masculinity in the eyes of women and show you a skillful breadwinner.