How to choose a frame for glasses

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How to Choose GLASSES for Your Face Shape - PRO Guide to How to Pick Glasses Frames
Video: How to Choose GLASSES for Your Face Shape - PRO Guide to How to Pick Glasses Frames


The choice of eyeglass frames must be taken seriously in order for this useful accessory to match your personality and lifestyle. The twenty-first century offers a person quite a lot of different options for action in this matter. The ophthalmology clinic will be able to find a frame for you that will fit you well in size, but they may not have the exact frame you want. Some opticians will even offer you free (or for a small fee) visual acuity testing and glasses. However, before you go shopping, it is wise to choose the desired frame shape, size, color and material of manufacture.


Method 1 of 4: Choosing practical frame characteristics

  1. 1 Think about how often you wear glasses. This factor influences several aspects of choosing a new frame. Those who do not wear glasses very often will probably want to save money. Heavier frames may also work for these people. For those who wear glasses all the time, it would be wise to pay a little more for a more durable frame. Lighter and more practical frames are likely to suit such people.
  2. 2 Consider your lifestyle. Certain types of daily activities may impose their own requirements. For example, your choice of frames will be influenced by your proximity to the water, operating equipment, and the specific actions you take. If you wear glasses while doing manual work, pay attention to what glasses are worn by the people around you. The similarities in the frames of your work colleagues can give you a good idea of ​​which frame is best for the job you are doing.
    • Those who are active throughout the day should look for a durable and scratch-resistant frame. This will minimize the frequency of repairs. It is also wise to purchase frames with a warranty period. The possibility of free or preferential eyeglass repair is a must for active people.
  3. 3 Decide how beautiful the frame should be. Think about how you will use your glasses. Some people prioritize practicality and economy over style. Others prefer to wear more elegant and stylish frames in a professional or social environment. Minimalist frame requirements will cost you less, but more fashionable frames will better accentuate your facial features and complement your outfit.

Method 2 of 4: Choosing the aesthetic characteristics of the frame

  1. 1 Determine the shape of your face. The selection of the perfect frame depends not only on your wishes. In many ways, the conditions dictate the natural features of your face. In this case, the most important role is played by the shape of the face. It can be easily identified by simply looking in a mirror or taking a photograph and comparing the outline of your face with examples of possible shapes.
    • Round face. With this face shape, you should choose more square or rectangular frames that will visually lengthen the face, making it thinner. When doing this, avoid "invisible", oval and round frames.
    • Oval face. Choose frames with a pronounced bridge of the nose and avoid large frames that will visually shrink your face.
    • Square face. To smooth out the angularity of this face shape, lean towards rounded or round frames.
    • Diamond-shaped face. In this case, you probably don't want to accentuate your narrow forehead, so do not buy wide frames that will draw attention to this part of the face. Opt for small, rounded frames.
    • Heart-shaped face.To smooth out the contrast between a large forehead and a small chin, choose a frame with a low fit at the bridge of the nose. This will visually shift the center of the face down.
  2. 2 Find out if you have a skin allergy. If this is not your first time buying a frame, you probably already know about the presence or absence of skin allergies. Otherwise, a dermatologist may prescribe the appropriate allergy tests. If you are not sure if you have an allergy and do not want to get tested, remember the materials that can cause skin problems more often than others.
    • Plastic and other synthetic materials. Frames made of such materials are usually hypoallergenic, that is, they do not tend to cause allergies. They can vary greatly in price. Examples of synthetic frame materials include cellulose acetate / celluloid, cellulose propionate and nylon.
    • Metal. Metal frames can behave differently when it comes to skin allergies; some of them are hypoallergenic, while others can cause allergies. Examples of metals from which frames are made are titanium, stainless steel, beryllium, and aluminum.
    • Other natural materials. Wood, bone and horn usually do not cause skin allergies.
  3. 3 Pay attention to your skin tone. Most people can be divided into two basic categories based on skin tone. To find out if your skin is warm or cold, hold a white sheet of paper to your face. If the skin appears yellowish, brownish or bronze in front of it, then you have a warm skin tone. If your skin looks pink or bluish, then you have a cold skin tone.
    • For warm skin tones, choose frames in tortoiseshell, brown, and dark green rather than whites, blacks or pastels, which will contrast strongly with the skin.
    • For colder skin tones, choose frames in richer colors like black, white, or other vibrant colors. Browner shades will contrast too much with your skin tone.
  4. 4 Consider your hair color. Similar to skin tone, hair color can also be broken down into two main categories. Cold shades include reddish blond, white and bluish-black hair color. Examples of warm shades are chestnut black, golden blond, and gray. Apply the same frame rules to your hair as you would for skin tone.

Method 3 of 4: Buying Frames from Optics

  1. 1 Find out the cost of installing lenses in frames at the ophthalmology clinic. In some cases, fitting of frames and installation of lenses is carried out directly on site. If you purchased frames and lenses from the clinic, you may be offered to make glasses for free or to make a discount on your work. But before you bring a frame purchased elsewhere to install lenses, you need to find out if the total cost of the glasses will go beyond your financial capabilities.
  2. 2 Check out the prices for frames in the nearest optics. It may seem to you that the best prices for frames can be found in specialized opticians on their discount showcases. However, the real difference in prices between the goods offered by the optician and the ophthalmology clinic may be completely insignificant. Taking into account the services for installing lenses, paying for an additional guarantee and other trifles, sometimes it is better to opt for an ophthalmological clinic.
    • If you only use your glasses at home, you probably don't care about the long-term warranty on your glasses. However, by comparing the total costs, find out if you will get free repairs.
  3. 3 Check out the range of frames in optics. In specialized opticians, you may be offered a different range of frames compared to that offered by the ophthalmology clinic. Also, sometimes you can find quite good discounts there, which will significantly outweigh the benefits that an ophthalmological clinic can offer you.When choosing a frame, do not be limited by prices and products of one single optics.

Method 4 of 4: Ordering frames online

  1. 1 Pay attention to the material of manufacture, the size of the frame, its weight and other features. Without the real involvement of an ophthalmologist or an impartial advisor when choosing a frame, you will have to carefully read the technical description of the frames you like. In addition to the features of the frame, its material and size, you should pay attention to its weight. When you do not have the opportunity to try on the frames offered by the online store, you need to compare its technical characteristics with those of those frames that you already have at home. Weigh your old glasses on an electronic kitchen scale and use that result to compare the weights of the frames you study online.
  2. 2 Find out your measurements. It is very important to choose a frame that matches the anatomical features of your face. Even if the frame is of the correct width and height, it may not suit you. Make sure that absolutely all the parameters of the new frame are suitable for you, using the measurements of the frame that you have at hand for comparison. Usually, all frame sizes are indicated in millimeters.
    • Lens width - the width of the lenses of the glasses at the most prominent points.
    • The bridge of the nose is the distance between the two lenses.
    • The length of the temple is the length of the temples that hold the glasses on the ears.
    • Lens Height - The vertical distance from the highest point to the lowest point of the lens.
  3. 3 Measure the eye center distance (PD). This is the distance between the pupils (center to center). Since the center-to-center distance is quite difficult to measure on your own, its most accurate value can be obtained from an ophthalmologist. However, measurements can also be taken at home. This will save you time and get a general idea of ​​the approximate size of the center. This parameter is usually measured in millimeters.
    • The easiest way to calculate the center-to-center is from a photograph. Place an object of precisely known dimensions (for example, a pen) on the bottom of your chin. Take a picture of yourself in the mirror and take a ruler. For example, if the handle was 127 mm long, and in the photograph its length is 25.4 mm, then the ratio of the actual dimensions of the objects to their photograph is one to five. So, if in the photo the center-to-center distance is 12 mm, it should be multiplied by five. As a result, you will get a real center-to-center distance of 60 mm.
  4. 4 Pay attention to the terms offered by the store. It is advisable that you have the opportunity to try on the frame and return it or exchange it for free if it does not fit. You should also take into account how all this will affect the final price of the glasses, especially considering the cost of delivery. Try to find a dealer who offers a specific warranty period, insurance, and warranty service.
  5. 5 Try on the resulting frame and decide whether to keep or return it. This is the most important step in buying glasses online. Self-measured measurements may not be as accurate as measurements from an ophthalmologist. Also, the seller's website may contain inaccurate photos of the product and its specifications. Wear glasses for a day or so and check the comfort and quality of your vision.


  • When choosing a frame material, try to find out its origin. The practice of using individual parts made of natural materials (such as a horn) in a frame is rather doubtful (although there are methods of safely obtaining it from animals). Try to make sure your frames are sourced in an environmentally friendly and animal-friendly way.