How to choose a melon

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Pick the Best Watermelon Every Time | GRATEFUL
Video: How To Pick the Best Watermelon Every Time | GRATEFUL


Here they are in front of you, so beautiful, even ... but are they ripe? It seems that this has happened more than once: you bring home a melon, cut it and find that it is immature, and therefore completely inedible. After reading this article, you will learn how to choose a ripe, juicy and tasty melon in the store.


Method 1 of 3: Cantaloupe Melon

  1. 1 Take the melon in your hands, study the skin in detail:
    • The skin should be firm to the touch, without visible damage or mold.
    • The skin must be clean, the upper mesh must be intact.
    • Main color. Should be slightly orange or off-white. Don't buy melons with a green or white base color.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the stalk. If the ponytail is still in place, then do not buy this melon, as it is most likely not ripe. Ripe cantaloupe is easily detached from the stem.
  3. 3 Sniff the stem. If you don’t hear any smell, if you can hear a slight moldy smell, do not buy such a melon. Ripe cantaloupe has a pleasant fruity and slightly musky aroma. In some regions, cantaloupe melon is called cantaloupe.

Method 2 of 3: Watermelon

  1. 1 Check the fruit for cracks, black spots, and large soft areas. If there are any, bypass this watermelon.
  2. 2 Tap the watermelon lightly with your fingers and listen for the sound.
  3. 3 Take another watermelon, and also listen to how it sounds. Compare how several watermelons sound, and choose the one that produces a sound that is not too sonorous, but also not too dull.
    • Attention: A ringing sound indicates that the watermelon has not had time to ripen. But a too dull sound indicates that the melon is already overripe and, most likely, has even begun to deteriorate.

Method 3 of 3: White Nutmeg (Winter Melon)

  1. 1 Examine the melon. If you see bumps, cracks, black spots on the skin, put this fruit back on the counter.
  2. 2 Place the melon in the palm of your hand.
  3. 3 With one finger of your other hand, lightly press on the area on the opposite side of the stem (where the flower used to be).
    • If there is no trace of pressing, it means that the melon is unripe, and therefore not very tasty.
    • If you spend a minimum of effort to press, then the melon is ripe, and you can safely buy it.
    • If not only the small area where the flower was, but almost the entire base is soft, then the melon is overripe, so do not buy such a fruit.


  • Wash the melon before cutting it. Only in this way will you save the pulp from getting microbes on it.