How to lead an orderly life

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be More Organized & Productive | 10 Habits for Life Organization
Video: How to Be More Organized & Productive | 10 Habits for Life Organization


"Happiness is not a product of intensity, but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony." - Thomas Merton. Happiness can only be achieved by balancing the physical, spiritual, social and emotional components. However, sometimes intensity also plays a role.


Method 1 of 5: Physical health

  1. 1 Go in for sports. Do push-ups and squats regularly; pump your abs, jog or walk. If you have physical disabilities, you need to exercise in moderation.
  2. 2 Get a good sleep and get plenty of rest. Eight hours of sleep will help the body recover. Sometimes the body needs more or less time to get enough sleep, as it all depends on the physiological characteristics of a person.
  3. 3 Eat healthy foods. Search the Internet for food pyramid rules and try to balance your food intake and exercise. There are several competing types of food pyramid, so you will have to choose one of them, since you will not be able to follow all the rules.
  4. 4 Take time to relax. Just lie down on the couch and think about the work done. Tune in to something positive or take a relaxing activity like sleep.
  5. 5 Pick a hobby that you like. Hobbies can overcome daily stress. Of course, this rule does not apply to hobbies that require stress, such as base jumping or self-torture. Better to collect model trains or postage stamps.

Method 2 of 5: Mental health

  1. 1 Plan your day and set goals for yourself. There is no need to be upset if everything you planned did not succeed. Adapt to change and use different methods to achieve your goal. Remember, sometimes there are so many things to do that there is simply not enough time for everything. Try to make the most of your time.
  2. 2 Write down positive thoughts. There shouldn't be any negative. If you have bad thoughts, don't write them down. Find someone to whom you can open your heart. If you pretend to be happy all this time, it will end badly very soon.
  3. 3 Find talent in yourself and develop it. Do what you love, and then choose one or two activities that boggle your imagination. Three hobbies are too many.
  4. 4 Keep a diary. It is convenient to write down your thoughts in it. Forget the negative points.
  5. 5 Read on. Try reading classics such as Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Montaigne, Proust, and Tolstoy. If you don't like the work of the classics, read a newspaper, fantasy novel, bibliography, or detective story. There is something for everyone - visit your local library and probe the soil.
  6. 6 Try to set realistic goals for yourself. Unattainable goals are hard to get through and tend to lead to frustration.

Method 3 of 5: Spiritual health

  1. 1 If you are a Christian, pray. Otherwise, learn the asana postures: lotus, savasana, tree, downward dog, snake, etc.
  2. 2 Connect with nature. Go for walks, hiking, camping or fishing. You will see that it is you who determine the tone of communication with nature.
  3. 3 If you are a believer, study the Bible, Quran, Gita, Ramayana, Guru Grant Sahib, and psalms. Learn more about Christ, Muhammad, Buddha.

Method 4 of 5: Social / Emotional Health

  1. 1 Do good to other people.
  2. 2 Collaborate with people who come your way.
  3. 3 Listen to other people. There is a huge difference between just hearing the words and thinking about their meaning and improving your speech as you speak.
  4. 4 Coordinate the activities of the mutually beneficial reserves of the body and life aspirations.

Method 5 of 5: Material health

  1. 1 Get a good education. To get a good job, improve the skills you need to achieve it. You will no longer be dependent on others.
  2. 2 Work should be fun. "Love your job or quit."
  3. 3 Money is not that important. Happiness is the most important thing in life. Remember that the people on the Forbes list of the 100 richest people in the world are not happier than others.


  • Live for today. None of us live in the past or the future. Do what you think is right for you in the present moment in your life. The past cannot be reversed, and the future will inevitably become the present.
  • Think positively. Forget about the word "No." Instead of saying "I will not fail," say "I will be successful." This is much better for you.
  • Go about your business and forget about the everyday life of the people around you.
  • Suppressing strong attachments can signal that you are living a disordered life because you are addicted to what makes you happy. If your life is orderly, you will find joy in almost everything. Some activities will be more enjoyable for you than others, but your happiness will be based on inner sources, not outward manifestations.