How to deal with a playboy

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I Love This Man But He Is a Playboy: 3 Tips From An Expert You Should Know
Video: I Love This Man But He Is a Playboy: 3 Tips From An Expert You Should Know


Dealing with a playboy isn't easy. It's not so important whether you just start falling in love with such a person or are already starting a serious relationship with him, it is very important to let him know as early as possible that you are not interested in his antics. If you do like a windy man, and you know that he will not change for the foreseeable future, then consider this relationship as a fun relationship, the carefree relationship that it is - or break it off.


Part 1 of 3: Meeting Our Expectations

  1. 1 Decide if you want a relationship to play with. If you are positive about the thought that next to you is a libertine in the flesh, then the first thing you must decide is whether you want to be drawn into this relationship. However, if you are not worried that you are in a relationship with a guy who is dating others, and that you yourself may be dating someone else, you can start that relationship. But you need to know what to expect before starting them.
    • Naturally, before deciding that you want to play this game, you should understand whether you are really dealing with this kind of player. Don't just judge by reputation when you need to make a decision. Check if the guy is really dating a lot of girls at the same time or if he just loves to flirt - it makes a big difference.
  2. 2 Don't expect too much from him. You can save yourself from unnecessary frustration by not expecting too much from such a person. He may invite you to dinner together, he may kiss you passionately in the moonlight, he may whisper sweet words to you all night, but he will not bring you soup if you are sick, and will not meet your mother. Once you understand what such a person is good for and what not, you can deal with him without problems.
    • If you want the right boy, he won't be. Although some windy men may change and settle down, this is unlikely.
  3. 3 Don't be jealous. If you are jealous, then there is no point in starting any relationship with such a playboy. If you are jealous dating completely monogamous, completely loyal guys, a relationship with a windy man is definitely not for you. However, if you don't mind a no-obligation relationship and you don't care who else is writing to your boyfriend besides you - and don't care if he knows who else is writing to you - it will be much easier for you to deal with such a person.
    • If you show your jealousy, your windy man will back down because he will not have the patience to deal with all this. As soon as you start acting suspicious or jealous, he will reflect on the fact that this is not what he wants. Again, if you are really saddened by the fact that he is dating other girls, you better back off.
  4. 4 Don't put pressure on him. Windy men are not there to take serious steps in a relationship with you. There is no point in convincing a windy man to be faithful to you, whether you want him to be with you in life, meet your sister and friends, or just go on a weekend hike. If he does not want this, all attempts to force him will only lead to the fact that he becomes more careful in dealing with you. Of course, the desire for fidelity from a man is quite natural, but you are unlikely to get it from a playboy.
    • Instead, let things take their course. Ideally, everything will reach the right level of development and both of you will become closer when the time comes. If you feel like you’re constantly pushing him, that’s a sign that you need something more and you must move on.
  5. 5 Don't take it too seriously. Another way not to get too attached to a frivolous man is not to take him too seriously. Don't take an interest in every phone call, message, or post on your Facebook wall, thinking it means something to your relationship. Be more lighthearted about him, and you will find that you are great at saving your nerves. If he's late for your date, you can scold him a little, but don't let that ruin your evening. After all, the windy man sticks to his own personal schedule.
    • A playboy relationship is all about fun, and you should enjoy the carefree ease of that relationship. If you equate such a man to the same standards as a serious guy or husband, then you will be disappointed.
  6. 6 Don't get too attached. The best thing you can do in a relationship with a windy man is to keep him out of your head and heart.Don't think about going somewhere with him next summer. Don't worry about how good a dad he can be or how sexy he will look with gray hair. Don't sit dreamily playing with your hair and wondering what it would be good for. If you start to get attached to the lecher, as if he was responsible, faithful, you yourself will break your heart.
    • If you feel lonely when he is not around, think about what he is doing, or when you see him again, then you have already become attached to him. It's perfectly natural in a relationship to get attached to a person - but if you get attached to a windy man, you are on the verge of failure.
  7. 7 Define boundaries right away. Another thing you can do to adjust your expectations, as well as those of your man, is to let him know as early as possible what you are willing to put up with and what you are not. If you are not satisfied that he goes missing for hours without explanation, you can tell him about it. If you don't like the fact that he sticks to other girls in your presence, he should know about it. If he thinks that you will endure everything, then he will not have any restrictions at all.
    • You can also let him know that you do not like his late calls with a hint of intimacy. If he calls or texts you and asks you to spend time with him after midnight, tell him that you would like to go out first so he knows what to do next. If you let his antics go on its own from the beginning, it will be more difficult for him to give up these habits.

Part 2 of 3: Relationship with a windy man

  1. 1 Use his own weapon against him. If you really want to date a playboy, you can get windy too if that's your liking. If he's dating other girls during your relationship, what stops you from dating a few other guys you like? If he leaves somewhere late, without saying a word to you, what prevents you from doing the same? Contrary to popular belief, not every single girl wants a stable relationship, kids, and a freshly painted white hedge. If you want to be frivolous, go for it; of course, if it's not for you, don't feel obligated to use his own weapon.
    • However, if you met with a windy man and did not realize it, this is another matter. If you find it difficult to accept and are prone to monogamy, let him know that he is really hurting you, but do not force yourself to do the same if it is not in your nature.
  2. 2 Be unavailable. Another way to get the attention of a windy man is to be touchy. If he thinks that you will come running at his first call, he will not have the motivation to conquer you. To appear touchy, don't answer every phone call. Don't go on a date if he proposes it on the same day or even before the day. Flirt with him, but don't let him think, then you are in his hands. Let him see that you are worth conquering.
    • Don't tell him you love him all the time. Flirt and give him a few compliments, tease him and be light.
    • Let him work for this. Show him that you are still expecting cute dates, that you want to dance and do whatever you want to do together if he plans to romance you.
  3. 3 Keep protecting. Don't let the windy man know who you really are. You can open up to him, but do not pour out your soul to him, otherwise you will be disappointed. You don't have to lie and pretend you have no feelings, but you shouldn't be hurt with a windy man unless you want to burn out. If he begins to open up to you little by little, you can follow his example, but do not give out too much at once.
    • Relaxing your defenses can be so tempting, especially if you're with someone you really like.However, the more you open up to him, the more you will regret later, when your relationship comes to an end. You can tell him what you are thinking, but do not share your deepest, most hidden secrets, otherwise you will have to regret later.
  4. 4 Keep going about your business. If you want to date a windy man, you cannot spend all your time with him. You should continue to be an independent woman and enjoy time with your friends, do what you enjoy, from yoga to writing poetry, and maybe even look for other guys. If you start doing everything that your man does, losing interest in your hobbies and your life, then, in this way, you will hang a red flag for him.
    • Never forget to spend time with your girlfriends. They will remind you of who you really are. If you trade them for a windy man, they won't accept you when you crawl back.
    • By pursuing your hobbies and taking time to interests, you can develop your uniqueness and remain a harmonious personality. Do not give up the things that bring you pleasure in favor of spending time with the windy man.
  5. 5 Don't spend too much time with him. Don't count on high quality time with playboy. You can go out once or twice a week, but he will not be the one watching TV with you in his pajamas all day, and he is unlikely to be free for you if you get bored and want to meet him for lunch. If you are very addicted or like to spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with someone you are dating, then a windy man is not for you.
    • Instead, write down your schedule to meet your friends, and also take time for yourself to relax and do some personal things - that’s better for you.
  6. 6 Be friendly with his friends. If he's really windy, then his friends may not bother getting to know you because they will see you as a hobby for this week. Anyway, if you will appear in the company more often, you should not behave coldly with his friends; work on being friendly with them and getting to know them better without getting too involved in their conversations. At the end of the day, your man will be interested in what his friends think of the girl he brings, so it is important to leave a good impression on them.
    • You don't have to think that his friends are the best people on earth, but nothing stops you from saying hello and asking how they are doing when they meet. Make it easier for yourself to spend time with them and your meetings with a windy man will be more pleasant.
  7. 7 Control what is happening. If you want to date a windy man, you can't let him call you all the time. He is able to think that he can tell you where you are meeting and that you will come running there at the first call, but it is up to you whether to show him or not that you have your wishes. He can choose where and when to go from time to time, but you can do the same. You don't have to follow his schedule, he can adjust to you. By controlling the relationship, you can make the windy man understand that you also need to be reckoned with.
    • If the playboy thinks he has you in his hands, he will be much less intrigued than if you hold him on the hook.

Part 3 of 3: Keeping him interested

  1. 1 Don't shield yourself from other options. Exactly. If you want your windy man to stay interested in you, you don't have to be totally committed to him. Let him know that you are open to meeting other people, that you do not limit your world to only him and that you want freedom as much as he does. If you want something a little more serious, but you know that he does not want it, it would be a good option to meet with him and look for someone else if he is aware of the situation.Do not think that you should limit yourself to him alone if he is busy with his own business.
    • Plus, if you're looking for something more than an affair, you should be open at least to find that one. If you're only fixated on your playboy, you might be missing out on your perfect boyfriend.
  2. 2 Keep him on his toes. If you want your boyfriend to stay interested, you need to make sure that he is always ready, so that he does not know exactly what to expect from you. You can challenge him, prove him wrong if necessary, and not let him “teach” you from playing billiards to mini golf. Let him see that you are watching him.
    • Demonstrate your ability. If he teases you, answer quickly and to the point. If he is flaunting his knowledge of football, throw some impressive facts into the conversation. Show him that you are ready to play.
  3. 3 Be a little mysterious. Windy men do not like girls who are visible at a glance. You shouldn't tell him right away about who you really are and what's on your mind. If you want to meet a friend, you don't have to tell who the friend is. If you moved a lot in childhood, then you should not go into details about this, this fact itself will be enough. If you are late, you do not have to tell what delayed you. You don't have to lie to give yourself a mysterious halo.
    • Of course, you shouldn't hide completely in your shell, but you can work to be less open and make it so that your man has to put in an effort to get to know you better.
  4. 4 Limit your communication. You can talk to a windy man, but don't call him daily or text him every night to check him out or let him know what you think of him. You can call him first if you really feel like it, but make sure you usually take turns with him. Don't feel obligated to send him a link to an article that made you think about him, you can save that for your future boyfriend. Limiting your communication will show him that you have more interesting things to do than worrying about him all the time, and this will intrigue him even more.
    • As a rule, you should write to each other about the same. If he calls you a lot, then you should call him at least a few times to keep everything honest.
  5. 5 Let him see that you are having a good time with other guys. If he plays with you, you can do that too. Dance with other guys, and if you're in an open relationship, let them invite you to dinner. You shouldn't do this just to make your boyfriend jealous, but if there are other guys that you like and both of you are comfortable with each of you taking care of your own life, then you don't need to keep secrets. Show him that you are satisfied, that you are occupied with yourself.
    • Just make sure it's not the case that you like each other and just use other people to make each other jealous. That happens.
  6. 6 Know when to finish. While dating a windy man can be a good way to spend a summer or a boring cold winter, there will come a time when you need to say goodbye to him. You can make a whole list of reasons for this, but one of the most important is when you realize that you are attached without reciprocity. Be honest with yourself and don't go on with the relationship if you find you really want more.
    • Listen to your intuition. If you start to feel like your heart is breaking, then think about why. If you think that your feelings are too strong and your windy man will not be able to reciprocate you, then it's time to say goodbye.


  • It's true: WORDS are louder than words. "Listen" to his actions.
  • If you are not sure, go for a walk in company (or at least in pairs).Meet his parents. Find out what is important to him (what he talks about, what he buys, what he likes to flaunt about himself). How does he feel about less successful people? This is your biggest clue! And, if you feel like he's not showing who he really is, you're most likely right.


  • Listen for warning signals and don't lie to yourself. A windy man ALWAYS brings more pain than pleasure.